using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using NeoSaveGames.Serialization; using NeoSaveGames; namespace NeoFPS { [HelpURL("")] public class ObjectLifecycleManager : MonoBehaviour, INeoSerializableComponent { [SerializeField, Tooltip("Should all the attached objects be enabled when this is.")] private bool m_ActiveOnEnabled = true; [SerializeField, Tooltip("Should all the attached objects be disabled when this is.")] private bool m_ActiveOnDisabled = true; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The objects being managed.")] private GameObject[] m_Objects = new GameObject[0]; private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_ObjectsEnabledKey = new NeoSerializationKey("objectsEnabled"); public GameObject[] objects { get { return m_Objects; } set { m_Objects = value; objectsEnabled = m_ObjectsEnabled; } } bool m_ObjectsEnabled = false; public bool objectsEnabled { get { return m_ObjectsEnabled; } set { m_ObjectsEnabled = value; for (int i = 0; i < m_Objects.Length; ++i) { if (m_Objects [i] != null) m_Objects [i].SetActive (m_ObjectsEnabled); } } } void OnEnable () { objectsEnabled = m_ActiveOnEnabled; } void OnDisable () { objectsEnabled = m_ActiveOnDisabled; } // Simple functions for use with animation events public void EnableObjects () { objectsEnabled = true; } public void DisableObjects () { objectsEnabled = false; } public void EnableSpecificObject (GameObject o) { if (o != null) o.SetActive (true); } public void DisableSpecificObject (GameObject o) { if (o != null) o.SetActive (false); } public void WriteProperties(INeoSerializer writer, NeoSerializedGameObject nsgo, SaveMode saveMode) { writer.WriteValue(k_ObjectsEnabledKey, objectsEnabled); } public void ReadProperties(INeoDeserializer reader, NeoSerializedGameObject nsgo) { bool boolResult = false; if (reader.TryReadValue(k_ObjectsEnabledKey, out boolResult, objectsEnabled)) objectsEnabled = boolResult; } } }