using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; [RequireComponent(typeof(Rigidbody))] public class PlayerMovementScript : MonoBehaviour { Rigidbody rb; [Tooltip("Current players speed")] public float currentSpeed; [Tooltip("Assign players camera here")] [HideInInspector]public Transform cameraMain; [Tooltip("Force that moves player into jump")] public float jumpForce = 500; [Tooltip("Position of the camera inside the player")] [HideInInspector]public Vector3 cameraPosition; /* * Getting the Players rigidbody component. * And grabbing the mainCamera from Players child transform. */ void Awake(){ rb = GetComponent(); cameraMain = transform.Find("Main Camera").transform; bulletSpawn = cameraMain.Find ("BulletSpawn").transform; ignoreLayer = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer ("Player"); } private Vector3 slowdownV; private Vector2 horizontalMovement; /* * Raycasting for meele attacks and input movement handling here. */ void FixedUpdate(){ RaycastForMeleeAttacks (); PlayerMovementLogic (); } /* * Accordingly to input adds force and if magnitude is bigger it will clamp it. * If player leaves keys it will deaccelerate */ void PlayerMovementLogic(){ currentSpeed = rb.velocity.magnitude; horizontalMovement = new Vector2 (rb.velocity.x, rb.velocity.z); if (horizontalMovement.magnitude > maxSpeed){ horizontalMovement = horizontalMovement.normalized; horizontalMovement *= maxSpeed; } rb.velocity = new Vector3 ( horizontalMovement.x, rb.velocity.y, horizontalMovement.y ); if (grounded){ rb.velocity = Vector3.SmoothDamp(rb.velocity, new Vector3(0,rb.velocity.y,0), ref slowdownV, deaccelerationSpeed); } if (grounded) { rb.AddRelativeForce (Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * accelerationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0, Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") * accelerationSpeed * Time.deltaTime); } else { rb.AddRelativeForce (Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * accelerationSpeed / 2 * Time.deltaTime, 0, Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") * accelerationSpeed / 2 * Time.deltaTime); } /* * Slippery issues fixed here */ if (Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") != 0 || Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") != 0) { deaccelerationSpeed = 0.5f; } else { deaccelerationSpeed = 0.1f; } } /* * Handles jumping and ads the force and sounds. */ void Jumping(){ if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Space) && grounded) { rb.AddRelativeForce (Vector3.up * jumpForce); if (_jumpSound) _jumpSound.Play (); else print ("Missig jump sound."); _walkSound.Stop (); _runSound.Stop (); } } /* * Update loop calling other stuff */ void Update(){ Jumping (); Crouching(); WalkingSound (); }//end update /* * Checks if player is grounded and plays the sound accorindlgy to his speed */ void WalkingSound(){ if (_walkSound && _runSound) { if (RayCastGrounded ()) { //for walk sounsd using this because suraface is not straigh if (currentSpeed > 1) { // print ("unutra sam"); if (maxSpeed == 3) { // print ("tu sem"); if (!_walkSound.isPlaying) { // print ("playam hod"); _walkSound.Play (); _runSound.Stop (); } } else if (maxSpeed == 5) { // print ("NE tu sem"); if (!