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2022-11-07 01:28:33 +00:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
namespace NeoSaveGames.Serialization
public class BinaryDeserializer : INeoDeserializer
const int k_HeaderSize = 10; // length (int), type (byte), flags (byte), hash (int)
const int k_HeaderSizeUnnamed = 6; // length (int), type (byte), flags (byte)
private byte[] m_Data = null;
private Property m_LastNamedProperty = null;
private StringBuilder m_StringBuilder = new StringBuilder(256);
private BinaryFormatter m_BinaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
private Stack<Context> m_ContextStack = new Stack<Context>();
public bool isDeserializing
get { return m_Data != null; }
public Context currentContext
get { return m_ContextStack.Peek(); }
public class Context
private Dictionary<int, Property> m_Properties = new Dictionary<int, Property>();
private Dictionary<int, Context> m_SubContexts = new Dictionary<int, Context>();
public int id { get; private set; }
public SerializationContext contextType { get; private set; }
public Dictionary<int, Property> properties
get { return m_Properties; }
public Dictionary<int, Context> subContexts
get { return m_SubContexts; }
public Context(SerializationContext t, int key)
id = key;
contextType = t;
public class Property
private List<Property> m_Children = new List<Property>();
public PropertyType propertyType { get; private set; }
public PropertyFlags propertyFlags { get; private set; }
public int startIndex { get; private set; }
public int length { get; private set; }
public List<Property> children
get { return m_Children; }
public Property(PropertyType t, PropertyFlags f, int i, int l)
propertyType = t;
propertyFlags = f;
startIndex = i;
length = l;
public bool isArray
get { return (propertyFlags & PropertyFlags.IsArray) != PropertyFlags.None; }
public bool isNullOrEmpty
get { return (propertyFlags & PropertyFlags.NullOrEmpty) != PropertyFlags.None; }
public bool ReadFromStream(Stream stream)
// Get the length of the data
var totalLengthBytes = new byte[4];
stream.Read(totalLengthBytes, 0, 4);
int totalLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(totalLengthBytes, 0);
// Read data
m_Data = new byte[totalLength];
int totalRead = stream.Read(m_Data, 0, totalLength);
if (totalRead != totalLength)
Debug.LogError(string.Format("Save data length mismatch. Could not read from stream. Expected: {0}, Read {1}", totalLength, totalRead));
return false;
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError("Failed to read data from stream due to error: " + e.Message);
return false;
return true;
public void BeginDeserialization()
var rootContext = new Context(SerializationContext.Root, 0);
// Iterate through properties
int offset = 0;
while (offset != -1)
offset = ReadElement(m_Data, offset);
var closingContext = m_ContextStack.Peek();
if (closingContext != rootContext)
Debug.LogError("Unbalanced push/pop for serialization contexts. Deserialization did not end on the root context.");
//Debug.Log("Built deserialization map");
int ReadElement(byte[] data, int offset)
if (offset >= data.Length)
return -1;
// Get total length
int elementSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, offset);
if (elementSize <= 0)
Debug.LogError("Read save game property length cannot be negative");
return -1;
if (offset + elementSize > data.Length)
Debug.LogError("Read save game property length that does not match file length");
return -1;
// Get the position of the next element
int next = offset + elementSize;
// Get property type
offset += 4;
var t = (PropertyType)data[offset];
if (t == PropertyType.EndOfData)
return -1;
switch (t)
case PropertyType.PushContext:
// Read the relevant context data
var contextType = (SerializationContext)data[++offset];
int key = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, ++offset);
// Create the new context
var newContext = new Context(contextType, key);
// Add new context to old
var currentContext = m_ContextStack.Peek();
if (currentContext.subContexts.ContainsKey(key))
Debug.LogError("Context key collision: " + key);
currentContext.subContexts.Add(key, newContext);
// Push new context
case PropertyType.PopContext:
var contextType = (SerializationContext)data[++offset];
var popped = m_ContextStack.Pop();
if (popped.contextType != contextType)
Debug.LogError("Popped serialization context does not match active context. Your save game might be messed up.");
// Get property flags
var flags = (PropertyFlags)data[++offset];
// Check if array
bool isUnnamed = (flags & PropertyFlags.Unnammed) != PropertyFlags.None;
// Add the property (to the context or parent depending if named)
if (isUnnamed)
if (m_LastNamedProperty == null)
Debug.LogError("Attempting to read child property when no parent set");
// Add as a child property of the last named property
new Property(t, flags, ++offset, elementSize - k_HeaderSizeUnnamed)
// Get the hash
int hash = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, ++offset);
// Create the property
m_LastNamedProperty = new Property(t, flags, offset + 4, elementSize - k_HeaderSize);
// Add to dictionary
var context = m_ContextStack.Peek();
if (
Debug.LogError(string.Format("Key collision: {0}, type: {1}, in context: {2}", hash, t,;
else, m_LastNamedProperty);
return next;
public void EndDeserialization()
m_LastNamedProperty = null;
m_Data = null;
public bool PushContext(SerializationContext context, int id)
Context c;
if (m_ContextStack.Peek().subContexts.TryGetValue(id, out c))
//Debug.Log(string.Format("Pushing context: {0}, id: {1}", context, id));
return true;
//Debug.Log(string.Format("Failed to find context: {0}, id: {1}", context, id));
return false;
public void PopContext(SerializationContext context, int id)
var activeContext = m_ContextStack.Pop();
var activeContextType = activeContext.contextType;
if (activeContextType != context)
Debug.LogError(string.Format("Popped serialization context does not match active context. Popped: {0} ({1}), Active: {2} ({3})", context, id, activeContextType,;
delegate T BinaryValueReader<T>(int index);
bool TryFetchProperty(int hash, PropertyType t, bool isArray)
if (m_ContextStack.Peek().properties.TryGetValue(hash, out m_LastNamedProperty) &&
m_LastNamedProperty.propertyType == t &&
m_LastNamedProperty.isArray == isArray)
return true;
return false;
void ReadList<T>(List<T> output, int valueSize, BinaryValueReader<T> valueReader)
int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
if (output.Capacity < length)
output.Capacity = length;
int index = m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 4;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
index += valueSize;
void ReadArray<T>(out T[] output, int valueSize, BinaryValueReader<T> valueReader)
int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
