using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion; using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion.MotionData; using System; using UnityEngine.Events; using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion.Parameters; using NeoSaveGames.Serialization; using NeoSaveGames; namespace NeoFPS { public class StaminaSystem : MonoBehaviour, IMotionGraphDataOverride, IStaminaSystem, IBreathHandler { [Header("Stamina")] [SerializeField, Tooltip("The current stamina of the character. This acts as the starting stamina and changes at runtime.")] private float m_Stamina = 100f; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The maximum stamina of the character.")] private float m_MaxStamina = 100f; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The rate that stamina increases over time when no drains are applied.")] private float m_StaminaRefreshRate = 10f; [Header("Movement Speed")] [SerializeField, Tooltip("Should the stamina system modify movement speed based on current stamina. The other settings will be hidden if this is false.")] private bool m_AffectMovementSpeed = true; [SerializeField, Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("A multiplier applied to the walking speed at minimum stamina.")] private float m_MinWalkMultiplier = 0.5f; [SerializeField, Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("A multiplier applied to the sprinting speed at minimum stamina.")] private float m_MinSprintMultiplier = 0.5f; [SerializeField, Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("A multiplier applied to the crouching speed at minimum stamina.")] private float m_MinCrouchMultiplier = 0.5f; [SerializeField, Tooltip("A curve that defines the character speed based on stamina. The X axis is the normalised stamina (stamina / max), while the Y axis is the min to max lerp value (0 = min, 1 = max).")] private AnimationCurve m_MoveSpeedCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe[] { new Keyframe(0f, 0f), new Keyframe(0.5f, 1f), new Keyframe(1f, 1f) }); [SerializeField, MotionGraphDataKey(MotionGraphDataType.Float), Tooltip("The name of the motion data property on the motion graph that defines walk speed.")] private string m_WalkSpeedData = string.Empty; [SerializeField, MotionGraphDataKey(MotionGraphDataType.Float), Tooltip("The name of the motion data property on the motion graph that defines walk speed when aiming.")] private string m_AimWalkSpeedData = string.Empty; [SerializeField, MotionGraphDataKey(MotionGraphDataType.Float), Tooltip("The name of the motion data property on the motion graph that defines sprint speed.")] private string m_SprintSpeedData = string.Empty; [SerializeField, MotionGraphDataKey(MotionGraphDataType.Float), Tooltip("The name of the motion data property on the motion graph that defines sprint speed when aiming.")] private string m_AimSprintSpeedData = string.Empty; [SerializeField, MotionGraphDataKey(MotionGraphDataType.Float), Tooltip("The name of the motion data property on the motion graph that defines crouch movement speed.")] private string m_CrouchSpeedData = string.Empty; [SerializeField, MotionGraphDataKey(MotionGraphDataType.Float), Tooltip("The name of the motion data property on the motion graph that defines crouch movement speed when aiming.")] private string m_AimCrouchSpeedData = string.Empty; [Header("Breathing")] [SerializeField, Tooltip("The time in seconds between breaths (when breathing slow).")] private float m_BreatheSlowInterval = 5f; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The time in seconds between breaths (when breathing fast).")] private float m_BreatheFastInterval = 1f; [SerializeField, Tooltip("A curve that defines the breathing rate based on stamina. The X-axis is the normalised stamina (stamina / max stamina), and the Y-Axis is a lerp between slow and fast breathing rate (0 = slow, 1 = fast).")] private AnimationCurve m_BreathingRateCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe[] { new Keyframe(0f, 1f), new Keyframe(0.5f, 0.5f), new Keyframe(1f, 0.5f) }); [SerializeField, Tooltip("A curve that defines the breathing strength based on stamina. The X-axis is the normalised stamina (stamina / max stamina), and the Y-Axis is the strength of the character's breathing (0 = non-existant, 1 = heaving/panting).")] private AnimationCurve m_BreathingStrengthCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe[] { new Keyframe(0f, 1f), new Keyframe(0.5f, 0.25f), new Keyframe(1f, 