634 lines
19 KiB
634 lines
19 KiB
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NeoSaveGames;
using NeoSaveGames.Serialization;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace NeoFPS
public class CameraSeeker : AiSeeker, IHealthManager
[Header ("Transforms")]
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The transform used to detect look angles (should be the last in the chain, eg. camera body).")]
private Transform m_LookTransform = null;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The transform used to rotate on the horizontal axis.")]
private Transform m_HorizontalServoTransform = null;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The transform used to rotate on the vertical axis.")]
private Transform m_VerticalServoTransform = null;
[Header ("Idle")]
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The camera rotation speed when idle (degrees per second).")]
private float m_RotationSpeedIdle = 45f;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The length of the pause at each extreme of rotation while idle.")]
private float m_PauseIdle = 2f;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The rotation points for the camera when idling.")]
private Vector2[] m_IdleRotations = new Vector2[]
new Vector2 (-30f, -5f),
new Vector2 (30f, -5f)
[Header ("Hostile")]
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The camera rotation speed when hostile (degrees per second).")]
private float m_RotationSpeedHostile = 90f;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The length of the pause at each extreme of rotation when hostile (degrees per second).")]
private float m_PauseHostile = 0.5f;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The duration the camera will be suspicious before engaging.")]
private float m_SuspiciousTime = 2f;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The duration the camera will stay in hunting mode before going idle.")]
private float m_HuntingTime = 10f;
[Header ("Ranges")]
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The maximum range of the camera in meters.")]
private float m_DetectionRange = 10f;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The minimum angles the camera can reach (negative y is down).")]
private Vector2 m_MinAngles = new Vector2 (-90, -45);
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The maximum angles the camera can reach (negative y is down).")]
private Vector2 m_MaxAngles = new Vector2 (90, 45);
[Header ("States")]
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The halo glow for the camera.")]
private Light m_CameraLight = null;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The halo colour for the idle state.")]
private Color m_ColourIdle = Color.green;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The halo colour for the suspicious state.")]
private Color m_ColourSuspicious = Color.yellow;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The halo colour for the engaged state.")]
private Color m_ColourEngaged = Color.red;
[Header ("Health")]
[SerializeField, Tooltip ("The health on spawn.")]
private float m_StartingHealth = 50f;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("An event invoked when the seeker enters the idle state.")]
private UnityEvent m_OnIdle = null;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("An event invoked when the seeker enters the suspicious state.")]
private UnityEvent m_OnSuspicious = null;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("An event invoked when the seeker enters the engaged state.")]
private UnityEvent m_OnEngaged = null;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("An event invoked when the seeker enters the hunting state.")]
private UnityEvent m_OnHunting = null;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("An event invoked when the seeker is killed.")]
private UnityEvent m_OnKilled = null;
private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_IdleTargetKey = new NeoSerializationKey("idleTarget");
private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_PauseKey = new NeoSerializationKey("pause");