output = new T[length];
int index = m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 4;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
output[i] = valueReader(index);
index += valueSize;
Guid ReadGuid(int startIndex)
int byteIndex = startIndex + 8;
return new Guid(
BitConverter.ToUInt32(m_Data, startIndex),
BitConverter.ToUInt16(m_Data, startIndex + 4),
BitConverter.ToUInt16(m_Data, startIndex + 6),
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out bool output, bool defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Bool, false))
output = BitConverter.ToBoolean(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out byte output, byte defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Byte, false))
output = m_Data[m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex];
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out sbyte output, sbyte defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.SignedByte, false))
output = (sbyte)m_Data[m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex];
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out char output, char defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Char, false))
output = BitConverter.ToChar(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out short output, short defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Short, false))
output = BitConverter.ToInt16(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out ushort output, ushort defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.UnsignedShort, false))
output = BitConverter.ToUInt16(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out int output, int defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Int, false))
output = BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out uint output, uint defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.UnsignedInt, false))
output = BitConverter.ToUInt32(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out long output, long defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Long, false))
output = BitConverter.ToInt64(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out ulong output, ulong defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.UnsignedLong, false))
output = BitConverter.ToUInt64(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out float output, float defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Float, false))
output = BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out double output, double defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Double, false))
output = BitConverter.ToDouble(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out string output, string defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.String, false))
int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
int index = m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 4;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
m_StringBuilder.Append(BitConverter.ToChar(m_Data, index));
index += 2;
output = m_StringBuilder.ToString();
m_StringBuilder.Length = 0;
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out Vector2 output, Vector2 defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Vector2, false))
output = new Vector2(
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 4)
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out Vector3 output, Vector3 defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Vector3, false))
output = new Vector3(
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 4),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 8)
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out Vector4 output, Vector4 defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Vector4, false))
output = new Vector4(
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 4),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 8),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 12)
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out Vector2Int output, Vector2Int defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Vector2Int, false))
output = new Vector2Int(
BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex),
BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 4)
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out Vector3Int output, Vector3Int defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Vector3Int, false))
output = new Vector3Int(
BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex),
BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 4),
BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 8)
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out Quaternion output, Quaternion defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Quaternion, false))
output = new Quaternion(
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 4),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 8),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 12)
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out Color output, Color defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Color, false))
output = new Color(
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 4),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 8),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 12)
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out Color32 output, Color32 defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Color32, false))
int index = m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex;
output = new Color32(
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out Guid output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Guid, false))
output = ReadGuid(m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
return true;
output = new Guid();
return false;
public bool TryReadValue(int hash, out DateTime output, DateTime defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.DateTime, false))
output = DateTime.FromBinary(BitConverter.ToInt64(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex));
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out bool[] output, bool[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Bool, true))
ReadArray(out output, 1, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToBoolean(m_Data, index); });
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out byte[] output, byte[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Byte, true))
ReadArray(out output, 1, (index) => { return m_Data[index]; });
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out sbyte[] output, sbyte[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.SignedByte, true))
ReadArray(out output, 1, (index) => { return (sbyte)m_Data[index]; });
