using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion.Parameters; using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion.MotionData; using NeoSaveGames.Serialization; namespace NeoFPS.CharacterMotion { public class MotionGraphContainer : ScriptableObject, IMotionGraphElement, INeoSerializableObject { [SerializeField] private List m_Parameters = new List(); [SerializeField] private List m_Data = new List(); [SerializeField] private MotionGraph m_RootNode = null; private Dictionary m_FloatProperties = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary m_IntProperties = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary m_Triggers = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary m_SwitchProperties = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary m_TransformProperties = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary m_VectorProperties = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary m_EventProperties = new Dictionary(); private TriggerParameter[] m_TriggerArray = null; private static MotionGraphCloner s_Cloner = new MotionGraphCloner(); private IMotionController m_Controller = null; #if UNITY_EDITOR public void OnValidate() { for (int i = m_Parameters.Count; i > 0; --i) { if (m_Parameters[i - 1] == null) m_Parameters.RemoveAt(i - 1); } for (int i = m_Data.Count; i > 0; --i) { if (m_Data[i - 1] == null) m_Data.RemoveAt(i - 1); } // Set hide flags foreach (var p in m_Parameters) p.hideFlags |= HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; foreach (var d in m_Data) d.hideFlags |= HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; } #endif public MotionGraph rootNode { get { return m_RootNode; } } public MotionGraphContainer DeepCopy() { var clone = s_Cloner.CloneGraph(this); s_Cloner.Clear(); return clone; } public void CheckReferences(IMotionGraphMap map) { m_RootNode = map.Swap(m_RootNode); for (int i = 0; i < m_Parameters.Count; ++i) m_Parameters[i] = map.Swap(m_Parameters[i]); for (int i = 0; i < m_Data.Count; ++i) m_Data[i] = map.Swap(m_Data[i]); } public void Initialise(IMotionController c) { m_Controller = c; // Scan properties to fill dictionaries foreach (MotionGraphParameter parameter in m_Parameters) { var trigger = parameter as TriggerParameter; if (trigger != null) { m_Triggers.Add(Animator.StringToHash(, trigger); continue; } var intP = parameter as IntParameter; if (intP != null) { m_IntProperties.Add(Animator.StringToHash(, intP); continue; } var floatP = parameter as FloatParameter; if (floatP != null) { m_FloatProperties.Add(Animator.StringToHash(, floatP); continue; } var transformP = parameter as TransformParameter; if (transformP != null) { m_TransformProperties.Add(Animator.StringToHash(, transformP); continue; } var switchP = parameter as SwitchParameter; if (switchP != null) { m_SwitchProperties.Add(Animator.StringToHash(, switchP); continue; } var vectorP = parameter as VectorParameter; if (vectorP != null) { m_VectorProperties.Add(Animator.StringToHash(, vectorP); continue; } var eventP = parameter as EventParameter; if (eventP != null) { m_EventProperties.Add(Animator.StringToHash(, eventP); } } // Store trigger array (used for resetting) m_TriggerArray = new TriggerParameter[m_Triggers.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (var tp in m_Triggers.Values) m_TriggerArray[i++] = tp; rootNode.Initialise(c); } public MotionGraphState GetStateFromKey(int key) { return m_RootNode.GetStateFromKey(key); } public void SetTrigger(int hash) { TriggerParameter property = null; if (m_Triggers.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) property.Trigger(); } public void SetTrigger(string propertyName) { SetTrigger(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName)); } public TriggerParameter GetTriggerProperty(int hash) { TriggerParameter property = null; if (m_Triggers.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) return property; return null; } public TriggerParameter GetTriggerProperty(string propertyName) { return GetTriggerProperty(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName)); } public void ResetCheckedTriggers() { for (int i = 0; i < m_TriggerArray.Length; ++i) { if (m_TriggerArray[i].wasChecked) m_TriggerArray[i].ResetValue(); } } public int GetInt(int hash) { IntParameter property = null; if (m_IntProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) return property.value; else return 0; } public int GetInt(string propertyName) { return GetInt(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName)); } public void SetInt(int hash, int value) { IntParameter property = null; if (m_IntProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) property.value = value; } public IntParameter GetIntProperty(int hash) { IntParameter property = null; if (m_IntProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) return property; return null; } public IntParameter GetIntProperty(string propertyName) { return