using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace SimpleInventorySystem { public class AppendUI : MonoBehaviour { public Transform AttachToTransform; public bool FindAttachToScriptInAttachToTransform; private Transform targetParentTransform; [Tooltip("Leave empty if a container exists in dropped target(s) ItemUI.")] //public GameObject PrefabUI; private GameObject instantiatedUI; public bool StackAppend = true; private int inCount = 1; public void AppendUIToTransform(ItemUI itemUI) { if(AttachToTransform != null) { if (AttachToTransform != null && FindAttachToScriptInAttachToTransform) { AttachTo attachTarget = AttachToTransform.GetComponentInChildren(); if(attachTarget != null) targetParentTransform = attachTarget.transform; } else { targetParentTransform = AttachToTransform; } } if (itemUI != null && targetParentTransform != null) { if(itemUI.container != null) { Debug.Log("Append: " +; itemUI.container.SetActive(true); itemUI.container.transform.SetParent(targetParentTransform, false); Debug.Log("Append: " + "This should be working..."); } else if (itemUI.containerUIPrefab != null) { Debug.Log("Creating new"); itemUI.container = Instantiate(itemUI.containerUIPrefab, targetParentTransform, false); = + " " + inCount; inCount++; } } } /*public void AppendUIToTransform() { if (PrefabUI != null && AttachToTransform != null) { instantiatedUI = Instantiate(PrefabUI, AttachToTransform); } } public void RemoveUIFromTransform() { if (instantiatedUI != null) { // TODO: May need to add more here Destroy(instantiatedUI); } }*/ public void RemoveUIFromTransform(ItemUI itemUI) { if (itemUI != null) { if (itemUI.container != null) { Debug.Log("AppendUI:Remove:" + +; itemUI.container.transform.SetParent(itemUI.transform, false); itemUI.container.SetActive(false); } } } public GameObject InstantiatedUI() { return instantiatedUI; } } }