0.25f) }); [Header("Exhaustion")] [SerializeField, Tooltip("Should the character suffer an exhaustion effect on hitting a specific stamina threshold. The other properties will be hidden if this is false.")] private bool m_UseExhaustion = true; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The stamina level below which the character will become exhausted.")] private float m_ExhaustionThreshold = 0f; [SerializeField, Tooltip("The character will stop being exhausted once their stamina has recovered above this value.")] private float m_RecoverThreshold = 50f; [SerializeField, MotionGraphParameterKey(MotionGraphParameterType.Switch), Tooltip("The name of the switch motion graph parameter that the graph uses as a condition for preventing sprinting.")] private string m_ExhaustedMotionParameter = string.Empty; [SerializeField, MotionGraphParameterKey(MotionGraphParameterType.Switch), Tooltip("The name of the switch motion graph parameter that the character input handler sets to tell the motion graph to start sprinting.")] private string m_SprintMotionParameter = string.Empty; [Space] [SerializeField, Tooltip("An event which is fired when the character hits the exhaustion threshold.")] private UnityEvent m_OnExhausted = new UnityEvent(); [SerializeField, Tooltip("An event which is fired when the character recovers from exhaustion.")] private UnityEvent m_OnRecovered = new UnityEvent(); private List m_StaminaDrains = new List(4); private SwitchParameter m_ExhaustedSwitch = null; private SwitchParameter m_SprintSwitch = null; public event UnityAction onStaminaChanged; public event UnityAction onExhausted { add { m_OnExhausted.AddListener(value); } remove { m_OnExhausted.RemoveListener(value); } } public event UnityAction onRecovered { add { m_OnRecovered.AddListener(value); } remove { m_OnRecovered.RemoveListener(value); } } public float stamina { get { return m_Stamina; } private set { m_Stamina = value; } } public float maxStamina { get { return m_MaxStamina; } set { m_MaxStamina = Mathf.Clamp(value, 1f, 100000f); staminaNormalised = stamina / m_MaxStamina; } } public float staminaRefreshRate { get { return m_StaminaRefreshRate; } set { m_StaminaRefreshRate = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0.1f, 100000f); } } public float staminaNormalised { get; private set; } public bool isExhausted { get; private set; } public float breathCounter { get; private set; } public float breathStrength { get; private set; } public float breathingRate { get; private set; } void OnValidate() { // Stamina m_MaxStamina = Mathf.Clamp(m_MaxStamina, 1f, 100000f); m_Stamina = Mathf.Clamp(m_Stamina, 1f, 100000f); m_StaminaRefreshRate = Mathf.Clamp(m_StaminaRefreshRate, 0.1f, 100000f); // Breathing m_BreatheSlowInterval = Mathf.Clamp(m_BreatheSlowInterval, 1f, 20f); m_BreatheFastInterval = Mathf.Clamp(m_BreatheFastInterval, 0.1f, 10f); // Exhaustion m_ExhaustionThreshold = Mathf.Clamp(m_ExhaustionThreshold, 1f, m_MaxStamina - 1f); m_RecoverThreshold = Mathf.Clamp(m_RecoverThreshold, m_ExhaustionThreshold + 1f, m_MaxStamina); } void Start() { var mc = GetComponent(); if (mc != null) { // Apply movement speed overrides if (m_AffectMovementSpeed) mc.motionGraph.AddDataOverrides(this); // Get motion graph parameter references if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ExhaustedMotionParameter)) m_ExhaustedSwitch = mc.motionGraph.GetSwitchProperty(m_ExhaustedMotionParameter); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_SprintMotionParameter)) m_SprintSwitch = mc.motionGraph.GetSwitchProperty(m_SprintMotionParameter); } // Set starting stamina (to update breathing, etc) SetStamina(stamina); } public void SetStamina(float s, bool normalised = false) { // Apply if (normalised) { staminaNormalised = Mathf.Clamp01(s); stamina = staminaNormalised * m_MaxStamina; } else { stamina = Mathf.Clamp(s, 0f, m_MaxStamina); staminaNormalised = stamina / m_MaxStamina; } // Update breathing breathStrength = m_BreathingStrengthCurve.Evaluate(staminaNormalised); breathingRate = m_BreathingRateCurve.Evaluate(staminaNormalised); // Check for exhaustion changes if (m_UseExhaustion) { if (isExhausted) { if (stamina > m_RecoverThreshold) { isExhausted = false; m_OnRecovered.Invoke(); if (m_ExhaustedSwitch != null) m_ExhaustedSwitch.on = false; if (m_SprintSwitch != null) { m_SprintSwitch.on = false; m_SprintSwitch.RemoveBlocker(); } } } else { if (stamina < m_ExhaustionThreshold) { isExhausted = true; m_OnExhausted.Invoke(); if (m_ExhaustedSwitch != null) m_ExhaustedSwitch.on = true; if (m_SprintSwitch != null) { m_SprintSwitch.on = false; m_SprintSwitch.AddBlocker(); } } } } // Signal stamina changed OnStaminaChange(); } protected virtual void OnStaminaChange() { // Trigger event if (onStaminaChanged != null) onStaminaChanged(); } public Func GetFloatOverride(FloatData data) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_WalkSpeedData) && == m_WalkSpeedData) return GetMoveSpeedWalking; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_AimWalkSpeedData) && == m_AimWalkSpeedData) return GetMoveSpeedWalking; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_SprintSpeedData) && == m_SprintSpeedData) return GetMoveSpeedSprinting; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_AimSprintSpeedData) && == m_AimSprintSpeedData) return GetMoveSpeedSprinting; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_CrouchSpeedData) && == m_CrouchSpeedData) return GetMoveSpeedCrouching; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_AimCrouchSpeedData) && == m_AimCrouchSpeedData) return GetMoveSpeedCrouching; return null; } float GetMoveSpeedWalking(float input) { return Mathf.Lerp(input * m_MinWalkMultiplier, input, m_MoveSpeedCurve.Evaluate(staminaNormalised)); } float GetMoveSpeedSprinting(float input) { return Mathf.Lerp(input * m_MinSprintMultiplier, input, m_MoveSpeedCurve.Evaluate(staminaNormalised)); } float GetMoveSpeedCrouching(float input) { return Mathf.Lerp(input * m_MinCrouchMultiplier, input, m_MoveSpeedCurve.Evaluate(staminaNormalised)); } public Func GetIntOverride(IntData data) { return null; } public Func GetBoolOverride(BoolData data) { return null; } public void AddStaminaDrain(StaminaDrainDelegate drain) { if (drain == null || m_StaminaDrains.Contains(drain)) return; m_StaminaDrains.Add(drain); } public void RemoveStaminaDrain(StaminaDrainDelegate drain) { m_StaminaDrains.Remove(drain); } public void IncrementStamina(float amount, bool isFactor = false) { if (isFactor) SetStamina(stamina + amount * maxStamina); else SetStamina(stamina + amount); } public void DecrementStamina(float amount, bool isFactor = false) { if (isFactor) SetStamina(stamina - amount * maxStamina); else SetStamina(stamina - amount); } void FixedUpdate() { // Update breathing cycle breathCounter += 2f * Time.deltaTime / Mathf.Lerp(m_BreatheSlowInterval, m_BreatheFastInterval, breathingRate); // Refresh first (falloff doesn't work as well otherwise) float s = stamina + m_StaminaRefreshRate * Time.deltaTime; // Drain for (int i = 0; i < m_StaminaDrains.Count; ++i) s -= m_StaminaDrains[i].Invoke(this, s); // Clamp & assign s = Mathf.Clamp(s, 0f, m_MaxStamina); if (!Mathf.Approximately(s, stamina)) SetStamina(s); } public float GetBreathCycle() { return EasingFunctions.EaseInOutQuadratic(Mathf.PingPong(breathCounter, 1f)) * 2f - 1f; } public float GetBreathCycle(float offset) { return EasingFunctions.EaseInOutQuadratic(Mathf.PingPong(breathCounter + offset, 1f)) * 2f - 1f; } public float GetBreathCycle(float offset, float multiplier) { return EasingFunctions.EaseInOutQuadratic(Mathf.PingPong(multiplier * (breathCounter + offset), 1f)) * 2f - 1f; } #region INeoSerializableComponent IMPLEMENTATION private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_BreathCounterKey = new NeoSerializationKey("counter"); private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_BreathStaminaKey = new NeoSerializationKey("stamina"); private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_BreathMaxStaminaKey = new NeoSerializationKey("maxStamina"); private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_BreathStaminaRefreshKey = new NeoSerializationKey("staminaRefresh"); public void WriteProperties(INeoSerializer writer, NeoSerializedGameObject nsgo, SaveMode saveMode) { writer.WriteValue(k_BreathCounterKey, breathCounter); writer.WriteValue(k_BreathStaminaKey, stamina); writer.WriteValue(k_BreathMaxStaminaKey, maxStamina); writer.WriteValue(k_BreathStaminaRefreshKey, staminaRefreshRate); } public void ReadProperties(INeoDeserializer reader, NeoSerializedGameObject nsgo) { float floatValue = 0f; if (reader.TryReadValue(k_BreathCounterKey, out floatValue, 0f)) breathCounter = floatValue; if (reader.TryReadValue(k_BreathMaxStaminaKey, out floatValue, maxStamina)) maxStamina = floatValue; if (reader.TryReadValue(k_BreathStaminaKey, out floatValue, stamina)) SetStamina(floatValue); if (reader.TryReadValue(k_BreathStaminaRefreshKey, out floatValue, staminaRefreshRate)) staminaRefreshRate = floatValue; } #endregion } }