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out char[] output, char[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Char, true))
ReadArray(out output, 2, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToChar(m_Data, index); });
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out short[] output, short[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Short, true))
ReadArray(out output, 2, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToInt16(m_Data, index); });
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out ushort[] output, ushort[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.UnsignedShort, true))
ReadArray(out output, 2, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(m_Data, index); });
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out int[] output, int[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Int, true))
ReadArray(out output, 4, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, index); });
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out uint[] output, uint[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.UnsignedInt, true))
ReadArray(out output, 4, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(m_Data, index); });
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out long[] output, long[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Long, true))
ReadArray(out output, 8, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToInt64(m_Data, index); });
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out ulong[] output, ulong[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.UnsignedLong, true))
ReadArray(out output, 8, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToUInt64(m_Data, index); });
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out float[] output, float[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Float, true))
ReadArray(out output, 4, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index); });
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out double[] output, double[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Double, true))
ReadArray(out output, 8, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToDouble(m_Data, index); });
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out string[] output, string[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.String, true))
// Create string array
int numStrings = BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
output = new string[numStrings];
// Read strings
int index = m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 4;
for (int i = 0; i < numStrings; ++i)
int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, index);
index += 4;
for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j)
m_StringBuilder.Append(BitConverter.ToChar(m_Data, index));
index += 2;
output[i] = m_StringBuilder.ToString();
m_StringBuilder.Length = 0;
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out Vector2[] output, Vector2[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Vector2, true))
ReadArray(out output, 8, (index) =>
return new Vector2(
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index + 4)
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out Vector3[] output, Vector3[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Vector3, true))
ReadArray(out output, 12, (index) =>
return new Vector3(
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index + 4),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index + 8)
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out Vector4[] output, Vector4[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Vector4, true))
ReadArray(out output, 16, (index) =>
return new Vector4(
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index + 4),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index + 8),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index + 12)
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out Vector2Int[] output, Vector2Int[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Vector2Int, true))
ReadArray(out output, 8, (index) =>
return new Vector2Int(
BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, index + 4)
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out Vector3Int[] output, Vector3Int[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Vector3Int, true))
ReadArray(out output, 12, (index) =>
return new Vector3Int(
BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, index + 4),
BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, index + 8)
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out Quaternion[] output, Quaternion[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Quaternion, true))
ReadArray(out output, 16, (index) =>
return new Quaternion(
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index + 4),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index + 8),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index + 12)
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out Color[] output, Color[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Color, true))
ReadArray(out output, 16, (index) =>
return new Color(
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index + 4),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index + 8),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index + 12)
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out Color32[] output, Color32[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Color32, true))
ReadArray(out output, 4, (index) =>
return new Color32(
m_Data[index + 1],
m_Data[index + 2],
m_Data[index + 3]
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, out Guid[] output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Guid, true))
ReadArray(out output, 16, (index) => { return ReadGuid(index); });
return true;
output = new Guid[0];
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<bool> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Bool, true))
ReadList(output, 1, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToBoolean(m_Data, index); });
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<byte> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Byte, true))
ReadList(output, 1, (index) => { return m_Data[index]; });
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<sbyte> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.SignedByte, true))
ReadList(output, 1, (index) => { return (sbyte)m_Data[index]; });
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<char> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Char, true))
ReadList(output, 2, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToChar(m_Data, index); });
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<short> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Short, true))
ReadList(output, 2, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToInt16(m_Data, index); });
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<ushort> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.UnsignedShort, true))
ReadList(output, 2, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(m_Data, index); });
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<int> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Int, true))
ReadList(output, 4, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, index); });
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<uint> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.UnsignedInt, true))
ReadList(output, 4, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(m_Data, index); });
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<long> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Long, true))
ReadList(output, 8, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToInt64(m_Data, index); });
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<ulong> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.UnsignedLong, true))
ReadList(output, 8, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToUInt64(m_Data, index); });
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<float> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Float, true))
ReadList(output, 4, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index); });
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<double> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Double, true))
ReadList(output, 8, (index) => { return BitConverter.ToDouble(m_Data, index); });
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<string> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.String, true))
// Prep string list
int numStrings = BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
if (output.Capacity < numStrings)
output.Capacity = numStrings;
// Read strings
int index = m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex + 4;
for (int i = 0; i < numStrings; ++i)
int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, index);
index += 4;
for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j)
m_StringBuilder.Append(BitConverter.ToChar(m_Data, index));
index += 2;
m_StringBuilder.Length = 0;
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<Vector2> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Vector2, true))
ReadList(output, 8, (index) =>
return new Vector2(
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index)
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<Vector3> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Vector3, true))
ReadList(output, 12, (index) =>
return new Vector3(
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index)
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<Vector4> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Vector4, true))
ReadList(output, 16, (index) =>
return new Vector4(
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index)
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<Vector2Int> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Vector2Int, true))
ReadList(output, 8, (index) =>
return new Vector2Int(
BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, index)
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<Vector3Int> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Vector3Int, true))
ReadList(output, 12, (index) =>
return new Vector3Int(
BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, index)
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<Quaternion> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Quaternion, true))
ReadList(output, 16, (index) =>
return new Quaternion(
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index)
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<Color> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Color, true))
ReadList(output, 16, (index) =>
return new Color(
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index),
BitConverter.ToSingle(m_Data, index)
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<Color32> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Color32, true))
ReadList(output, 4, (index) =>
return new Color32(
m_Data[index + 1],
m_Data[index + 2],
m_Data[index + 3]
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadValues(int hash, List<Guid> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Guid, true))
ReadList(output, 16, (index) => { return ReadGuid(index); });
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadSerializable<T>(int hash, out T output, T defaultValue)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Serializable, false))
// Check for null (length 0)
if (m_LastNamedProperty.length == 0)
output = default(T);
var memStream = new MemoryStream(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex, m_LastNamedProperty.length);
output = (T)m_BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(memStream);
return true;
output = defaultValue;
return false;
public bool TryReadSerializables<T>(int hash, out T[] output, T[] defaultValues)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Serializable, true))
int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
output = new T[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
var childProp = m_LastNamedProperty.children[i];
// Check for null (length 0)
if (childProp.length == 0)
output[i] = default(T);
var memStream = new MemoryStream(m_Data, childProp.startIndex, childProp.length);
output[i] = (T)m_BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(memStream);
return true;
output = defaultValues;
return false;
public bool TryReadSerializables<T>(int hash, List<T> output)
if (TryFetchProperty(hash, PropertyType.Serializable, true))
int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(m_Data, m_LastNamedProperty.startIndex);
if (output.Capacity < length)
output.Capacity = length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
var childProp = m_LastNamedProperty.children[i];
// Check for null (length 0)
if (childProp.length == 0)
var memStream = new MemoryStream(m_Data, childProp.startIndex, childProp.length);
return true;
return false;
public bool TryReadComponentReference<T>(int hash, out T output, NeoSerializedGameObject pathFrom) where T : class
return NeoSerializationUtilities.TryReadComponentReference(this, out output, pathFrom, hash);
public bool TryReadTransformReference(int hash, out Transform output, NeoSerializedGameObject pathFrom)
return NeoSerializationUtilities.TryReadTransformReference(this, out output, pathFrom, hash);
public bool TryReadGameObjectReference(int hash, out GameObject output, NeoSerializedGameObject pathFrom)
return NeoSerializationUtilities.TryReadGameObjectReference(this, out output, pathFrom, hash);
