using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using NeoSaveGames.Serialization; using NeoSaveGames; namespace NeoFPS { [HelpURL("")] public class InteractiveObject : MonoBehaviour, IInteractiveObject, INeoSerializableComponent { [SerializeField, Tooltip("The name of the item in the HUD tooltip.")] private string m_TooltipName = string.Empty; [SerializeField, Tooltip("A description of the action for use in the HUD tooltip, eg pick up.")] private string m_TooltipAction = string.Empty; [SerializeField, Tooltip("Can the object be interacted with immediately.")] private bool m_InteractableOnStart = true; [SerializeField, Tooltip("How long does the use button have to be held for interaction.")] private float m_HoldDuration = 0f; [SerializeField, Tooltip("An event that is triggered when the object is used.")] private UnityEvent m_OnUsed = new UnityEvent(); [SerializeField, Tooltip("An event that is triggered when the player looks directly at the object.")] private UnityEvent m_OnCursorEnter = new UnityEvent(); [SerializeField, Tooltip("An event that is triggered when the player looks away from the object.")] private UnityEvent m_OnCursorExit = new UnityEvent(); private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_InteractableKey = new NeoSerializationKey("interactable"); private Collider m_Collider = null; protected virtual void OnValidate() { if (m_HoldDuration < 0f) m_HoldDuration = 0f; } public event UnityAction onTooltipChanged; public string tooltipName { get { return m_TooltipName; } protected set { m_TooltipName = value; if (onTooltipChanged != null) onTooltipChanged(); } } public string tooltipAction { get { return m_TooltipAction; } protected set { m_TooltipAction = value; if (onTooltipChanged != null) onTooltipChanged(); } } public event UnityAction onUsed { add { m_OnUsed.AddListener(value); } remove { m_OnUsed.RemoveListener(value); } } public event UnityAction onCursorEnter { add { m_OnCursorEnter.AddListener(value); } remove { m_OnCursorEnter.RemoveListener(value); } } public event UnityAction onCursorExit { add { m_OnCursorExit.AddListener(value); } remove { m_OnCursorExit.RemoveListener(value); } } public UnityEvent onUsedUnityEvent { get { return m_OnUsed; } } public UnityEvent onCursorEnterUnityEvent { get { return m_OnCursorEnter; } } public UnityEvent onCursorExitUnityEvent { get { return m_OnCursorExit; } } private bool m_Highlighted = false; public bool highlighted { get { return m_Highlighted; } set { if (m_Highlighted != value) { m_Highlighted = value; OnHighlightedChanged (value); } } } private bool m_Interactable = false; public bool interactable { get { return m_Interactable; } set { m_Interactable = value; if (m_Collider != null) m_Collider.enabled = value; } } public float holdDuration { get { return m_HoldDuration; } } protected virtual void Awake () { m_Collider = GetComponent(); if (m_Collider != null) m_Collider.enabled = m_Interactable; } protected virtual void Start () { interactable = m_InteractableOnStart; } public virtual void Interact (ICharacter character) { m_OnUsed.Invoke (); } protected virtual void OnHighlightedChanged (bool h) { if (h) m_OnCursorEnter.Invoke (); else m_OnCursorExit.Invoke (); } public virtual void WriteProperties(INeoSerializer writer, NeoSerializedGameObject nsgo, SaveMode saveMode) { writer.WriteValue(k_InteractableKey, interactable); } public virtual void ReadProperties(INeoDeserializer reader, NeoSerializedGameObject nsgo) { bool result = true; if (reader.TryReadValue(k_InteractableKey, out result, true)) interactable = result; } } }