41 lines
1.3 KiB
41 lines
1.3 KiB
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
namespace NeoFPS.Constants
[CustomPropertyDrawer (typeof (FpsInventoryKey))]
public class FpsInventoryKeyPropertyDrawer : PropertyDrawer
// Draw the property inside the given rect
public override void OnGUI (Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
// Using BeginProperty / EndProperty on the parent property means that
// prefab override logic works on the entire property.
EditorGUI.BeginProperty (position, label, property);
// Draw label
position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive), label);
// Don't make child fields be indented
var indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel;
EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
string[] names = FpsInventoryKey.names;
int oldSelection = Mathf.Clamp (property.FindPropertyRelative ("m_Value").intValue, 0, names.Length - 1);
int newSelection = Mathf.Clamp (EditorGUI.Popup (position, oldSelection, names), 0, names.Length - 1);
if (oldSelection != newSelection)
property.FindPropertyRelative ("m_Value").intValue = newSelection;
// Set indent back to what it was
EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent;