
100 lines
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package mongo
import (
types "grain/config/types"
// PurgeOldEvents removes old events based on the configuration and a list of whitelisted pubkeys.
func PurgeOldEvents(cfg *types.EventPurgeConfig, whitelist []string) {
if !cfg.Enabled {
client := GetClient()
collection := client.Database("grain").Collection("events")
// Calculate the cutoff time
cutoff := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -cfg.KeepDurationDays).Unix()
// Create the filter for purging old events
filter := bson.M{
"created_at": bson.M{"$lt": cutoff}, // Filter older events
// Exclude whitelisted pubkeys if specified in the config
if cfg.ExcludeWhitelisted && len(whitelist) > 0 {
filter["pubkey"] = bson.M{"$nin": whitelist} // Exclude whitelisted pubkeys
// Handle purging by category
for category, purge := range cfg.PurgeByCategory {
if purge {
filter["category"] = category
_, err := collection.DeleteMany(context.TODO(), filter)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error purging events by category %s: %v", category, err)
// Handle purging by kind
for _, kindRule := range cfg.PurgeByKind {
if kindRule.Enabled {
filter["kind"] = kindRule.Kind
_, err := collection.DeleteMany(context.TODO(), filter)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error purging events by kind %d: %v", kindRule.Kind, err)
// ScheduleEventPurging runs the event purging at a configurable interval.
func ScheduleEventPurging(cfg *types.ServerConfig) {
// Use the purge interval from the configuration
purgeInterval := time.Duration(cfg.EventPurge.PurgeIntervalHours) * time.Hour
ticker := time.NewTicker(purgeInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for range ticker.C {
// Fetch the whitelisted pubkeys without passing cfg directly
whitelist := getWhitelistedPubKeys()
PurgeOldEvents(&cfg.EventPurge, whitelist)
log.Printf("Purged old events, keeping whitelisted pubkeys: %v", whitelist)
// Fetch whitelisted pubkeys from both the whitelist config and any additional domains.
func getWhitelistedPubKeys() []string {
// Get the whitelist configuration
whitelistCfg := config.GetWhitelistConfig()
if whitelistCfg == nil {
log.Println("whitelistCfg is nil, returning an empty list of whitelisted pubkeys.")
return []string{}
// Start with the statically defined pubkeys
whitelistedPubkeys := whitelistCfg.PubkeyWhitelist.Pubkeys
// Fetch pubkeys from domains if domain whitelist is enabled
if whitelistCfg.DomainWhitelist.Enabled {
domains := whitelistCfg.DomainWhitelist.Domains
pubkeys, err := utils.FetchPubkeysFromDomains(domains)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error fetching pubkeys from domains: %v", err)
// Return the existing statically whitelisted pubkeys in case of an error
return whitelistedPubkeys
// Append fetched pubkeys from domains to the whitelisted pubkeys
whitelistedPubkeys = append(whitelistedPubkeys, pubkeys...)
return whitelistedPubkeys