using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using System.Collections; namespace NeoFPS.Samples { public class MultiInputSlider : MultiInputFocusableWidget, IUpdateSelectedHandler, IBeginDragHandler, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler, IPointerClickHandler, ICanvasElement { [SerializeField] private RectTransform m_IncrementButton = null; [SerializeField] private RectTransform m_DecrementButton = null; [SerializeField] private RectTransform m_SliderRect = null; [SerializeField] private RectTransform m_SliderBarRect = null; [SerializeField] private RectTransform m_SliderFillRect = null; [SerializeField] private RectTransform m_ReadoutRect = null; [SerializeField] private Text m_Readout = null; [SerializeField] private int m_MinValue = 0; [SerializeField] private int m_MaxValue = 100; [SerializeField] private int m_Value = 50; [SerializeField] private ValueChangeEvent m_OnValueChanged = new ValueChangeEvent(); #region IBeginDragHandler, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler implementations private bool m_DraggingSlider = false; private bool m_DraggingReadout = false; public void OnBeginDrag (PointerEventData eventData) { if (!MayInteract (eventData)) return; // Check for input field if (RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint (m_ReadoutRect, eventData.position)) { m_DraggingReadout = true; return; } else DeactivateInputField (); // Check for slider bar if (RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint (m_SliderRect, eventData.position)) { m_DraggingSlider = true; } } public void OnDrag (PointerEventData eventData) { if (!MayInteract (eventData)) return; if (m_DraggingSlider) { Vector2 local; RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle (m_SliderBarRect, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out local); SetNormalisedValue (local.x / m_SliderBarRect.rect.width, false); eventData.Use(); return; } if (m_DraggingReadout) { Vector2 local; RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(m_Readout.rectTransform, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out local); caretSelectPositionInternal = GetCharacterIndexFromPosition(local) + m_DrawStart; MarkGeometryAsDirty(); m_DragPositionOutOfBounds = !RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(m_Readout.rectTransform, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera); if (m_DragPositionOutOfBounds && m_DragCoroutine == null) m_DragCoroutine = StartCoroutine(MouseDragOutsideRect(eventData)); eventData.Use(); } } public void OnEndDrag (PointerEventData eventData) { if (!MayInteract (eventData)) return; if (m_DraggingSlider) { m_DraggingSlider = false; Vector2 local; RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle (m_SliderBarRect, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out local); SetNormalisedValue (local.x / m_SliderBarRect.rect.width, true); return; } if (m_DraggingReadout) { m_DraggingReadout = false; } } #endregion #region Input Field [SerializeField] private Color m_SelectionColor = new Color(168f / 255f, 206f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 192f / 255f); [SerializeField] [Range(0f, 4f)] private float m_CaretBlinkRate = 0.85f; private const float k_HScrollSpeed = 0.05f; private const float k_VScrollSpeed = 0.10f; private int m_CaretPosition = 0; private int m_CaretSelectPosition = 0; private RectTransform caretRectTrans = null; private UIVertex[] m_CursorVerts = null; private TextGenerator m_InputTextCache = null; private CanvasRenderer m_CachedInputRenderer = null; private bool m_PreventFontCallback = false; private Mesh m_Mesh = null; private bool m_AllowInput = false; private bool m_DragPositionOutOfBounds = false; private bool m_CaretVisible = false; private Coroutine m_BlinkCoroutine = null; private float m_BlinkStartTime = 0.0f; private int m_DrawStart = 0; private int m_DrawEnd = 0; private Coroutine m_DragCoroutine = null; private string m_OriginalText = ""; private bool m_WasCanceled = false; private bool m_HasDoneFocusTransition = false; private int m_MaxReadoutCharacters = 0; protected Mesh mesh { get { if (m_Mesh == null) m_Mesh = new Mesh(); return m_Mesh; } } protected TextGenerator cachedInputTextGenerator { get { if (m_InputTextCache == null) m_InputTextCache = new TextGenerator(); return m_InputTextCache; } } private string m_ReadoutText = string.Empty; public string readoutText { get { return m_ReadoutText; } set { if (this.readoutText == value) return; m_ReadoutText = value; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) { UpdateLabel(); return; } #endif if (m_Readout != null) { if (m_CaretPosition > m_ReadoutText.Length) m_CaretPosition = m_CaretSelectPosition = m_ReadoutText.Length; UpdateLabel(); } } } public bool readoutFocused { get { return m_AllowInput; } } public float caretBlinkRate { get { return m_CaretBlinkRate; } set { if (m_CaretBlinkRate != value) { m_CaretBlinkRate = value; if (m_AllowInput) SetCaretActive(); } } } protected void ClampPos(ref int pos) { if (pos < 0) pos = 0; else if (pos > readoutText.Length) pos = readoutText.Length; } /// /// Current position of the cursor. /// Getters are public Setters are protected /// protected int caretPositionInternal { get { return m_CaretPosition + Input.compositionString.Length; } set { m_CaretPosition = value; ClampPos(ref m_CaretPosition); } } protected int caretSelectPositionInternal { get { return m_CaretSelectPosition + Input.compositionString.Length; } set { m_CaretSelectPosition = value; ClampPos(ref m_CaretSelectPosition); } } private bool hasSelection { get { return caretPositionInternal != caretSelectPositionInternal; } } /// /// Get: Returns the focus position as thats the position that moves around even during selection. /// Set: Set both the anchor and focus position such that a selection doesn't happen /// public int caretPosition { get { return m_CaretSelectPosition + Input.compositionString.Length; } set { selectionAnchorPosition = value; selectionFocusPosition = value; } } /// /// Get: Returns the fixed position of selection /// Set: If Input.compositionString is 0 set the fixed position /// public int selectionAnchorPosition { get { return m_CaretPosition + Input.compositionString.Length; } set { if (Input.compositionString.Length != 0) return; m_CaretPosition = value; ClampPos(ref m_CaretPosition); } } /// /// Get: Returns the variable position of selection /// Set: If Input.compositionString is 0 set the variable position /// public int selectionFocusPosition { get { return m_CaretSelectPosition + Input.compositionString.Length; } set { if (Input.compositionString.Length != 0) return; m_CaretSelectPosition = value; ClampPos(ref m_CaretSelectPosition); } } // private void OnValidateReadout() // { // //This can be invoked before OnEnabled is called. So we shouldn't be accessing other objects, before OnEnable is called. // if (!IsActive()) // return; // // m_Readout.text = m_Value.ToString (); // UpdateLabel(); // if (m_AllowInput) // SetCaretActive(); // } private void InitialiseReadout () { if (m_Readout != null) { GameObject go = new GameObject( + " Input Caret"); go.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; go.transform.SetParent(m_Readout.transform.parent); go.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); go.layer = gameObject.layer; caretRectTrans = go.AddComponent(); m_CachedInputRenderer = go.AddComponent(); m_CachedInputRenderer.SetMaterial(Graphic.defaultGraphicMaterial, Texture2D.whiteTexture); // Needed as if any layout is present we want the caret to always be the same as the text area. go.AddComponent().ignoreLayout = true; AssignPositioningIfNeeded(); m_MaxReadoutCharacters = GetMaxCharacters (); } } protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); m_DrawStart = 0; m_DrawEnd = m_ReadoutText.Length; if (m_Readout != null) { m_Readout.RegisterDirtyVerticesCallback(MarkGeometryAsDirty); m_Readout.RegisterDirtyVerticesCallback(UpdateLabel); UpdateLabel(); } StartCoroutine (DelayedAlignBars ()); } IEnumerator DelayedAlignBars () { // Temporary hack because I the rect transforms don't seem to be properly set // up for awake, start, or onenable the first time round, annoyingly. // Need a better solution yield return null; m_SliderFillRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2 ( m_SliderBarRect.rect.width * normalisedValue, 0f ); // Fix child rects randomly resizing Transform t = transform; if (t.childCount == 2) { RectTransform rt = (RectTransform)t.GetChild(1); rt.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(1f, 0f); } } protected override void OnDisable() { // the coroutine will be terminated, so this will ensure it restarts when we are next activated m_BlinkCoroutine = null; DeactivateInputField(); if (m_Readout != null) { m_Readout.UnregisterDirtyVerticesCallback(MarkGeometryAsDirty); m_Readout.UnregisterDirtyVerticesCallback(UpdateLabel); } CanvasUpdateRegistry.UnRegisterCanvasElementForRebuild(this); if (m_CachedInputRenderer) m_CachedInputRenderer.SetMesh(null); if (m_Mesh) DestroyImmediate(m_Mesh); m_Mesh = null; base.OnDisable(); } IEnumerator CaretBlink() { // Always ensure caret is initially visible since it can otherwise be confusing for a moment. m_CaretVisible = true; yield return null; while (readoutFocused && m_CaretBlinkRate > 0) { // the blink rate is expressed as a frequency float blinkPeriod = 1f / m_CaretBlinkRate; // the caret should be ON if we are in the first half of the blink period bool blinkState = (Time.unscaledTime - m_BlinkStartTime) % blinkPeriod < blinkPeriod / 2; if (m_CaretVisible != blinkState) { m_CaretVisible = blinkState; UpdateGeometry(); } // Then wait again. yield return null; } m_BlinkCoroutine = null; } void SetCaretVisible() { if (!m_AllowInput) return; m_CaretVisible = true; m_BlinkStartTime = Time.unscaledTime; SetCaretActive(); } // SetCaretActive will not set the caret immediately visible - it will wait for the next time to blink. // However, it will handle things correctly if the blink speed changed from zero to non-zero or non-zero to zero. void SetCaretActive() { if (!m_AllowInput) return; if (m_CaretBlinkRate > 0.0f) { if (m_BlinkCoroutine == null) m_BlinkCoroutine = StartCoroutine(CaretBlink()); } else { m_CaretVisible = true; } } protected void OnFocusReadout () { SelectAll(); } protected void SelectAll() { caretPositionInternal = readoutText.Length; caretSelectPositionInternal = 0; } public void MoveTextEnd(bool shift) { int position = readoutText.Length; if (shift) { caretSelectPositionInternal = position; } else { caretPositionInternal = position; caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal; } UpdateLabel(); } public void MoveTextStart(bool shift) { int position = 0; if (shift) { caretSelectPositionInternal = position; } else { caretPositionInternal = position; caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal; } UpdateLabel(); } static string clipboard { get { return GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer; } set { GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = value; } } public Vector2 ScreenToLocal(Vector2 screen) { var theCanvas = m_Readout.canvas; if (theCanvas == null) return screen; Vector3 pos =; if (theCanvas.renderMode == RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay) { pos = m_Readout.transform.InverseTransformPoint(screen); } else if (theCanvas.worldCamera != null) { Ray mouseRay = theCanvas.worldCamera.ScreenPointToRay(screen); float dist; Plane plane = new Plane(m_Readout.transform.forward, m_Readout.transform.position); plane.Raycast(mouseRay, out dist); pos = m_Readout.transform.InverseTransformPoint(mouseRay.GetPoint(dist)); } return new Vector2(pos.x, pos.y); } private int GetUnclampedCharacterLineFromPosition(Vector2 pos, TextGenerator generator) { return 0; } protected int GetCharacterIndexFromPosition(Vector2 pos) { TextGenerator gen = m_Readout.cachedTextGenerator; if (gen.lineCount == 0) return 0; int line = GetUnclampedCharacterLineFromPosition(pos, gen); if (line < 0) return 0; if (line >= gen.lineCount) return gen.characterCountVisible; int startCharIndex = gen.lines[line].startCharIdx; int endCharIndex = GetLineEndPosition(gen, line); for (int i = startCharIndex; i < endCharIndex; i++) { if (i >= gen.characterCountVisible) break; UICharInfo charInfo = gen.characters[i]; Vector2 charPos = charInfo.cursorPos / m_Readout.pixelsPerUnit; float distToCharStart = pos.x - charPos.x; float distToCharEnd = charPos.x + (charInfo.charWidth / m_Readout.pixelsPerUnit) - pos.x; if (distToCharStart < distToCharEnd) return i; } return endCharIndex; } private bool MayInteract (PointerEventData eventData) { return IsActive () && IsInteractable () && eventData.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Left && m_Readout != null; } WaitForSeconds khYield = null; IEnumerator MouseDragOutsideRect(PointerEventData eventData) { while (m_DraggingReadout && m_DragPositionOutOfBounds) { Vector2 localMousePos; RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(m_Readout.rectTransform, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out localMousePos); Rect rect = m_Readout.rectTransform.rect; if (localMousePos.x < rect.xMin) MoveLeft(true, false); else if (localMousePos.x > rect.xMax) MoveRight(true, false); UpdateLabel(); if (khYield == null) khYield = new WaitForSeconds(k_HScrollSpeed); yield return khYield; } m_DragCoroutine = null; } public override void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) { if (!MayInteract(eventData)) return; EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(gameObject, eventData); bool hadFocusBefore = m_AllowInput; base.OnPointerDown(eventData); // Only set caret position if we didn't just get focus now. // Otherwise it will overwrite the select all on focus. if (hadFocusBefore) { Vector2 pos = ScreenToLocal(eventData.position); caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal = GetCharacterIndexFromPosition(pos) + m_DrawStart; } UpdateLabel(); eventData.Use(); } protected enum EditState { Continue, Finish } protected EditState KeyPressed(Event evt) { var currentEventModifiers = evt.modifiers; RuntimePlatform rp = Application.platform; bool isMac = (rp == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor || rp == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer); bool ctrl = isMac ? (currentEventModifiers & EventModifiers.Command) != 0 : (currentEventModifiers & EventModifiers.Control) != 0; bool shift = (currentEventModifiers & EventModifiers.Shift) != 0; bool alt = (currentEventModifiers & EventModifiers.Alt) != 0; bool ctrlOnly = ctrl && !alt && !shift; switch (evt.keyCode) { case