using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace NeoFPS.Samples { [HelpURL("")] public class MultiInputWidgetScrollViewLayout : MultiInputWidgetLayout { ScrollRect m_ScrollRect = null; private Vector3[] m_Corners = new Vector3[4]; protected override void Awake () { base.Awake (); m_ScrollRect = GetComponent (); } public override void OnWidgetSelected (MultiInputWidget widget) { base.OnWidgetSelected (widget); // Check if content is large enough to require scrolling RectTransform rt = transform as RectTransform; RectTransform ct = m_ScrollRect.content; float contentHeight = ct.rect.height; if (contentHeight > rt.rect.height) { // Check if widget is within visible scroll area RectTransform wt = (RectTransform)widget.transform; rt.GetWorldCorners (m_Corners); float worldBottom = m_Corners [0].y; float worldTop = m_Corners [1].y; float worldHeight = worldTop - worldBottom; wt.GetWorldCorners (m_Corners); contentHeight *= ct.lossyScale.y; float multiplier = 1f / (contentHeight - worldHeight); // Check if off bottom of scroll rect if (m_Corners [0].y < worldBottom) { float diff = worldBottom - m_Corners [0].y; m_ScrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition -= diff * multiplier; } else { // Check if off top of scroll rect if (m_Corners [1].y > worldTop) { float diff = m_Corners [1].y - worldTop; m_ScrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition += diff * multiplier; } } } } } }