_runSound.isPlaying) { _walkSound.Stop (); _runSound.Play (); } } } else { _walkSound.Stop (); _runSound.Stop (); } } else { _walkSound.Stop (); _runSound.Stop (); } } else { print ("Missing walk and running sounds."); } } /* * Raycasts down to check if we are grounded along the gorunded method() because if the * floor is curvy it will go ON/OFF constatly this assures us if we are really grounded */ private bool RayCastGrounded(){ RaycastHit groundedInfo; if(Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.up *-1f, out groundedInfo, 1, ~ignoreLayer)){ Debug.DrawRay (transform.position, transform.up * -1f,, 0.0f); if(groundedInfo.transform != null){ //print ("vracam true"); return true; } else{ //print ("vracam false"); return false; } } //print ("nisam if dosao"); return false; } /* * If player toggle the crouch it will scale the player to appear that is crouching */ void Crouching(){ if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.C)){ transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(transform.localScale, new Vector3(1,0.6f,1), Time.deltaTime * 15); } else{ transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(transform.localScale, new Vector3(1,1,1), Time.deltaTime * 15); } } [Tooltip("The maximum speed you want to achieve")] public int maxSpeed = 5; [Tooltip("The higher the number the faster it will stop")] public float deaccelerationSpeed = 15.0f; [Tooltip("Force that is applied when moving forward or backward")] public float accelerationSpeed = 50000.0f; [Tooltip("Tells us weather the player is grounded or not.")] public bool grounded; /* * checks if our player is contacting the ground in the angle less than 60 degrees * if it is, set groudede to true */ void OnCollisionStay(Collision other){ foreach(ContactPoint contact in other.contacts){ if(Vector2.Angle(contact.normal,Vector3.up) < 60){ grounded = true; } } } /* * On collision exit set grounded to false */ void OnCollisionExit () { grounded = false; } RaycastHit hitInfo; private float meleeAttack_cooldown; private string currentWeapo; [Tooltip("Put 'Player' layer here")] [Header("Shooting Properties")] private LayerMask ignoreLayer;//to ignore player layer Ray ray1, ray2, ray3, ray4, ray5, ray6, ray7, ray8, ray9; private float rayDetectorMeeleSpace = 0.15f; private float offsetStart = 0.05f; [Tooltip("Put BulletSpawn gameobject here, palce from where bullets are created.")] [HideInInspector] public Transform bulletSpawn; //from here we shoot a ray to check where we hit him; /* * This method casts 9 rays in different directions. ( SEE scene tab and you will see 9 rays differently coloured). * Used to widley detect enemy infront and increase meele hit detectivity. * Checks for cooldown after last preformed meele attack. */ public bool been_to_meele_anim = false; private void RaycastForMeleeAttacks(){ if (meleeAttack_cooldown > -5) { meleeAttack_cooldown -= 1 * Time.deltaTime; } if (GetComponent ().currentGun) { if (GetComponent ().currentGun.GetComponent ()) currentWeapo = "gun"; } //middle row ray1 = new Ray (bulletSpawn.position + (bulletSpawn.right*offsetStart), bulletSpawn.forward + (bulletSpawn.right * rayDetectorMeeleSpace)); ray2 = new Ray (bulletSpawn.position - (bulletSpawn.right*offsetStart), bulletSpawn.forward - (bulletSpawn.right * rayDetectorMeeleSpace)); ray3 = new Ray (bulletSpawn.position, bulletSpawn.forward); //upper row ray4 = new Ray (bulletSpawn.position + (bulletSpawn.right*offsetStart) + (bulletSpawn.up*offsetStart), bulletSpawn.forward + (bulletSpawn.right * rayDetectorMeeleSpace) + (bulletSpawn.up * rayDetectorMeeleSpace)); ray5 = new Ray (bulletSpawn.position - (bulletSpawn.right*offsetStart) + (bulletSpawn.up*offsetStart), bulletSpawn.forward - (bulletSpawn.right * rayDetectorMeeleSpace) + (bulletSpawn.up * rayDetectorMeeleSpace)); ray6 = new Ray (bulletSpawn.position + (bulletSpawn.up*offsetStart), bulletSpawn.forward + (bulletSpawn.up * rayDetectorMeeleSpace)); //bottom