KeyCode.Backspace: { Backspace(); return EditState.Continue; } case KeyCode.Delete: { ForwardSpace(); return EditState.Continue; } case KeyCode.Home: { MoveTextStart(shift); return EditState.Continue; } case KeyCode.End: { MoveTextEnd(shift); return EditState.Continue; } // Select All case KeyCode.A: { if (ctrlOnly) { SelectAll(); return EditState.Continue; } break; } // Copy case KeyCode.C: { if (ctrlOnly) { clipboard = GetSelectedString(); return EditState.Continue; } break; } // Paste case KeyCode.V: { if (ctrlOnly) { Append(clipboard); return EditState.Continue; } break; } // Cut case KeyCode.X: { if (ctrlOnly) { clipboard = GetSelectedString(); Delete(); UpdateLabel(); return EditState.Continue; } break; } case KeyCode.LeftArrow: { MoveLeft(shift, ctrl); return EditState.Continue; } case KeyCode.RightArrow: { MoveRight(shift, ctrl); return EditState.Continue; } // Submit case KeyCode.Return: case KeyCode.KeypadEnter: { return EditState.Finish; } case KeyCode.Escape: { m_WasCanceled = true; return EditState.Finish; } } char c = evt.character; // Dont allow return chars or tabulator key to be entered into single line fields. if (c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == 10) return EditState.Continue; // Convert carriage return and end-of-text characters to newline. if (c == '\r' || (int)c == 3) c = '\n'; if (IsValidChar(c)) { Append(c); } if (c == 0) { if (Input.compositionString.Length > 0) { UpdateLabel(); } } return EditState.Continue; } private bool IsValidChar(char c) { // Delete key on mac if ((int)c == 127) return false; // Accept newline and tab if (c == '\t' || c == '\n') return true; return m_Readout.font.HasCharacter(c); } private int GetMaxCharacters () { int max = (m_MinValue < 0) ? 1 : 0; int greatest = Mathf.Max (m_MaxValue, Mathf.Abs (m_MinValue)); for (int i = 1;; i *= 10) { if (greatest / i > 0) ++max; else break; } return max; } /// /// Handle the specified event. /// private Event m_ProcessingEvent = new Event(); public void ProcessEvent(Event e) { KeyPressed(e); } public virtual void OnUpdateSelected(BaseEventData eventData) { if (!readoutFocused) return; bool consumedEvent = false; while (Event.PopEvent(m_ProcessingEvent)) { if (m_ProcessingEvent.rawType == EventType.KeyDown) { consumedEvent = true; var shouldContinue = KeyPressed(m_ProcessingEvent); if (shouldContinue == EditState.Finish) { DeactivateInputField(); break; } } switch (m_ProcessingEvent.type) { case EventType.ValidateCommand: case EventType.ExecuteCommand: switch (m_ProcessingEvent.commandName) { case "SelectAll": SelectAll(); consumedEvent = true; break; } break; } } if (consumedEvent) UpdateLabel(); eventData.Use(); } private string GetSelectedString() { if (!hasSelection) return ""; int startPos = caretPositionInternal; int endPos = caretSelectPositionInternal; // Ensure pos is always less then selPos to make the code simpler if (startPos > endPos) { int temp = startPos; startPos = endPos; endPos = temp; } return readoutText.Substring(startPos, endPos - startPos); } private void MoveRight(bool shift, bool ctrl) { if (hasSelection && !shift) { // By convention, if we have a selection and move right without holding shift, // we just place the cursor at the end. caretPositionInternal = caretSelectPositionInternal = Mathf.Max(caretPositionInternal, caretSelectPositionInternal); return; } int position = caretSelectPositionInternal + 1; if (shift) caretSelectPositionInternal = position; else caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal = position; } private void MoveLeft(bool shift, bool ctrl) { if (hasSelection && !shift) { // By convention, if we have a selection and move left without holding shift, // we just place the cursor at the start. caretPositionInternal = caretSelectPositionInternal = Mathf.Min(caretPositionInternal, caretSelectPositionInternal); return; } int position = caretSelectPositionInternal - 1; if (shift) caretSelectPositionInternal = position; else caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal = position; } private int DetermineCharacterLine(int charPos, TextGenerator generator) { return 0; } /// /// Use cachedInputTextGenerator as the y component for the UICharInfo is not required /// private int LineUpCharacterPosition(int originalPos, bool goToFirstChar) { if (originalPos >= cachedInputTextGenerator.characterCountVisible) return 0; UICharInfo originChar = cachedInputTextGenerator.characters[originalPos]; int originLine = DetermineCharacterLine(originalPos, cachedInputTextGenerator); // We are on the last line return last character if (originLine - 1 < 0) return goToFirstChar ? 