using NeoSaveGames; using NeoSaveGames.Serialization; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using UnityEngine.Serialization; namespace NeoFPS { [CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "FpsManager_Pooling", menuName = "NeoFPS/Managers/Pool Manager", order = NeoFpsMenuPriorities.manager_pooling)] [HelpURL("")] public class PoolManager : NeoFpsManager { [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod(RuntimeInitializeLoadType.BeforeSceneLoad)] static void LoadNeoSceneManager() { GetInstance("FpsManager_Pooling"); } [SerializeField, RequiredObjectProperty, Tooltip("A scene pool handler prefab to be instantiated in the scene if none already exists.")] private ScenePoolHandler m_ScenePoolHandlerPrefab = null; [SerializeField, FormerlySerializedAs("m_DefaultPoolSize"), Tooltip("The size of any new pools that are added to the array at runtime (after initialisation).")] private int m_DefaultRuntimePoolSize = 100; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The pools to set up at initialisation.")] private PoolInfo[] m_SharedPools = new PoolInfo[0]; private static ScenePoolHandler s_CurrentScenePoolInfo = null; public static int defaultPoolSize { get { if (CheckScenePoolHandler()) return instance.m_DefaultRuntimePoolSize; else return 100; } } #if UNITY_EDITOR void OnValidate() { if (m_DefaultRuntimePoolSize < 1) m_DefaultRuntimePoolSize = 1; for (int i = 0; i < m_SharedPools.Length; ++i) { if (m_SharedPools[i].count < 1) m_SharedPools[i].count = 1; } } #endif public override bool IsValid() { return m_ScenePoolHandlerPrefab != null; } static bool CheckScenePoolHandler() { if (instance == null) return false; if (s_CurrentScenePoolInfo == null) { if (instance.m_ScenePoolHandlerPrefab == null) { Debug.LogError("Scene pool handler not found in PoolManager settings"); return false; } // Instantiate scene pool handler prefab (using save system if applicable) ScenePoolHandler result = null; if (SceneSaveInfo.currentActiveScene != null) result = SceneSaveInfo.currentActiveScene.InstantiatePrefab(instance.m_ScenePoolHandlerPrefab); else result = Instantiate(instance.m_ScenePoolHandlerPrefab); // Initialise (this calls SetCurrentScenePoolInfo) result.Initialise(); } return true; } public static void SetCurrentScenePoolInfo(ScenePoolHandler to) { if (instance == null) return; // Check there's not too many if (s_CurrentScenePoolInfo != null && to != null && to != s_CurrentScenePoolInfo) { Debug.LogError("Attempting to set multiple scene pool handlers. Only one scene pool handler should exist in the main scene"); return; } // Set current s_CurrentScenePoolInfo = to; // Add shared pools if (s_CurrentScenePoolInfo != null) { for (int i = 0; i < instance.m_SharedPools.Length; ++i) s_CurrentScenePoolInfo.CreatePool(instance.m_SharedPools[i].prototype, instance.m_SharedPools[i].count); } } public static void CreatePool(PooledObject prototype) { if (CheckScenePoolHandler()) s_CurrentScenePoolInfo.CreatePool(prototype, instance.m_DefaultRuntimePoolSize); } public static void CreatePool(PooledObject prototype, int count) { if (CheckScenePoolHandler()) s_CurrentScenePoolInfo.CreatePool(prototype, count); } public static void ReturnObjectToPool(PooledObject obj) { // Do not create a pool handler if not found - just destroy the object instead if (s_CurrentScenePoolInfo != null) s_CurrentScenePoolInfo.ReturnObjectToPool(obj); else Destroy(obj.gameObject); } public static T GetPooledObject(PooledObject prototype, bool activate = true) { if (CheckScenePoolHandler()) return s_CurrentScenePoolInfo.GetPooledObject(prototype, activate); else return default(T); } public static T GetPooledObject(PooledObject prototype, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, bool activate = true) { if (CheckScenePoolHandler()) return s_CurrentScenePoolInfo.GetPooledObject(prototype, position, rotation, activate); else return default(T); } public static T GetPooledObject(PooledObject prototype, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 scale, bool activate = true) { if (CheckScenePoolHandler()) return s_CurrentScenePoolInfo.GetPooledObject(prototype, position, rotation, scale, activate); else return default(T); } } }