using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System; using NeoSaveGames.Serialization; using NeoSaveGames; using UnityEngine.Serialization; namespace NeoFPS { [HelpURL("")] public class ScenePoolHandler : MonoBehaviour, INeoSerializableComponent { [SerializeField, FormerlySerializedAs("m_StartingPools"), Tooltip("The pools to set up at initialisation.")] private PoolInfo[] m_ScenePools = new PoolInfo[0]; private bool m_Initialised = false; private NeoSerializedGameObject m_Nsgo = null; private Dictionary m_Pools = new Dictionary(); struct Pool { public PooledObject prototype; public Transform poolTransform; public Transform activeTransform; public NeoSerializedGameObject poolNsgo; public NeoSerializedGameObject activeNsgo; public NeoSerializedGameObject prototypeNsgo; public int total { get { return poolTransform.childCount + activeTransform.childCount; } } public void Grow(int count) { int current = total; if (count > current) { if (prototypeNsgo != null) { for (int i = current; i < count; ++i) { var obj = poolNsgo.InstantiatePrefab(prototypeNsgo.prefabStrongID, i + 1); obj.gameObject.SetActive(false); obj.poolTransform = poolTransform; } } else { for (int i = current; i < count; ++i) { PooledObject obj = Instantiate(prototype); obj.gameObject.SetActive(false); obj.transform.SetParent(poolTransform); obj.poolTransform = poolTransform; } } } // Shrink too? } public Pool(PooledObject proto, int count, Transform pt, Transform at) { prototype = proto; poolTransform = pt; activeTransform = at; poolNsgo = null; activeNsgo = null; prototypeNsgo = null; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { PooledObject obj = Instantiate(prototype); obj.gameObject.SetActive(false); obj.transform.SetParent(poolTransform); obj.poolTransform = poolTransform; } } public Pool(PooledObject proto, NeoSerializedGameObject protoNsgo, NeoSerializedGameObject pNsgo, NeoSerializedGameObject aNsgo) { prototype = proto; prototypeNsgo = protoNsgo; poolTransform = pNsgo.transform; activeTransform = aNsgo.transform; poolNsgo = pNsgo; activeNsgo = aNsgo; // Build hash map of active objects int highest = 0; HashSet activeObjects = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < activeTransform.childCount; ++i) { int key = activeTransform.GetChild(i).GetComponent().serializationKey; if (key > highest) highest = key; activeObjects.Add(key); } // Fill out inactive to count, skipping active // Start() will fill out remaining capacity for (int i = 1; i < highest; ++i) { if (!activeObjects.Contains(i)) { var obj = poolNsgo.InstantiatePrefab(prototypeNsgo.prefabStrongID, i); obj.gameObject.SetActive(false); obj.poolTransform = poolTransform; } } } public Pool(PooledObject proto, int count, NeoSerializedGameObject pNsgo, NeoSerializedGameObject aNsgo) { prototype = proto; poolTransform = pNsgo.transform; activeTransform = aNsgo.transform; prototypeNsgo = proto.GetComponent(); if (prototypeNsgo != null) { poolNsgo = pNsgo; activeNsgo = aNsgo; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var obj = poolNsgo.InstantiatePrefab(prototypeNsgo.prefabStrongID, i + 1); if (obj != null) { obj.gameObject.SetActive(false); obj.poolTransform = poolTransform; } } } else { poolNsgo = null; activeNsgo = null; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { PooledObject obj = Instantiate(prototype); obj.gameObject.SetActive(false); obj.transform.SetParent(poolTransform); obj.poolTransform = poolTransform; } } } public void DestroyPool() { Destroy(poolTransform.gameObject); poolTransform = null; Destroy(activeTransform.gameObject); activeTransform = null; poolNsgo = null; activeNsgo = null; prototype = null; prototypeNsgo = null; } public T GetObject(bool activate) { if (poolTransform == null || activeTransform == null) return default(T); if (poolTransform.childCount > 0) { Transform t = poolTransform.GetChild(poolTransform.childCount - 1); T result = t.GetComponent(); if (result != null) { if (prototypeNsgo != null) { var nsgo = t.GetComponent(); nsgo.SetParent(activeNsgo); } else { t.SetParent(activeTransform); } } return result; } else { if (activeTransform.childCount > 0) { Transform t = activeTransform.GetChild(0); T result = t.GetComponent(); if (result != null) { t.gameObject.SetActive(false); t.SetAsLastSibling(); } return result; } else { Debug.LogError("Pooling system attempting to recycle an active pooled object, but none found. This shouldn't be possible"); return default(T); } } } } #if UNITY_EDITOR void OnValidate() { for (int i = 0; i < m_ScenePools.Length; ++i) { if (m_ScenePools[i].count < 1) m_ScenePools[i].count = 1; } } #endif IEnumerator Start () { yield return null; Initialise(); } public void Initialise() { if (!m_Initialised) { // Get the NeoSerializedGameObject if appropriate m_Nsgo = GetComponent(); // Create the starting pools for (int i = 0; i < m_ScenePools.Length; ++i) { // Get the prototype PooledObject prototype = m_ScenePools[i].prototype; if (prototype != null) CreatePool(prototype, m_ScenePools[i].count); } PoolManager.SetCurrentScenePoolInfo(this); m_Initialised = true; } } void OnDestroy() { } public void CreatePool (PooledObject prototype, int count) { // Check invalid pool size if (count < 1) count = 1; if (m_Pools.ContainsKey (prototype)) { m_Pools[prototype].Grow (count); } else { var prototypeNsgo = prototype.GetComponent(); if (m_Nsgo == null || prototypeNsgo == null || !NeoSerializedObjectFactory.IsPrefabRegistered(prototypeNsgo.prefabStrongID)) { // Create heirachy Transform poolRoot = new GameObject(; poolRoot.SetParent(transform); Transform poolTransform = new GameObject("Pool").transform; poolTransform.SetParent(poolRoot); Transform activeTransform = new GameObject("Active").transform; activeTransform.SetParent(poolRoot); // Create and add the pool m_Pools.Add(prototype, new Pool(prototype, count, poolTransform, activeTransform)); } else { // Create heirachy var nsgo = m_Nsgo; NeoSerializedGameObject poolRoot = nsgo.serializedChildren.CreateChildObject(, prototypeNsgo.prefabStrongID); NeoSerializedGameObject activeNsgo = poolRoot.serializedChildren.CreateChildObject("Active", 1); NeoSerializedGameObject poolNsgo = poolRoot.serializedChildren.CreateChildObject("Pool", -1); poolRoot.saveName = true; activeNsgo.saveName = true; poolNsgo.saveName = true; // Set pool object not to serialize children poolNsgo.filterChildObjects = NeoSerializationFilter.Include; // Create and add the pool var p = new Pool(prototype, count, poolNsgo, activeNsgo); m_Pools.Add(prototype, p); } } } public void ReturnObjectToPool (PooledObject obj) { Pool pool; if (m_Pools.TryGetValue (obj, out pool)) { var nsgo = obj.GetComponent(); if (nsgo != null) { nsgo.gameObject.SetActive(false); nsgo.SetParent(pool.poolNsgo); } else { obj.gameObject.SetActive(false); obj.transform.SetParent(pool.poolTransform); } } else Destroy (obj.gameObject); } public T GetPooledObject (PooledObject prototype, bool activate = true) { Pool pool; if (m_Pools.TryGetValue (prototype, out pool)) { T result = pool.GetObject (activate); var comp = result as Component; if (comp != null) { Transform t = comp.transform; t.position =; t.rotation = Quaternion.identity; if (activate) comp.gameObject.SetActive(true); } return result; } else { CreatePool (prototype, PoolManager.defaultPoolSize); return GetPooledObject (prototype); } } public T GetPooledObject (PooledObject prototype, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, bool activate = true) { Pool pool; if (m_Pools.TryGetValue (prototype, out pool)) { T result = pool.GetObject (activate); var comp = result as Component; if (comp != null) { Transform t = comp.transform; t.position = position; t.rotation = rotation; if (activate) comp.gameObject.SetActive(true); } return result; } else { CreatePool (prototype, PoolManager.defaultPoolSize); return GetPooledObject (prototype, position, rotation); } } public T GetPooledObject(PooledObject prototype, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 scale, bool activate = true) { Pool pool; if (m_Pools.TryGetValue(prototype, out pool)) { T result = pool.GetObject(activate); var comp = result as Component; if (comp != null) { Transform t = comp.transform; t.position = position; t.rotation = rotation; t.localScale = scale; if (activate) comp.gameObject.SetActive(true); } return result; } else { CreatePool(prototype, PoolManager.defaultPoolSize); return GetPooledObject(prototype, position, rotation); } } public void WriteProperties(INeoSerializer writer, NeoSerializedGameObject nsgo, SaveMode saveMode) { // Nothing needs writing - it's all handled by serializing child objects } public void ReadProperties(INeoDeserializer reader, NeoSerializedGameObject nsgo) { m_Nsgo = nsgo; var childObjects = GetComponentsInChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < childObjects.Length; ++i) { var prefab = NeoSerializedObjectFactory.GetPrefab(childObjects[i].serializationKey); if (prefab != null) { var pooledObject = prefab.GetComponent(); if (pooledObject != null) { var activeNsgo = childObjects[i].serializedChildren.GetChildObject(1); var inactiveNsgo = childObjects[i].serializedChildren.GetChildObject(-1); if (activeNsgo != null && inactiveNsgo != null) { inactiveNsgo.filterChildObjects = NeoSerializationFilter.Include; var pool = new Pool(pooledObject, prefab, inactiveNsgo, activeNsgo); m_Pools.Add(pooledObject, pool); } } } } } } }