using UnityEngine; using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion; using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion.Parameters; using NeoSaveGames.Serialization; using NeoSaveGames; namespace NeoFPS { [HelpURL("")] public class HeadBob : MonoBehaviour, IAdditiveTransform, INeoSerializableComponent { [SerializeField, Tooltip("The maximum position offset along the x-axis in either direction.")] private float m_HorizontalBobRange = 0.01f; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The maximum position offset along the y-axis in either direction.")] private float m_VerticalBobRange = 0.005f; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The curve over one step cycle for the weapon bob.")] private AnimationCurve m_BobCurve = new AnimationCurve( new Keyframe(0f, 0f), new Keyframe(0.5f, 1f), new Keyframe(1f, 0f), new Keyframe(1.5f, -1f), new Keyframe(2f, 0f)); // sin curve for head bob [SerializeField, Tooltip("The name of a float parameter on the character motion graph that sets the bob interval distance.")] private string m_BobIntervalParamKey = "bobInterval"; [SerializeField, Range(0.5f, 10f), Tooltip("The distance travelled for one full bob cycle.")] private float m_BobInterval = 3; [SerializeField, Range(0f, 5f), Tooltip("At or below this speed the bob will be scaled to zero.")] private float m_MinLerpSpeed = 0.5f; [SerializeField, Range(0.25f, 10f), Tooltip("At or above this speed the bob will have its full effect.")] private float m_MaxLerpSpeed = 2f; private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_CycleXKey = new NeoSerializationKey("cycleX"); private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_CycleYKey = new NeoSerializationKey("cycleY"); private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_TimeKey = new NeoSerializationKey("time"); private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_FadeKey = new NeoSerializationKey("fade"); private const float k_FadeDuration = 1f; private const float k_FadeLerp = 0.05f; private FloatParameter m_BobIntervalParameter = null; private float m_CyclePositionX = 0f; private float m_CyclePositionY = 0f; private float m_Time = 0f; private float m_FadeTime = 0f; private float m_PreviousSpeed = 0f; private IAdditiveTransformHandler m_Handler = null; private MotionController m_Controller = null; public Quaternion rotation { get { return Quaternion.identity; } } public Vector3 position { get; private set; } public bool bypassPositionMultiplier { get { return false; } } public bool bypassRotationMultiplier { get { return false; } } public float bobInterval { get { if (m_BobIntervalParameter == null) { if (m_Controller.characterController.isGrounded) return m_BobInterval; else return 0f; } else return m_BobIntervalParameter.value; } } #if UNITY_EDITOR void OnValidate() { m_HorizontalBobRange = Mathf.Clamp(m_HorizontalBobRange, 0f, 0.5f); m_VerticalBobRange = Mathf.Clamp(m_VerticalBobRange, 0f, 0.5f); } #endif void Start () { // get the length of the curve in time m_Time = m_BobCurve[m_BobCurve.length - 1].time; // Get the motion graph parameter if the key is set if (m_Controller != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_BobIntervalParamKey)) m_BobIntervalParameter = m_Controller.motionGraph.GetFloatProperty(m_BobIntervalParamKey); } } void Awake () { m_Controller = GetComponentInParent (); m_Handler = GetComponent(); } void OnEnable () { m_Handler.ApplyAdditiveEffect (this); } void OnDisable () { m_Handler.RemoveAdditiveEffect (this); } public void UpdateTransform () { float interval = bobInterval; if (interval != 0f) { float xCurve = m_BobCurve.Evaluate (m_CyclePositionX); float yCurve = m_BobCurve.Evaluate (m_CyclePositionY); // Smooth the speed value to prevent the bob going crazy when rapidly changing directions float speed = Mathf.Lerp(m_PreviousSpeed, m_Controller.characterController.velocity.magnitude, Time.deltaTime * 5f); m_PreviousSpeed = speed; if (speed < m_MinLerpSpeed) FadeOut (); else { float timeMultiplier = speed / interval; if (timeMultiplier > 5f) timeMultiplier = 5f; m_CyclePositionX += Time.deltaTime * timeMultiplier; m_CyclePositionY += Time.deltaTime * timeMultiplier * 2f; if (m_CyclePositionX > m_Time) m_CyclePositionX = m_CyclePositionX - m_Time; if (m_CyclePositionY > m_Time) m_CyclePositionY = m_CyclePositionY - m_Time; float lerp = (speed - m_MinLerpSpeed) / (m_MaxLerpSpeed - m_MinLerpSpeed); float hRange = Mathf.Lerp(0f, m_HorizontalBobRange, lerp); float vRange = Mathf.Lerp(0f, m_VerticalBobRange, lerp); position = new Vector3 (xCurve * hRange, yCurve * vRange, 0f); m_FadeTime = 0f; } } else FadeOut (); } void FadeOut () { m_FadeTime += Time.deltaTime; if (m_FadeTime > k_FadeDuration) position =; else position = Vector3.Lerp (position,, k_FadeLerp); m_CyclePositionX = 0f; m_CyclePositionY = 0f; } public void WriteProperties(INeoSerializer writer, NeoSerializedGameObject nsgo, SaveMode saveMode) { writer.WriteValue(k_CycleXKey, m_CyclePositionX); writer.WriteValue(k_CycleYKey, m_CyclePositionY); writer.WriteValue(k_TimeKey, m_Time); writer.WriteValue(k_FadeKey, m_FadeTime); } public void ReadProperties(INeoDeserializer reader, NeoSerializedGameObject nsgo) { reader.TryReadValue(k_CycleXKey, out m_CyclePositionX, m_CyclePositionX); reader.TryReadValue(k_CycleYKey, out m_CyclePositionY, m_CyclePositionY); reader.TryReadValue(k_TimeKey, out m_Time, m_Time); reader.TryReadValue(k_FadeKey, out m_FadeTime, m_FadeTime); } } }