using UnityEngine; using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion; using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion.Parameters; namespace NeoFPS.CharacterMotion.Behaviours { [MotionGraphElement("Character/BodyTilt", "BodyTiltBehaviour")] [HelpURL("")] public class BodyTiltBehaviour : MotionGraphBehaviour { [SerializeField, Tooltip("The maximum tilt angle from vertical")] private float m_TiltAngle = 15f; [SerializeField, Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("The point to tilt from normalised between the base of the character (0) and the head position of the character (1)")] private float m_NormalisedTiltPoint = 0f; [SerializeField, Tooltip("How is the tilt direction calculated. \"CharacterRelative\" uses the direction vector in the character's local space. \"WorldSpace\" ignores character direction. \"MoveDirection\" tilts away from the direction of movement")] private TiltMode m_TiltMode = TiltMode.CharacterRelative; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The direction parameter to use to drive the tilt")] private VectorParameter m_DirectionVector = null; [SerializeField, Tooltip("Is the tilt amount based on the velocity of the character")] private bool m_VelocityBased = true; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The speed below which the tilt amount will be 0")] private float m_MinSpeed = 0f; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The speed above which the tilt amount will be 1")] private float m_MaxSpeed = 10f; public enum TiltMode { CharacterRelative, WorldSpace, Velocity, VelocityLateral, Input, InputLateral, TiltTowards } private BodyTilt m_BodyTilt = null; public override void OnValidate() { m_TiltAngle = Mathf.Clamp(m_TiltAngle, -45f, 45f); // Clamp speeds if (m_MinSpeed < 0f) m_MinSpeed = 0f; m_MaxSpeed = Mathf.Clamp(m_MaxSpeed, Mathf.Max(0.1f, m_MinSpeed), float.MaxValue); } public override void Initialise(MotionGraphConnectable o) { base.Initialise(o); // Get the body tilt component var character = controller.GetComponent(); if (character != null && character.bodyTransformHandler != null) m_BodyTilt = character.bodyTransformHandler.GetComponent(); if (m_BodyTilt == null) Debug.Log("Body tilt not found"); if (m_TiltMode == TiltMode.TiltTowards) m_VelocityBased = false; } public override void OnExit() { if (m_BodyTilt != null) m_BodyTilt.ResetTilt(); } public override void Update() { if (m_BodyTilt == null) return; // Tilt amount float amount = 1f; // Get the tilt direction Vector2 tiltDirection =; switch (m_TiltMode) { case TiltMode.CharacterRelative: { Vector3 v = m_DirectionVector.value; tiltDirection.x = v.x; tiltDirection.y = v.z; } break; case TiltMode.WorldSpace: { Vector3 v = m_DirectionVector.value; tiltDirection.x = Vector3.Dot(v, controller.characterController.right); tiltDirection.y = Vector3.Dot(v, controller.characterController.forward); } break; case TiltMode.Velocity: { Vector3 v = controller.characterController.velocity; tiltDirection.x = Vector3.Dot(v, controller.characterController.right); tiltDirection.y = Vector3.Dot(v, controller.characterController.forward); } break; case TiltMode.VelocityLateral: { Vector3 v = controller.characterController.velocity; tiltDirection.x = Vector3.Dot(v, controller.characterController.right); } break; case TiltMode.Input: tiltDirection = controller.inputMoveDirection * controller.inputMoveScale; break; case TiltMode.InputLateral: tiltDirection.x = controller.inputMoveDirection.x * controller.inputMoveScale; break; case TiltMode.TiltTowards: { Vector3 v = (m_DirectionVector.value - controller.localTransform.position).normalized; float up = Vector3.Dot(v, controller.characterController.up); tiltDirection.x = Vector3.Dot(v, controller.characterController.right); tiltDirection.y = Vector3.Dot(v, controller.characterController.forward); amount = (1f - Mathf.Abs(up)); } break; } float magnitude = tiltDirection.magnitude; if (magnitude < 0.001f) { // Reset tilt m_BodyTilt.ResetTilt(); } else { // Normalize the tilt direction tiltDirection /= magnitude; // Get tilt amount based on velocity if (m_VelocityBased) { // Get the speed float speed = 0f; switch (m_TiltMode) { case TiltMode.VelocityLateral: speed = magnitude; break; case TiltMode.Input: { float forward = Vector3.Dot( controller.characterController.velocity, controller.characterController.forward ) * tiltDirection.y; if (forward < 0f) forward = 0f; float lateral = Vector3.Dot( controller.characterController.velocity, controller.characterController.right ) * tiltDirection.x; if (lateral < 0f) lateral = 0f; speed = forward + lateral; } break; case TiltMode.InputLateral: { speed = Vector3.Dot( controller.characterController.velocity, controller.characterController.right ) * tiltDirection.x; if (speed < 0f) speed = 0f; } break; default: { Vector3 flattenedVelocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane( controller.characterController.velocity, controller.characterController.up ); speed = flattenedVelocity.magnitude; } break; } // Get the tilt amount amount = Mathf.Clamp01((speed - m_MinSpeed) / (m_MaxSpeed - m_MinSpeed)); } m_BodyTilt.SetTilt(tiltDirection, m_TiltAngle * amount, m_NormalisedTiltPoint); } } public override void CheckReferences(IMotionGraphMap map) { m_DirectionVector = map.Swap(m_DirectionVector); } } }