public bool TryReadNeoSerializedGameObjectReference(int hash, out NeoSerializedGameObject output, NeoSerializedGameObject pathFrom)
return NeoSerializationUtilities.TryReadNeoSerializedGameObjectReference(this, out output, pathFrom, hash);
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out bool output, bool defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out byte output, byte defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out sbyte output, sbyte defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out char output, char defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out short output, short defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out ushort output, ushort defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out int output, int defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out uint output, uint defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out long output, long defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out ulong output, ulong defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out float output, float defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out double output, double defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out Vector2 output, Vector2 defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out Vector3 output, Vector3 defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out Vector4 output, Vector4 defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out Vector2Int output, Vector2Int defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out Vector3Int output, Vector3Int defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out Quaternion output, Quaternion defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out Color output, Color defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out Color32 output, Color32 defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out Guid output) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out DateTime output, DateTime defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValue(string key, out string output, string defaultValue) { return TryReadValue(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out bool[] output, bool[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out byte[] output, byte[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out sbyte[] output, sbyte[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out char[] output, char[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out short[] output, short[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out ushort[] output, ushort[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out int[] output, int[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out uint[] output, uint[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out long[] output, long[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out ulong[] output, ulong[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out float[] output, float[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out double[] output, double[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out string[] output, string[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out Vector2[] output, Vector2[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out Vector3[] output, Vector3[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out Vector4[] output, Vector4[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out Vector2Int[] output, Vector2Int[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out Vector3Int[] output, Vector3Int[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out Quaternion[] output, Quaternion[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out Color[] output, Color[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out Color32[] output, Color32[] defaultValues) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, out Guid[] output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<bool> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<byte> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<sbyte> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<char> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<short> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<ushort> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<int> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<uint> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<long> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<ulong> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<float> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<double> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<string> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<Vector2> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<Vector3> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<Vector4> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<Vector2Int> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<Vector3Int> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<Quaternion> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<Color> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<Color32> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadValues(string key, List<Guid> output) { return TryReadValues(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadSerializable<T>(string key, out T output, T defaultValue) { return TryReadSerializable(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValue); }
public bool TryReadSerializables<T>(string key, out T[] output, T[] defaultValues) { return TryReadSerializables(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, defaultValues); }
public bool TryReadSerializables<T>(string key, List<T> output) { return TryReadSerializables(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), output); }
public bool TryReadComponentReference<T>(string key, out T output, NeoSerializedGameObject pathFrom) where T : class
return TryReadComponentReference(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, pathFrom);
public bool TryReadTransformReference(string key, out Transform output, NeoSerializedGameObject pathFrom)
return TryReadTransformReference(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, pathFrom);
public bool TryReadGameObjectReference(string key, out GameObject output, NeoSerializedGameObject pathFrom)
return TryReadGameObjectReference(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, pathFrom);
public bool TryReadNeoSerializedGameObjectReference(string key, out NeoSerializedGameObject output, NeoSerializedGameObject pathFrom)
return TryReadNeoSerializedGameObjectReference(NeoSerializationUtilities.StringToHash(key), out output, pathFrom);