using UnityEngine; using NeoFPS.Constants; using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion; using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion.Parameters; namespace NeoFPS { [HelpURL("")] [RequireComponent (typeof (ICharacter))] public class InputCharacterMotion : CharacterInputBase { [Header ("Features")] [SerializeField, Tooltip("Should double tapping a move direction set the dodge direction and trigger properties.")] private bool m_EnableDodging = true; [SerializeField, Range(0.1f, 1f), Tooltip("How close together (seconds) do the direction buttons have to be tapped to dodge.")] private float m_DodgeTimeout = 0.25f; [SerializeField, Tooltip("Does holding the jump button charge up a jump or does the character dodge as soon as the button is pressed.")] private bool m_EnableChargedJump = false; [SerializeField, Range(0.1f, 51f), Tooltip("The time it takes to charge up a full power jump if charged jumps are enabled.")] private float m_JumpChargeTime = 0.25f; [SerializeField, Tooltip("Toggle leaning or hold to lean.")] private bool m_ToggleLean = true; [SerializeField, Tooltip("Cancel sprinting if no direction is pressed (or analogue direction is very low).")] private bool m_NoInputCancelsSprint = false; [Header("Motion Graph Properties")] [SerializeField, MotionGraphParameterKey(MotionGraphParameterType.Trigger), Tooltip("The key to the jump trigger property in the character motion graph.")] private string m_JumpKey = "jump"; [SerializeField, MotionGraphParameterKey(MotionGraphParameterType.Float), Tooltip("The key to the jump charge float property in the character motion graph.")] private string m_JumpChargeKey = "jumpCharge"; [SerializeField, MotionGraphParameterKey(MotionGraphParameterType.Switch), Tooltip("The key to the jump hold float property in the character motion graph.")] private string m_JumpHoldKey = "jumpHold"; [SerializeField, MotionGraphParameterKey(MotionGraphParameterType.Switch), Tooltip("The key to the crouch switch property in the character motion graph.")] private string m_CrouchKey = "crouch"; [SerializeField, MotionGraphParameterKey(MotionGraphParameterType.Switch), Tooltip("The key to the crouch hold switch property in the character motion graph.")] private string m_CrouchHoldKey = "crouchHold"; [SerializeField, MotionGraphParameterKey(MotionGraphParameterType.Switch), Tooltip("The key to the sprint switch property in the character motion graph.")] private string m_SprintKey = "sprint"; [SerializeField, MotionGraphParameterKey(MotionGraphParameterType.Switch), Tooltip("The key to the sprint hold switch property in the character motion graph.")] private string m_SprintHoldKey = "sprintHold"; [SerializeField, MotionGraphParameterKey(MotionGraphParameterType.Trigger), Tooltip("The key to the dodge left trigger property in the character motion graph.")] private string m_DodgeLeftKey = "dodgeLeft"; [SerializeField, MotionGraphParameterKey(MotionGraphParameterType.Trigger), Tooltip("The key to the dodge right trigger property in the character motion graph.")] private string m_DodgeRightKey = "dodgeRight"; [SerializeField, MotionGraphParameterKey(MotionGraphParameterType.Trigger), Tooltip("The key to the ability trigger property in the character motion graph.")] private string m_AbilityKey = "ability"; private CharacterInteractionHandler m_InteractionMgr = null; private MouseAndGamepadAimController m_Aimer = null; private BodyLean m_BodyLean = null; private bool m_Initialised = false; private TriggerParameter m_JumpTrigger = null; private FloatParameter m_JumpChargeProperty = null; private SwitchParameter m_JumpHoldProperty = null; private SwitchParameter m_CrouchProperty = null; private SwitchParameter m_CrouchHoldProperty = null; private SwitchParameter m_SprintProperty = null; private SwitchParameter m_SprintHoldProperty = null; private TriggerParameter m_DodgeLeftTrigger = null; private TriggerParameter m_DodgeRightTrigger = null; private TriggerParameter m_AbilityTrigger = null; private float m_DodgeLeftTimer = 0f; private float m_DodgeRightTimer = 0f; protected override void OnAwake() { base.OnAwake(); m_InteractionMgr = GetComponent (); m_Aimer = GetComponent (); if (m_Character.bodyTransformHandler != null) m_BodyLean = m_Character.bodyTransformHandler.GetComponent(); } void CheckMotionGraphConnection() { if (!m_Initialised) { MotionGraphContainer motionGraph = m_Character.motionController.motionGraph; m_JumpTrigger = motionGraph.GetTriggerProperty(m_JumpKey); m_JumpChargeProperty = motionGraph.GetFloatProperty(m_JumpChargeKey); m_JumpHoldProperty = motionGraph.GetSwitchProperty(m_JumpHoldKey); m_CrouchProperty = motionGraph.GetSwitchProperty(m_CrouchKey); m_CrouchHoldProperty = motionGraph.GetSwitchProperty(m_CrouchHoldKey); m_SprintProperty = motionGraph.GetSwitchProperty(m_SprintKey); m_SprintHoldProperty = motionGraph.GetSwitchProperty(m_SprintHoldKey); m_DodgeLeftTrigger = motionGraph.GetTriggerProperty(m_DodgeLeftKey); m_DodgeRightTrigger = motionGraph.GetTriggerProperty(m_DodgeRightKey); m_AbilityTrigger = motionGraph.GetTriggerProperty(m_AbilityKey); m_Initialised = true; } } protected override void OnGainFocus() { base.OnGainFocus(); // Capture mouse cursor NeoFpsInputManagerBase.captureMouseCursor = true; } protected override void OnLoseFocus() { m_Character.motionController.inputMoveDirection =; m_Character.motionController.inputMoveScale = 0f; if (m_JumpHoldProperty != null) m_JumpHoldProperty.Hold(false); // Capture mouse cursor NeoFpsInputManagerBase.captureMouseCursor = false; } protected override void UpdateInput() { CheckMotionGraphConnection(); // Aim input m_Aimer.HandleMouseInput(new Vector2 ( GetAxis (FpsInputAxis.MouseX), GetAxis (FpsInputAxis.MouseY) )); m_Aimer.HandleAnalogInput(new Vector2 ( GetAxis (FpsInputAxis.LookX), GetAxis (FpsInputAxis.LookY) )); // Movement input Vector2 move = new Vector2 ( GetAxis (FpsInputAxis.MoveX), GetAxis (FpsInputAxis.MoveY) ); if (GetButton (FpsInputButton.Forward)) move.y += 1f; if (GetButton (FpsInputButton.Backward)) move.y -= 1f; if (GetButton (FpsInputButton.Left)) move.x -= 1f; if (GetButton (FpsInputButton.Right)) move.x += 1f; float mag = Mathf.Clamp01(move.magnitude); if (mag > Mathf.Epsilon) move.Normalize(); m_Character.motionController.inputMoveDirection = move; m_Character.motionController.inputMoveScale = mag; // Movement modifiers bool sprintPress = GetButtonDown(FpsInputButton.SprintToggle); bool sprintHold = GetButton(FpsInputButton.Sprint); bool crouchPress = GetButtonDown(FpsInputButton.CrouchToggle); bool crouchHold = GetButton(FpsInputButton.Crouch); if (m_SprintProperty != null) { // Cancel sprinting on no input if (m_NoInputCancelsSprint && mag < 0.1f) { sprintPress = false; m_SprintProperty.on = false; } m_SprintProperty.SetInput ( sprintPress, sprintHold ); // Cancel sprinting if crouching if (crouchPress || crouchHold) m_SprintProperty.on = false; } if (m_SprintHoldProperty != null) m_SprintHoldProperty.on = sprintHold || GetButton(FpsInputButton.SprintToggle); if (m_CrouchProperty != null) { m_CrouchProperty.SetInput( crouchPress, crouchHold ); // Cancel crouching if sprinting if (sprintPress || sprintHold) m_CrouchProperty.on = false; } if (m_CrouchHoldProperty != null) m_CrouchHoldProperty.Hold(crouchHold || GetButton(FpsInputButton.CrouchToggle)); // Jump if (m_JumpTrigger != null) { if (m_EnableChargedJump && m_JumpChargeProperty != null) { if (GetButtonDown(FpsInputButton.Jump)) m_JumpChargeProperty.value = 0f; if (GetButton(FpsInputButton.Jump)) m_JumpChargeProperty.value = Mathf.Clamp01(m_JumpChargeProperty.value + (Time.deltaTime / m_JumpChargeTime)); if (GetButtonUp(FpsInputButton.Jump)) m_JumpTrigger.Trigger(); } else { if (GetButtonDown(FpsInputButton.Jump)) m_JumpTrigger.Trigger(); } } if (m_JumpHoldProperty != null) m_JumpHoldProperty.Hold(GetButton(FpsInputButton.Jump)); // Dodge if (m_EnableDodging && m_DodgeLeftTrigger != null && m_DodgeRightTrigger != null) { if (GetButtonDown(FpsInputButton.Left)) { if (m_DodgeLeftTimer > Mathf.Epsilon) m_DodgeLeftTrigger.Trigger(); else m_DodgeLeftTimer = m_DodgeTimeout; } if (GetButtonDown(FpsInputButton.Right)) { if (m_DodgeRightTimer > Mathf.Epsilon) m_DodgeRightTrigger.Trigger(); else m_DodgeRightTimer = m_DodgeTimeout; } // Modify timers m_DodgeLeftTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (m_DodgeLeftTimer < 0f) m_DodgeLeftTimer = 0f; m_DodgeRightTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (m_DodgeRightTimer < 0f) m_DodgeRightTimer = 0f; } // Ability if (m_AbilityTrigger != null) { if (GetButtonDown(FpsInputButton.Ability)) m_AbilityTrigger.Trigger(); } // Lean if (m_BodyLean != null) { if (m_ToggleLean) { if (GetButtonDown(FpsInputButton.LeanLeft)) { if (Mathf.Abs(m_BodyLean.targetLean) > 0.9f) m_BodyLean.ResetLean(); else m_BodyLean.LeanLeft(1f); } if (GetButtonDown(FpsInputButton.LeanRight)) { if (Mathf.Abs(m_BodyLean.targetLean) > 0.9f) m_BodyLean.ResetLean(); else m_BodyLean.LeanRight(1f); } } else { int lean = 0; if (GetButton(FpsInputButton.LeanLeft)) --lean; if (GetButton(FpsInputButton.LeanRight)) ++lean; switch (lean) { case -1: m_BodyLean.LeanLeft(1f); break; case 1: m_BodyLean.LeanRight(1f); break; case 0: m_BodyLean.ResetLean(); break; } } } // Interact / Use if (GetButtonDown (FpsInputButton.Use)) m_InteractionMgr.InteractPress (); if (GetButtonUp (FpsInputButton.Use)) m_InteractionMgr.InteractRelease (); } } }