private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_TimerKey = new NeoSerializationKey("timer");
private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_CurrentRotKey = new NeoSerializationKey("currentRot");
private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_TargetRotKey = new NeoSerializationKey("targetRot");
private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_InDamageFilterKey = new NeoSerializationKey("inDamageFilter");
private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_HealthMaxKey = new NeoSerializationKey("healthMax");
private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_HealthKey = new NeoSerializationKey("health");
private struct SeekerTarget
public Transform transform;
public float sqrDistance;
public SeekerTarget (Transform t, float sqrD)
transform = t;
sqrDistance = sqrD;
Vector2 m_TargetRotation = Vector2.zero;
private int m_CurrentIdleTarget = 0;
private float m_Pause = 0f;
private float m_Timer = 0f;
private Vector3 m_PivotOffset = Vector3.zero;
private Vector3[] m_FustrumNormals = null;
private RaycastHit m_RaycastHit = new RaycastHit();
private Collider[] m_ColliderBuffer = new Collider[32];
private List<SeekerTarget> m_SortedTargets = new List<SeekerTarget> (32);
private WaitForFixedUpdate m_FixedUpdateYield = new WaitForFixedUpdate ();
public Transform currentTarget
if (m_SortedTargets.Count == 0)
return null;
return m_SortedTargets [0].transform;
private Vector2 m_CurrentRotation = Vector2.zero;
public Vector2 currentRotation
get { return m_CurrentRotation; }
value.x = Mathf.Clamp (value.x, m_MinAngles.x, m_MaxAngles.x);
value.y = Mathf.Clamp (value.y, m_MinAngles.y, m_MaxAngles.y);
m_CurrentRotation = value;
m_HorizontalServoTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler (0f, m_CurrentRotation.x, 0f);
m_VerticalServoTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler (-m_CurrentRotation.y, 0f, 0f);
protected override void OnValidate ()
base.OnValidate ();
// Check values
m_RotationSpeedIdle = Mathf.Clamp(m_RotationSpeedIdle, 1f, 90f);
m_RotationSpeedHostile = Mathf.Clamp(m_RotationSpeedHostile, 1f, 90f);
if (m_PauseIdle < 0f)
m_PauseIdle = 0f;
if (m_PauseHostile < 0f)
m_PauseHostile = 0f;
if (m_SuspiciousTime < 0f)
m_SuspiciousTime = 0f;
if (m_HuntingTime < 1f)
m_HuntingTime = 1f;
// Check angle limits
if (m_MinAngles.x > m_MaxAngles.x)
m_MinAngles.x = m_MaxAngles.x;
if (m_MinAngles.y > m_MaxAngles.y)
m_MinAngles.y = m_MaxAngles.y;
if (m_MaxAngles.x < m_MinAngles.x)
m_MaxAngles.x = m_MinAngles.x;
if (m_MaxAngles.y < m_MinAngles.y)
m_MaxAngles.y = m_MinAngles.y;
// Check range minimum
if (m_DetectionRange < 1f)
m_DetectionRange = 1f;
// Check the idle rotations
if (m_IdleRotations == null || m_IdleRotations.Length == 0)
m_IdleRotations = new Vector2[] { Vector2.zero };
// Check light
if (m_CameraLight == null)
m_CameraLight = GetComponentInChildren<Light> ();
// Check health
if (m_StartingHealth <= 0f)
m_StartingHealth = 1f;
protected override void Start ()
currentRotation = m_IdleRotations [0];
// Clamp idle rotations
for (int i = 0; i < m_IdleRotations.Length; ++i)
Vector2 r = m_IdleRotations[i];
r.x = Mathf.Clamp(r.x, m_MinAngles.x, m_MaxAngles.x);
r.y = Mathf.Clamp(r.y, m_MinAngles.y, m_MaxAngles.y);
m_IdleRotations[i] = r;
// Calculate fustrum normals (planes of camera view, pointing in toward center)
m_FustrumNormals = new Vector3[4];
m_FustrumNormals [0] = Quaternion.Euler (0f, m_MinAngles.x, 0f) * Vector3.right;
m_FustrumNormals [1] = Quaternion.Euler (0f, m_MaxAngles.x, 0f) * Vector3.left;
m_FustrumNormals [2] = Quaternion.Euler (-m_MinAngles.y, 0f, 0f) * Vector3.up;
m_FustrumNormals [3] = Quaternion.Euler (-m_MaxAngles.y, 0f, 0f) * Vector3.down;
m_PivotOffset = transform.InverseTransformPoint (m_LookTransform.position);
base.Start ();
inDamageFilter = DamageFilter.AllDamageAllTeams;
healthMax = m_StartingHealth;
health = m_StartingHealth;
protected override void OnStateChanged(State from, State to)
base.OnStateChanged(from, to);
case State.Idle:
case State.Suspicious:
case State.Engaged:
case State.Hunting:
case State.Dead:
protected override IEnumerator IdleCoroutine ()
m_CameraLight.color = m_ColourIdle;
m_CurrentIdleTarget = 0;
m_Pause = 0f;