row ray7 = new Ray (bulletSpawn.position + (bulletSpawn.right*offsetStart) - (bulletSpawn.up*offsetStart), bulletSpawn.forward + (bulletSpawn.right * rayDetectorMeeleSpace) - (bulletSpawn.up * rayDetectorMeeleSpace)); ray8 = new Ray (bulletSpawn.position - (bulletSpawn.right*offsetStart) - (bulletSpawn.up*offsetStart), bulletSpawn.forward - (bulletSpawn.right * rayDetectorMeeleSpace) - (bulletSpawn.up * rayDetectorMeeleSpace)); ray9 = new Ray (bulletSpawn.position -(bulletSpawn.up*offsetStart), bulletSpawn.forward - (bulletSpawn.up * rayDetectorMeeleSpace)); Debug.DrawRay (ray1.origin, ray1.direction, Color.cyan); Debug.DrawRay (ray2.origin, ray2.direction, Color.cyan); Debug.DrawRay (ray3.origin, ray3.direction, Color.cyan); Debug.DrawRay (ray4.origin, ray4.direction,; Debug.DrawRay (ray5.origin, ray5.direction,; Debug.DrawRay (ray6.origin, ray6.direction,; Debug.DrawRay (ray7.origin, ray7.direction, Color.yellow); Debug.DrawRay (ray8.origin, ray8.direction, Color.yellow); Debug.DrawRay (ray9.origin, ray9.direction, Color.yellow); if (GetComponent ().currentGun) { if (GetComponent ().currentGun.GetComponent ().meeleAttack == false) { been_to_meele_anim = false; } if (GetComponent ().currentGun.GetComponent ().meeleAttack == true && been_to_meele_anim == false) { been_to_meele_anim = true; // if (isRunning == false) { StartCoroutine ("MeeleAttackWeaponHit"); // } } } } /* *Method that is called if the waepon hit animation has been triggered the first time via Q input *and if is, it will search for target and make damage */ IEnumerator MeeleAttackWeaponHit(){ if (Physics.Raycast (ray1, out hitInfo, 2f, ~ignoreLayer) || Physics.Raycast (ray2, out hitInfo, 2f, ~ignoreLayer) || Physics.Raycast (ray3, out hitInfo, 2f, ~ignoreLayer) || Physics.Raycast (ray4, out hitInfo, 2f, ~ignoreLayer) || Physics.Raycast (ray5, out hitInfo, 2f, ~ignoreLayer) || Physics.Raycast (ray6, out hitInfo, 2f, ~ignoreLayer) || Physics.Raycast (ray7, out hitInfo, 2f, ~ignoreLayer) || Physics.Raycast (ray8, out hitInfo, 2f, ~ignoreLayer) || Physics.Raycast (ray9, out hitInfo, 2f, ~ignoreLayer)) { //Debug.DrawRay (bulletSpawn.position, bulletSpawn.forward + (bulletSpawn.right*0.2f),, 0.0f); if (hitInfo.transform.tag=="Dummie") { Transform _other = hitInfo.transform.root.transform; if (_other.transform.tag == "Dummie") { print ("hit a dummie"); } InstantiateBlood(hitInfo,false); } } yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame (); } [Header("BloodForMelleAttaacks")] RaycastHit hit;//stores info of hit; [Tooltip("Put your particle blood effect here.")] public GameObject bloodEffect;//blod effect prefab; /* * Upon hitting enemy it calls this method, gives it raycast hit info * and at that position it creates our blood prefab. */ void InstantiateBlood (RaycastHit _hitPos,bool swordHitWithGunOrNot) { if (currentWeapo == "gun") { GunScript.HitMarkerSound (); if (_hitSound) _hitSound.Play (); else print ("Missing hit sound"); if (!swordHitWithGunOrNot) { if (bloodEffect) Instantiate (bloodEffect, _hitPos.point, Quaternion.identity); else print ("Missing blood effect prefab in the inspector."); } } } private GameObject myBloodEffect; [Header("Player SOUNDS")] [Tooltip("Jump sound when player jumps.")] public AudioSource _jumpSound; [Tooltip("Sound while player makes when successfully reloads weapon.")] public AudioSource _freakingZombiesSound; [Tooltip("Sound Bullet makes when hits target.")] public AudioSource _hitSound; [Tooltip("Walk sound player makes.")] public AudioSource _walkSound; [Tooltip("Run Sound player makes.")] public AudioSource _runSound; }