0 : originalPos; int endCharIdx = cachedInputTextGenerator.lines[originLine].startCharIdx - 1; for (int i = cachedInputTextGenerator.lines[originLine - 1].startCharIdx; i < endCharIdx; ++i) { if (cachedInputTextGenerator.characters[i].cursorPos.x >= originChar.cursorPos.x) return i; } return endCharIdx; } /// /// Use cachedInputTextGenerator as the y component for the UICharInfo is not required /// private int LineDownCharacterPosition(int originalPos, bool goToLastChar) { if (originalPos >= cachedInputTextGenerator.characterCountVisible) return readoutText.Length; UICharInfo originChar = cachedInputTextGenerator.characters[originalPos]; int originLine = DetermineCharacterLine(originalPos, cachedInputTextGenerator); // We are on the last line return last character if (originLine + 1 >= cachedInputTextGenerator.lineCount) return goToLastChar ? readoutText.Length : originalPos; // Need to determine end line for next line. int endCharIdx = GetLineEndPosition(cachedInputTextGenerator, originLine + 1); for (int i = cachedInputTextGenerator.lines[originLine + 1].startCharIdx; i < endCharIdx; ++i) { if (cachedInputTextGenerator.characters[i].cursorPos.x >= originChar.cursorPos.x) return i; } return endCharIdx; } private void Delete() { if (caretPositionInternal == caretSelectPositionInternal) return; if (caretPositionInternal < caretSelectPositionInternal) { m_ReadoutText = readoutText.Substring(0, caretPositionInternal) + readoutText.Substring(caretSelectPositionInternal, readoutText.Length - caretSelectPositionInternal); caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal; } else { m_ReadoutText = readoutText.Substring(0, caretSelectPositionInternal) + readoutText.Substring(caretPositionInternal, readoutText.Length - caretPositionInternal); caretPositionInternal = caretSelectPositionInternal; } } private void ForwardSpace() { if (hasSelection) { Delete(); UpdateLabel(); } else { if (caretPositionInternal < readoutText.Length) { m_ReadoutText = readoutText.Remove(caretPositionInternal, 1); UpdateLabel(); } } } private void Backspace() { if (hasSelection) { Delete(); UpdateLabel(); } else { if (caretPositionInternal > 0) { m_ReadoutText = readoutText.Remove(caretPositionInternal - 1, 1); caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal - 1; UpdateLabel(); } } } // Insert the character and update the label. private void Insert(char c) { string replaceString = c.ToString(); Delete(); // Can't go past the character limit if (m_MaxReadoutCharacters > 0 && readoutText.Length >= m_MaxReadoutCharacters) return; m_ReadoutText = readoutText.Insert(m_CaretPosition, replaceString); caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal += replaceString.Length; } protected void SendOnSubmit() { SetValue (int.Parse (m_ReadoutText), true); } /// /// Append the specified text to the end of the current. /// protected virtual void Append(string input) { for (int i = 0, imax = input.Length; i < imax; ++i) { char c = input[i]; if (c >= ' ') { Append(c); } } } protected virtual void Append(char input) { // Validate the input input = Validate(readoutText, caretPositionInternal, input); // If the input is invalid, skip it if (input == 0) return; // Append the character and update the label Insert(input); } /// /// Update the visual text Text. /// protected void UpdateLabel() { if (m_Readout != null && m_Readout.font != null && !m_PreventFontCallback) { // TextGenerator.Populate invokes a callback that's called for anything // that needs to be updated when the data for that font has changed. // This makes all Text components that use that font update their vertices. // In turn, this makes the InputField that's associated with that Text component // update its label by calling this UpdateLabel method. // This is a recursive call we want to prevent, since it makes the InputField // update based on font data that didn't yet finish executing, or alternatively // hang on infinite recursion, depending on whether the cached value is cached // before or after the calculation. // // This callback also occurs when assigning text to our Text component, i.e., // m_TextComponent.text = processed; m_PreventFontCallback = true; string fullText; if (Input.compositionString.Length > 0) fullText = readoutText.Substring(0, m_CaretPosition) + Input.compositionString + readoutText.Substring(m_CaretPosition); else fullText = readoutText; string processed = fullText; bool isEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullText); // If not currently editing the text, set the visible range to the whole text. // The UpdateLabel method will then truncate it to the part that fits inside the Text area. // We can't do this when text is being edited since it would discard the current scroll, // which is defined by means of the m_DrawStart and m_DrawEnd indices. if (!m_AllowInput) { m_DrawStart = 0; m_DrawEnd = m_ReadoutText.Length; } if (!isEmpty) { // Determine what will actually fit into the given line Vector2 extents = m_Readout.rectTransform.rect.size; var settings = m_Readout.GetGenerationSettings(extents); settings.generateOutOfBounds = true; cachedInputTextGenerator.Populate(processed, settings); SetDrawRangeToContainCaretPosition(caretSelectPositionInternal); processed = processed.Substring(m_DrawStart, Mathf.Min(m_DrawEnd, processed.Length) - m_DrawStart); SetCaretVisible(); } m_Readout.text = processed; MarkGeometryAsDirty(); m_PreventFontCallback = false; } } private bool IsSelectionVisible() { if (m_DrawStart > caretPositionInternal || m_DrawStart > caretSelectPositionInternal) return false; if (m_DrawEnd < caretPositionInternal || m_DrawEnd < caretSelectPositionInternal) return false; return true; } private static int GetLineStartPosition(TextGenerator gen, int line) { line = Mathf.Clamp(line, 0, gen.lines.Count - 1); return gen.lines[line].startCharIdx; } private static int GetLineEndPosition(TextGenerator gen, int line) { line = Mathf.Max(line, 0); if (line + 1 < gen.lines.Count) return gen.lines[line + 1].startCharIdx; return gen.characterCountVisible; } private void SetDrawRangeToContainCaretPosition(int caretPos) { // the extents gets modified by the pixel density, so we need to use the generated extents since that will be in the same 'space' as // the values returned by the TextGenerator.lines[x].height for instance. Vector2 extents = cachedInputTextGenerator.rectExtents.size; var characters = cachedInputTextGenerator.characters; if (m_DrawEnd > cachedInputTextGenerator.characterCountVisible) m_DrawEnd = cachedInputTextGenerator.characterCountVisible; float width = 0.0f; if (caretPos > m_DrawEnd || (caretPos == m_DrawEnd && m_DrawStart > 0)) { // fit characters from the caretPos leftward m_DrawEnd = caretPos; for (m_DrawStart = m_DrawEnd - 1; m_DrawStart >= 0; --m_DrawStart) { if (width + characters[m_DrawStart].charWidth > extents.x) break; width += characters[m_DrawStart].charWidth; } ++m_DrawStart; // move right one to the last character we could fit on the left } else { if (caretPos < m_DrawStart) m_DrawStart = caretPos; m_DrawEnd = m_DrawStart; } // fit characters rightward for (; m_DrawEnd < cachedInputTextGenerator.characterCountVisible; ++m_DrawEnd) { width += characters[m_DrawEnd].charWidth; if (width > extents.x) break; } } private void MarkGeometryAsDirty() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying || UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.GetPrefabInstanceHandle(gameObject) != null) return; #endif CanvasUpdateRegistry.RegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild(this); } public virtual void Rebuild(CanvasUpdate update) { switch (update) { case CanvasUpdate.LatePreRender: UpdateGeometry(); break; } } public virtual void LayoutComplete() {} public virtual void GraphicUpdateComplete() {} private void UpdateGeometry() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) return; #endif if (m_CachedInputRenderer == null) return; OnFillVBO(mesh); m_CachedInputRenderer.SetMesh(mesh); } private void AssignPositioningIfNeeded() { if (m_Readout != null && caretRectTrans != null && (caretRectTrans.localPosition != m_Readout.rectTransform.localPosition || caretRectTrans.localRotation != m_Readout.rectTransform.localRotation || caretRectTrans.localScale != m_Readout.rectTransform.localScale || caretRectTrans.anchorMin != m_Readout.rectTransform.anchorMin || caretRectTrans.anchorMax != m_Readout.rectTransform.anchorMax || caretRectTrans.anchoredPosition != m_Readout.rectTransform.anchoredPosition || caretRectTrans.sizeDelta != m_Readout.rectTransform.sizeDelta || caretRectTrans.pivot != m_Readout.rectTransform.pivot)) { caretRectTrans.localPosition = m_Readout.rectTransform.localPosition; caretRectTrans.localRotation = m_Readout.rectTransform.localRotation; caretRectTrans.localScale = m_Readout.rectTransform.localScale; caretRectTrans.anchorMin = m_Readout.rectTransform.anchorMin; caretRectTrans.anchorMax = m_Readout.rectTransform.anchorMax; caretRectTrans.anchoredPosition = m_Readout.rectTransform.anchoredPosition; caretRectTrans.sizeDelta = m_Readout.rectTransform.sizeDelta; caretRectTrans.pivot = m_Readout.rectTransform.pivot; } } private void OnFillVBO(Mesh vbo) { using (var helper = new VertexHelper()) { if (!readoutFocused) { helper.FillMesh(vbo); return; } Rect inputRect = m_Readout.rectTransform.rect; Vector2 extents = inputRect.size; // get the text alignment anchor point for the text in local space Vector2 textAnchorPivot = Text.GetTextAnchorPivot(m_Readout.alignment); Vector2 refPoint =; refPoint.x = Mathf.Lerp(inputRect.xMin, inputRect.xMax, textAnchorPivot.x); refPoint.y = Mathf.Lerp(inputRect.yMin, inputRect.yMax, textAnchorPivot.y); // Ajust the anchor point in screen space Vector2 roundedRefPoint = m_Readout.PixelAdjustPoint(refPoint); // Determine fraction of pixel to offset text mesh. // This is the rounding in screen space, plus the fraction of a pixel the text anchor pivot is from the corner of the text mesh. Vector2 roundingOffset = roundedRefPoint - refPoint + Vector2.Scale(extents, textAnchorPivot); roundingOffset.x = roundingOffset.x - Mathf.Floor(0.5f + roundingOffset.x); roundingOffset.y = roundingOffset.y - Mathf.Floor(0.5f + roundingOffset.y); if (!hasSelection) GenerateCursor(helper, roundingOffset); else GenerateHightlight(helper, roundingOffset); helper.FillMesh(vbo); } } private void GenerateCursor(VertexHelper vbo, Vector2 roundingOffset) { if (!m_CaretVisible) return; if (m_CursorVerts == null) CreateCursorVerts(); float width = 3f; float height = m_Readout.fontSize; int adjustedPos = Mathf.Max(0, caretPositionInternal - m_DrawStart); TextGenerator gen = m_Readout.cachedTextGenerator; if (gen == null) return; if (m_Readout.resizeTextForBestFit) height = gen.fontSizeUsedForBestFit / m_Readout.pixelsPerUnit; Vector2 startPosition =; // Calculate startPosition if (gen.characterCountVisible + 1 > adjustedPos || adjustedPos == 0) { UICharInfo cursorChar = gen.characters[adjustedPos]; startPosition.x = cursorChar.cursorPos.x; startPosition.y = cursorChar.cursorPos.y; } startPosition.x /= m_Readout.pixelsPerUnit; // Should Only clamp when Text uses horizontal word wrap. if (startPosition.x > m_Readout.rectTransform.rect.xMax) startPosition.x = m_Readout.rectTransform.rect.xMax; startPosition.y = + height / 2; Color c = m_Readout.color; float halfWidth = width * 0.5f; m_CursorVerts [0].position = new Vector3(startPosition.x - halfWidth, startPosition.y - height, 0.0f); m_CursorVerts [0].color = c; m_CursorVerts [1].position = new Vector3(startPosition.x + halfWidth, startPosition.y - height, 0.0f); m_CursorVerts [1].color = c; m_CursorVerts [2].position = new Vector3(startPosition.x + halfWidth, startPosition.y, 0.0f); m_CursorVerts [2].color = c; m_CursorVerts [3].position = new Vector3(startPosition.x - halfWidth, startPosition.y, 0.0f); m_CursorVerts [3].color = c; if (roundingOffset != { for (int i = 0; i < m_CursorVerts.Length; i++) { UIVertex uiv = m_CursorVerts[i]; uiv.position.x += roundingOffset.x; uiv.position.y += roundingOffset.y; } } vbo.AddUIVertexQuad(m_CursorVerts); startPosition.y = Screen.height - startPosition.y; Input.compositionCursorPos = startPosition; } private void CreateCursorVerts() { m_CursorVerts = new UIVertex[4]; for (int i = 0; i < m_CursorVerts.Length; i++) { m_CursorVerts[i] = UIVertex.simpleVert; m_CursorVerts [i].color = m_SelectionColor;// m_TextComponent.color; m_CursorVerts[i].uv0 =; } } private float SumLineHeights(int endLine, TextGenerator generator) { float height = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < endLine; ++i) { height += generator.lines[i].height; } return height; } private void GenerateHightlight(VertexHelper vbo, Vector2 roundingOffset) { if (m_CursorVerts == null) CreateCursorVerts(); int startChar = Mathf.Max(0, caretPositionInternal - m_DrawStart); int endChar = Mathf.Max(0, caretSelectPositionInternal - m_DrawStart); // Ensure pos is always less then selPos to make the code simpler if (startChar > endChar) { int temp = startChar; startChar = endChar; endChar = temp; } endChar -= 1; TextGenerator gen = m_Readout.cachedTextGenerator; float height = m_Readout.fontSize; if (m_Readout.resizeTextForBestFit) height = gen.fontSizeUsedForBestFit / m_Readout.pixelsPerUnit; Vector2 startPosition =; Vector2 endPosition =; UIVertex vert = UIVertex.simpleVert; vert.uv0 =; vert.color = m_SelectionColor; startPosition.y = + height / 2; endPosition.y = startPosition.y - height; UICharInfo charInfo = gen.characters[startChar]; startPosition.x = charInfo.cursorPos.x / m_Readout.pixelsPerUnit; charInfo = gen.characters[endChar]; endPosition.x = (charInfo.cursorPos.x + charInfo.charWidth) / m_Readout.pixelsPerUnit; m_CursorVerts [0].position = new Vector3(startPosition.x, startPosition.y - height, 0.0f); m_CursorVerts [0].color = m_SelectionColor; m_CursorVerts [1].position = new Vector3(endPosition.x, startPosition.y - height, 0.0f); m_CursorVerts [1].color = m_SelectionColor; m_CursorVerts [2].position = new Vector3(endPosition.x, startPosition.y, 0.0f); m_CursorVerts [2].color = m_SelectionColor; m_CursorVerts [3].position = new Vector3(startPosition.x, startPosition.y, 0.0f); m_CursorVerts [3].color = m_SelectionColor; if (roundingOffset != { for (int i = 0; i < m_CursorVerts.Length; i++) { UIVertex uiv = m_CursorVerts[i]; uiv.position.x += roundingOffset.x; uiv.position.y += roundingOffset.y; } } vbo.AddUIVertexQuad(m_CursorVerts); } /// /// Validate the specified input. /// private char Validate(string text, int pos, char ch) { // Integer and decimal bool cursorBeforeDash = (pos == 0 && text.Length > 0 && text[0] == '-'); if (!cursorBeforeDash) { if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return ch; if (ch == '-' && pos == 0) return ch; // if (ch == '.' && characterValidation == CharacterValidation.Decimal && !text.Contains(".")) return ch; } return (char)0; } public void ActivateInputField() { if (m_Readout == null || m_Readout.font == null || !IsActive() || !IsInteractable()) return; if (!readoutFocused) StartCoroutine (DelayedActivateInputField ()); } WaitForEndOfFrame eofYield; private IEnumerator DelayedActivateInputField() { if (eofYield == null) eofYield = new WaitForEndOfFrame (); yield return eofYield; if (EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject != gameObject) EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(gameObject); Input.imeCompositionMode = IMECompositionMode.On; OnFocusReadout(); m_AllowInput = true; m_OriginalText = readoutText; m_WasCanceled = false; SetCaretVisible(); UpdateLabel(); } public void DeactivateInputField() { // Not activated do nothing. if (!m_AllowInput) return; m_HasDoneFocusTransition = false; m_AllowInput = false; if (m_Readout != null && IsInteractable()) { if (m_WasCanceled) readoutText = m_OriginalText; m_CaretPosition = m_CaretSelectPosition = 0; SendOnSubmit(); Input.imeCompositionMode = IMECompositionMode.Auto; } MarkGeometryAsDirty(); } public override void OnDeselect(BaseEventData eventData) { DeactivateInputField(); base.OnDeselect(eventData); } protected override void DoStateTransition(SelectionState state, bool instant) { if (m_HasDoneFocusTransition) state = SelectionState.Highlighted; else if (state == SelectionState.Pressed) m_HasDoneFocusTransition = true; base.DoStateTransition(state, instant); } #endregion #region IPointerClickHandler implementation public void OnPointerClick (PointerEventData eventData) { if (eventData.button != PointerEventData.InputButton.Left) return; Vector2 pressPosition = eventData.pressPosition; // Check for increment / decrement buttons if (RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint (m_IncrementButton, pressPosition)) { DeactivateInputField(); Increment (); return; } if (RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint (m_DecrementButton, pressPosition)) { DeactivateInputField(); Decrement (); return; } // Check for slider bar if (!m_DraggingSlider && RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint (m_SliderRect, pressPosition)) { DeactivateInputField(); Vector2 local; RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle (m_SliderBarRect, pressPosition, eventData.pressEventCamera, out local); SetNormalisedValue (local.x / m_SliderBarRect.rect.width, true); return; } // Check for input field if (!m_DraggingReadout && RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint (m_ReadoutRect, pressPosition)) { ActivateInputField(); } } #endregion [Serializable] public class ValueChangeEvent : UnityEvent {} public ValueChangeEvent onValueChanged { get { return m_OnValueChanged; } } public int value { get { return m_Value; } set { SetValue (value, true); } } public void SetLimits(int min, int max) { m_MinValue = min; m_MaxValue = max; SetValue(m_Value, true); //UpdateLabel(); } public float normalisedValue { get { return (float)(m_Value - m_MinValue) / (float)(m_MaxValue - m_MinValue); } set { SetNormalisedValue (value, true); } } private void SetValue (int v, bool triggerEvent) { m_Value = Mathf.Clamp (v, m_MinValue, m_MaxValue); if (m_SliderBarRect != null && m_SliderFillRect != null) { float zeroedValue = (float)(m_Value - m_MinValue); float zeroedTotal = (float)(m_MaxValue - m_MinValue); m_SliderFillRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2 ( m_SliderBarRect.rect.width * zeroedValue / zeroedTotal, 0f ); } readoutText = m_Value.ToString (); if (triggerEvent) m_OnValueChanged.Invoke (m_Value); } private void SetNormalisedValue (float n, bool triggerEvent) { float clamped = Mathf.Clamp01 (n); m_Value = (int)((float)(m_MaxValue - m_MinValue) * clamped) + m_MinValue; if (m_SliderBarRect != null && m_SliderFillRect != null) { m_SliderFillRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2 ( m_SliderBarRect.rect.width * clamped, 0f ); } readoutText = m_Value.ToString (); if (triggerEvent) m_OnValueChanged.Invoke (m_Value); } #if UNITY_EDITOR protected override void OnValidate () { base.OnValidate (); m_MinValue = Mathf.Clamp (m_MinValue, 0, m_MaxValue); m_MaxValue = Mathf.Clamp (m_MaxValue, m_MinValue, 999); m_Value = Mathf.Clamp (m_Value, m_MinValue, m_MaxValue); //SetValue (m_Value, false); } #endif protected override void Awake () { base.Awake (); InitialiseReadout (); if (m_Value == -1) SetValue (m_Value, false); } public override void OnSubmit (BaseEventData eventData) { if (widgetState == WidgetState.Focussed) { widgetState = WidgetState.Highlighted; PlayAudio (MenuAudio.ClickValid); } else base.OnSubmit (eventData); } public override void FocusLeft () { Decrement (); } public override void FocusRight () { Increment (); } public void Increment () { if (value < m_MaxValue) { ++value; // Highlight right button } PlayAudio (MenuAudio.Move); } public void Decrement () { if (value > 0) { --value; // Highlight left button } PlayAudio (MenuAudio.Move); } } }