// Moving is used to skip calculations with only 1 idle rotation target
bool moving = true;
while (true)
yield return m_FixedUpdateYield;
if (CheckVisibleColliders ())
state = State.Suspicious;
if (moving)
if (m_Pause > 0f)
m_Pause -= Time.deltaTime;
if (m_Pause < 0f)
m_Pause = 0f;
currentRotation = Vector2.MoveTowards (m_CurrentRotation, m_IdleRotations [m_CurrentIdleTarget], m_RotationSpeedIdle * Time.deltaTime);
if (Mathf.Approximately (m_CurrentRotation.x, m_IdleRotations [m_CurrentIdleTarget].x) &&
Mathf.Approximately (m_CurrentRotation.y, m_IdleRotations [m_CurrentIdleTarget].y))
if (m_IdleRotations.Length == 1)
moving = false;
m_Pause = m_PauseIdle;
// Move to next target (could have setting for repeat)
if (m_CurrentIdleTarget == m_IdleRotations.Length)
m_CurrentIdleTarget = 0;
protected override IEnumerator SuspiciousCoroutine ()
m_CameraLight.color = m_ColourSuspicious;
m_Pause = 0f;
m_Timer = m_SuspiciousTime;
while (true)
yield return m_FixedUpdateYield;
if (!CheckVisibleColliders ())
state = State.Idle;
m_Timer -= Time.deltaTime;
if (m_Timer <= 0f)
state = State.Engaged;
currentRotation = Vector2.MoveTowards (m_CurrentRotation, GetRotationToTarget (), m_RotationSpeedHostile * Time.deltaTime);
protected override IEnumerator EngagedCoroutine ()
m_CameraLight.color = m_ColourEngaged;
m_Pause = 0f;
while (true)
yield return m_FixedUpdateYield;
if (!CheckVisibleColliders ())
state = State.Hunting;
currentRotation = Vector2.MoveTowards (m_CurrentRotation, GetRotationToTarget (), m_RotationSpeedHostile * Time.deltaTime);
protected override IEnumerator HuntingCoroutine ()
m_CameraLight.color = m_ColourSuspicious;
m_TargetRotation = GetRandomRotation ();
m_Pause = 0f;
m_Timer = m_HuntingTime;
while (true)
yield return m_FixedUpdateYield;
if (CheckVisibleColliders ())
state = State.Engaged;
m_Timer -= Time.deltaTime;
if (m_Timer <= 0f)
state = State.Idle;
if (m_Pause > 0f)
m_Pause -= Time.deltaTime;
if (m_Pause < 0f)
m_Pause = 0f;
currentRotation = Vector2.MoveTowards (m_CurrentRotation, m_TargetRotation, m_RotationSpeedHostile * Time.deltaTime);
if (Mathf.Approximately (m_CurrentRotation.x, m_TargetRotation.x) &&
Mathf.Approximately (m_CurrentRotation.y, m_TargetRotation.y))
m_Pause = m_PauseHostile;
m_TargetRotation = GetRandomRotation ();
protected override IEnumerator DeadCoroutine ()
// Switch off light
m_CameraLight.gameObject.SetActive (false);
// Drop camera
Vector2 deadRotation = currentRotation;
deadRotation.y = m_MinAngles.y;
while (!Mathf.Approximately (m_CurrentRotation.y, deadRotation.y))
yield return m_FixedUpdateYield;
currentRotation = Vector2.MoveTowards (m_CurrentRotation, deadRotation, m_RotationSpeedHostile * Time.deltaTime);
// Disable
enabled = false;
Vector2 GetRandomRotation ()
return new Vector2 (
UnityEngine.Random.Range (m_MinAngles.x, m_MaxAngles.x),
UnityEngine.Random.Range (m_MinAngles.y, m_MaxAngles.y)
bool CheckVisibleColliders ()
m_SortedTargets.Clear ();
Vector3 p = m_LookTransform.position;
Quaternion q = m_LookTransform.rotation;
int numVisibleColliders = Physics.OverlapSphereNonAlloc (p, m_DetectionRange, m_ColliderBuffer, PhysicsFilter.LayerFilter.AiVisibility);
if (numVisibleColliders == 0)
return false;
// Check fustrum
int discarded = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numVisibleColliders; ++i)
Vector3 diff = m_ColliderBuffer [i].transform.position - p;
if (Vector3.Dot (q * m_FustrumNormals[0], diff) < 0f)
m_ColliderBuffer [i] = null;
if (Vector3.Dot (q * m_FustrumNormals[1], diff) < 0f)
m_ColliderBuffer [i] = null;
if (Vector3.Dot (q * m_FustrumNormals[2], diff) < 0f)
m_ColliderBuffer [i] = null;
if (Vector3.Dot (q * m_FustrumNormals[3], diff) < 0f)
m_ColliderBuffer [i] = null;
// Check for raycast hits
bool hit = PhysicsExtensions.RaycastNonAllocSingle (
new Ray (p, diff),
out m_RaycastHit,
if (hit && m_RaycastHit.collider.gameObject.layer == PhysicsFilter.LayerIndex.AiVisibility)
m_SortedTargets.Add (new SeekerTarget (m_ColliderBuffer [i].transform, diff.sqrMagnitude));
m_ColliderBuffer [i] = null;
// False if none visible, sort if not
if (m_SortedTargets.Count == 0)
return false;
// Sort targets based on distance (anything else?)
