using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion; using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion.Parameters; using NeoFPS.ModularFirearms; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace NeoFPS { [HelpURL("")] public class HudFirearmOverheatBar : PlayerCharacterHudBase { [SerializeField, Tooltip("The heat bar rect transform")] private RectTransform m_BarRect = null; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The rect transform of the cooldown marker")] private RectTransform m_CooldownMarkerRect = null; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The overheated label")] private GameObject m_OverheatedWarning = null; private FirearmOverheat m_Overheat = null; private FpsInventoryBase m_InventoryBase = null; protected override void OnDestroy() { base.OnDestroy(); // Unsubscribe from old inventory if (m_InventoryBase != null) m_InventoryBase.onSelectionChanged -= OnSelectionChanged; // Unsubscribe from old weapon if (m_Overheat != null) m_Overheat.onHeatValueChanged -= OnHeatValueChanged; } public override void OnPlayerCharacterChanged(ICharacter character) { if (m_InventoryBase != null) m_InventoryBase.onSelectionChanged -= OnSelectionChanged; if (character as Component != null) m_InventoryBase = character.inventory as FpsInventoryBase; else m_InventoryBase = null; if (m_InventoryBase == null) gameObject.SetActive(false); else { m_InventoryBase.onSelectionChanged += OnSelectionChanged; OnSelectionChanged(0, m_InventoryBase.selected); } } protected void OnSelectionChanged(int slot, IQuickSlotItem item) { // Unsubscribe from old weapon if (m_Overheat != null) m_Overheat.onHeatValueChanged -= OnHeatValueChanged; if (item != null) m_Overheat = item.GetComponent(); else m_Overheat = null; if (m_Overheat != null) { // Position the cooldown marker if (m_CooldownMarkerRect != null) { if (m_Overheat.canOverheat && m_Overheat.coolingThreshold > 0f) { m_CooldownMarkerRect.anchorMin = new Vector2(m_Overheat.coolingThreshold, 0f); m_CooldownMarkerRect.anchorMax = new Vector2(m_Overheat.coolingThreshold, 0f); var anchoredPos = m_CooldownMarkerRect.anchoredPosition; anchoredPos.x = 0f; m_CooldownMarkerRect.anchoredPosition = anchoredPos; } m_CooldownMarkerRect.gameObject.SetActive(false); } // Attach the on change handler m_Overheat.onHeatValueChanged += OnHeatValueChanged; OnHeatValueChanged(m_Overheat.heat); gameObject.SetActive(true); } else gameObject.SetActive(false); } protected virtual void OnHeatValueChanged(float to) { // Scale the progress bar if (m_BarRect != null) { var localScale = m_BarRect.localScale; localScale.x = Mathf.Clamp01(to); m_BarRect.localScale = localScale; } // Show the warning if (m_Overheat != null) { if (m_OverheatedWarning != null) m_OverheatedWarning.SetActive(m_Overheat.overheated); if (m_CooldownMarkerRect != null) m_CooldownMarkerRect.gameObject.SetActive(m_Overheat.overheated); } } } }