GetIntProperty(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName)); } public float GetFloat(int hash) { FloatParameter property = null; if (m_FloatProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) return property.value; else return 0; } public float GetFloat(string propertyName) { return GetFloat(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName)); } public void SetFloat(int hash, float value) { FloatParameter property = null; if (m_FloatProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) property.value = value; } public void SetFloat(string propertyName, float value) { SetFloat(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName), value); } public FloatParameter GetFloatProperty(int hash) { FloatParameter property = null; if (m_FloatProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) return property; return null; } public FloatParameter GetFloatProperty(string propertyName) { return GetFloatProperty(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName)); } public Transform GetTransform(int hash) { TransformParameter property = null; if (m_TransformProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) return property.value; else return null; } public Transform GetTransform(string propertyName) { return GetTransform(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName)); } public void SetTransform(int hash, Transform value) { TransformParameter property = null; if (m_TransformProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) property.value = value; } public void SetTransform(string propertyName, Transform value) { SetTransform(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName), value); } public TransformParameter GetTransformProperty(int hash) { TransformParameter property = null; if (m_TransformProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) return property; return null; } public TransformParameter GetTransformProperty(string propertyName) { return GetTransformProperty(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName)); } public bool GetSwitch(int hash) { SwitchParameter property = null; if (m_SwitchProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) return property.on; else return false; } public bool GetSwitch(string propertyName) { return GetSwitch(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName)); } public void SetSwitch(int hash, bool value) { SwitchParameter property = null; if (m_SwitchProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) property.on = value; } public void SetSwitch(string propertyName, bool value) { SetSwitch(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName), value); } public SwitchParameter GetSwitchProperty(int hash) { SwitchParameter property = null; if (m_SwitchProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) return property; return null; } public SwitchParameter GetSwitchProperty(string propertyName) { return GetSwitchProperty(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName)); } public Vector3 GetVector(int hash) { VectorParameter property = null; if (m_VectorProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) return property.value; else return; } public Vector3 GetVector(string propertyName) { return GetVector(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName)); } public void SetVector(int hash, Vector3 value) { VectorParameter property = null; if (m_VectorProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) property.value = value; } public VectorParameter GetVectorProperty(int hash) { VectorParameter property = null; if (m_VectorProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) return property; return null; } public VectorParameter GetVectorProperty(string propertyName) { return GetVectorProperty(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName)); } public void AddEventListener(int hash, UnityAction listener) { EventParameter property = null; if (m_EventProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) property.AddListener(listener); } public void AddEventListener(string propertyName, UnityAction listener) { AddEventListener(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName), listener); } public void RemoveEventListener(int hash, UnityAction listener) { EventParameter property = null; if (m_EventProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) property.RemoveListener(listener); } public void RemoveEventListener(string propertyName, UnityAction listener) { RemoveEventListener(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName), listener); } public EventParameter GetEventProperty(int hash) { EventParameter property = null; if (m_EventProperties.TryGetValue(hash, out property)) return property; return null; } public EventParameter GetEventProperty(string propertyName) { return GetEventProperty(Animator.StringToHash(propertyName)); } public void CollectParameters(List list) { list.AddRange(m_Parameters); } public