using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion; namespace NeoFPS.CharacterMotion.Behaviours { [MotionGraphElement("Character/DrainStamina", "DrainStaminaBehaviour")] [HelpURL("")] public class DrainStaminaBehaviour : MotionGraphBehaviour { [SerializeField, Tooltip("The rate to drain the stamina at (bear in mind the stamina system also refreshes at a certain rate too, so these can cancel out).")] private float m_DrainRate = 15f; [SerializeField, Tooltip("Should the controller's move input scale also scale the stamina drain.")] private bool m_ScaleByInput = true; [SerializeField, Tooltip("Is there a lower limit that the behaviour will drain stamina to before the drain rate falls off.")] private bool m_LimitDrain = false; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The minimum level that the behaviour can drain stamina to.")] private float m_DrainTarget = 0f; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The stamina drain falls away to 0 as it approaches the target level, starting at this falloff value above it.")] private float m_DrainFalloff = 0f; private IStaminaSystem m_StaminaSystem = null; private float m_InverseDrainFalloff = 1f; public override void Initialise(MotionGraphConnectable o) { base.Initialise(o); // Get the stamina system m_StaminaSystem = controller.GetComponent(); // Calculate drain falloff if (m_DrainFalloff > 1f) m_InverseDrainFalloff = 1f / m_DrainFalloff; } public override void OnEnter() { if (m_StaminaSystem != null) m_StaminaSystem.AddStaminaDrain(GetStaminaDrain); } public override void OnExit() { if (m_StaminaSystem != null) m_StaminaSystem.RemoveStaminaDrain(GetStaminaDrain); } private float GetStaminaDrain(IStaminaSystem s, float modifiedStamina) { float rate = m_DrainRate; // Scale drain by input if (m_ScaleByInput) rate *= controller.inputMoveScale; // Limit the drain based on the input stamina if (m_LimitDrain) rate *= Mathf.Clamp01((modifiedStamina - m_DrainTarget) * m_InverseDrainFalloff); return rate * Time.deltaTime; } } }