m_SortedTargets.Sort (
(SeekerTarget x, SeekerTarget y) =>
int nameCompare = x.transform.name.CompareTo (y.transform.name);
if (nameCompare == 0)
return x.sqrDistance.CompareTo (y.sqrDistance);
return nameCompare;
return true;
Vector2 GetRotationToTarget ()
Transform targetTransform = m_SortedTargets [0].transform;
Vector3 relativePosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint (targetTransform.position) - m_PivotOffset;
Vector3 euler = Quaternion.FromToRotation (Vector3.forward, relativePosition).eulerAngles;
if (euler.x > 180f)
euler.x -= 360f;
if (euler.y > 180f)
euler.y -= 360f;
return new Vector2 (
Mathf.Clamp (euler.y, m_MinAngles.x, m_MaxAngles.x),
Mathf.Clamp (-euler.x, m_MinAngles.y, m_MaxAngles.y)
public override void WriteProperties(INeoSerializer writer, NeoSerializedGameObject nsgo, SaveMode saveMode)
base.WriteProperties(writer, nsgo, saveMode);
// Write state coroutine variables
writer.WriteValue(k_IdleTargetKey, m_CurrentIdleTarget);
writer.WriteValue(k_PauseKey, m_Pause);
writer.WriteValue(k_TimerKey, m_Timer);
writer.WriteValue(k_CurrentRotKey, m_CurrentRotation);
writer.WriteValue(k_TargetRotKey, m_TargetRotation);
// Write damage filter
if (m_InDamageFilter != DamageFilter.AllDamageAllTeams)
writer.WriteValue(k_InDamageFilterKey, m_InDamageFilter);
// Write health
writer.WriteValue(k_HealthMaxKey, healthMax);
writer.WriteValue(k_HealthKey, health);
public override void ReadProperties(INeoDeserializer reader, NeoSerializedGameObject nsgo)
base.ReadProperties(reader, nsgo);
// Read state coroutine variables
reader.TryReadValue(k_IdleTargetKey, out m_CurrentIdleTarget, m_CurrentIdleTarget);
reader.TryReadValue(k_PauseKey, out m_Pause, m_Pause);
reader.TryReadValue(k_TimerKey, out m_Timer, m_Timer);
reader.TryReadValue(k_CurrentRotKey, out m_CurrentRotation, m_CurrentRotation);
reader.TryReadValue(k_TargetRotKey, out m_TargetRotation, m_TargetRotation);
// Read damage filter
int intResult = 0;
if (reader.TryReadValue(k_InDamageFilterKey, out intResult, 0))
inDamageFilter = (DamageFilter)intResult;
// Read health
float floatResult = 0f;
if (reader.TryReadValue(k_HealthMaxKey, out floatResult, m_HealthMax))
healthMax = floatResult;
if (reader.TryReadValue(k_HealthKey, out floatResult, m_Health))
health = floatResult;
#region IHealthManager implementation
#pragma warning disable 0067
public event HealthDelegates.OnIsAliveChanged onIsAliveChanged;
public event HealthDelegates.OnHealthChanged onHealthChanged;
public event HealthDelegates.OnHealthMaxChanged onHealthMaxChanged;
#pragma warning restore 0067
private DamageFilter m_InDamageFilter = DamageFilter.AllDamageAllTeams;
public DamageFilter inDamageFilter
get { return m_InDamageFilter; }
m_InDamageFilter = value;
IDamageHandler[] damageHandlers = GetComponentsInChildren<IDamageHandler>();
for (int i = 0; i < damageHandlers.Length; ++i)
damageHandlers[i].inDamageFilter = m_InDamageFilter;
public void AddDamage (float damage)
AddDamage (damage, false, null);
public void AddDamage (float damage, bool critical)
AddDamage (damage, critical, null);
public void AddDamage (float damage, IDamageSource source)
AddDamage (damage, false, source);
public void AddDamage (float damage, bool critical, IDamageSource source)
if (health > 0f)
health -= damage;
public void AddDamage(float damage, bool critical, RaycastHit hit)
AddDamage(damage, critical, null);
public void AddDamage(float damage, bool critical, IDamageSource source, RaycastHit hit)
AddDamage(damage, critical, source);
public void AddHealth (float h)
AddHealth (h, null);
public void AddHealth (float h, IDamageSource source)
health += h;
public bool isAlive
private set;
private float m_Health = 100f;
public float health
get { return m_Health; }
m_Health = Mathf.Clamp (value, 0f, m_HealthMax);
if (Mathf.Approximately (m_Health, 0f))
state = State.Dead;
private float m_HealthMax = 100f;
public float healthMax
get { return m_HealthMax; }
m_HealthMax = value;
if (m_HealthMax < 0f)
m_HealthMax = 0f;
if (health > m_HealthMax)
health = m_HealthMax;
public float normalisedHealth
get { return health / healthMax; }
set { health = value * healthMax; }