void CollectIntParameters(List list) { foreach (MotionGraphParameter property in m_Parameters) { var cast = property as IntParameter; if (cast != null) list.Add(cast); } list.Sort((IntParameter lhs, IntParameter rhs) => { return string.Compare(,; } ); } public void CollectFloatParameters(List list) { foreach (MotionGraphParameter property in m_Parameters) { var cast = property as FloatParameter; if (cast != null) list.Add(cast); } list.Sort((FloatParameter lhs, FloatParameter rhs) => { return string.Compare(,; } ); } public void CollectTriggerParameters(List list) { foreach (MotionGraphParameter property in m_Parameters) { var cast = property as TriggerParameter; if (cast != null) list.Add(cast); } list.Sort((TriggerParameter lhs, TriggerParameter rhs) => { return string.Compare(,; } ); } public void CollectTransformParameters(List list) { foreach (MotionGraphParameter property in m_Parameters) { var cast = property as TransformParameter; if (cast != null) list.Add(cast); } list.Sort((TransformParameter lhs, TransformParameter rhs) => { return string.Compare(,; } ); } public void CollectSwitchParameters(List list) { foreach (MotionGraphParameter property in m_Parameters) { var cast = property as SwitchParameter; if (cast != null) list.Add(cast); } list.Sort((SwitchParameter lhs, SwitchParameter rhs) => { return string.Compare(,; } ); } public void CollectVectorParameters(List list) { foreach (MotionGraphParameter property in m_Parameters) { var cast = property as VectorParameter; if (cast != null) list.Add(cast); } list.Sort((VectorParameter lhs, VectorParameter rhs) => { return string.Compare(,; } ); } public void CollectEventParameters(List list) { foreach (MotionGraphParameter property in m_Parameters) { var cast = property as EventParameter; if (cast != null) list.Add(cast); } list.Sort((EventParameter lhs, EventParameter rhs) => { return string.Compare(,; } ); } public void CollectData(List list, bool sorted = true) { list.AddRange(m_Data); if (sorted) { list.Sort((MotionGraphDataBase lhs, MotionGraphDataBase rhs) => { return string.Compare(,; }); } } public void CollectBoolData(List list, bool sorted = true) { foreach (MotionGraphDataBase data in m_Data) { var cast = data as BoolData; if (cast != null) list.Add(cast); } if (sorted) { list.Sort((BoolData lhs, BoolData rhs) => { return string.Compare(,; }); } } public void CollectIntData(List list, bool sorted = true) { foreach (MotionGraphDataBase data in m_Data) { var cast = data as IntData; if (cast != null) list.Add(cast); } if (sorted) { list.Sort((IntData lhs, IntData rhs) => { return string.Compare(,; }); } } public void CollectFloatData(List list, bool sorted = true) { foreach (MotionGraphDataBase data in m_Data) { var cast = data as FloatData; if (cast != null) list.Add(cast); } if (sorted) { list.Sort((FloatData lhs, FloatData rhs) => { return string.Compare(,; }); } } public void AddDataOverrides(IMotionGraphDataOverride o) { for (int i = 0; i < m_Data.Count; ++i) m_Data[i].AddOverride(o); } public void RemoveDataOverrides(IMotionGraphDataOverride o) { for (int i = 0; i < m_Data.Count; ++i) m_Data[i].RemoveOverride(o); } [Obsolete("ApplyDataOverrides is has been replaced with Add/RemoveDataOverrides which allows for stacking.")] public void ApplyDataOverrides(IMotionGraphDataOverride o) { for (int i = 0; i < m_Data.Count; ++i) m_Data[i].AddOverride(o); } public void WriteProperties(INeoSerializer writer) { // Save parameters foreach (var pair in m_FloatProperties) writer.WriteValue(pair.Key, pair.Value.value); foreach (var pair in m_IntProperties) writer.WriteValue(pair.Key, pair.Value.value); foreach (var pair in m_Triggers) writer.WriteValue(pair.Key, pair.Value.PeekTrigger()); foreach (var pair in m_SwitchProperties) writer.WriteValue(pair.Key, pair.Value.on); if (m_TransformProperties.Count > 0) { var owner = m_Controller.GetComponent(); if (owner != null) { foreach (var pair in m_TransformProperties) writer.WriteTransformReference(pair.Key, pair.Value.value, owner); } } } public void ReadProperties(INeoDeserializer reader) { // Load parameters foreach (var pair in m_FloatProperties) { float result; if (reader.TryReadValue(pair.Key, out result, 0f)) pair.Value.value = result; } foreach (var pair in m_IntProperties) { int result; if (reader.TryReadValue(pair.Key, out result, 0)) pair.Value.value = result; } foreach (var pair in m_Triggers) { bool result; if (reader.TryReadValue(pair.Key, out result, false)) { if (result) pair.Value.Trigger(); else pair.Value.ResetValue(); } } foreach (var pair in m_SwitchProperties) { bool result; if (reader.TryReadValue(pair.Key, out result, false)) pair.Value.on = result; } if (m_TransformProperties.Count > 0) { var owner = m_Controller.GetComponent(); if (owner != null) { foreach (var pair in m_TransformProperties) { Transform result; if (reader.TryReadTransformReference(pair.Key, out result, owner)) pair.Value.value = result; } } } } } }