600 lines
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600 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
//using UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects;
public enum GunStyles{
public class GunScript : MonoBehaviour {
[Tooltip("Selects type of waepon to shoot rapidly or one bullet per click.")]
public GunStyles currentStyle;
public MouseLookScript mls;
[Header("Player movement properties")]
[Tooltip("Speed is determined via gun because not every gun has same properties or weights so you MUST set up your speeds here")]
public int walkingSpeed = 3;
[Tooltip("Speed is determined via gun because not every gun has same properties or weights so you MUST set up your speeds here")]
public int runningSpeed = 5;
[Header("Bullet properties")]
[Tooltip("Preset value to tell with how many bullets will our waepon spawn aside.")]
public float bulletsIHave = 20;
[Tooltip("Preset value to tell with how much bullets will our waepon spawn inside rifle.")]
public float bulletsInTheGun = 5;
[Tooltip("Preset value to tell how much bullets can one magazine carry.")]
public float amountOfBulletsPerLoad = 5;
private Transform player;
private Camera cameraComponent;
private Transform gunPlaceHolder;
private PlayerMovementScript pmS;
* Collection the variables upon awake that we need.
void Awake(){
mls = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<MouseLookScript>();
player = mls.transform;
mainCamera = mls.myCamera;
secondCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SecondCamera").GetComponent<Camera>();
cameraComponent = mainCamera.GetComponent<Camera>();
pmS = player.GetComponent<PlayerMovementScript>();
bulletSpawnPlace = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("BulletSpawn");
hitMarker = transform.Find ("hitMarkerSound").GetComponent<AudioSource> ();
startLook = mouseSensitvity_notAiming;
startAim = mouseSensitvity_aiming;
startRun = mouseSensitvity_running;
rotationLastY = mls.currentYRotation;
rotationLastX= mls.currentCameraXRotation;
public Vector3 currentGunPosition;
[Header("Gun Positioning")]
[Tooltip("Vector 3 position from player SETUP for NON AIMING values")]
public Vector3 restPlacePosition;
[Tooltip("Vector 3 position from player SETUP for AIMING values")]
public Vector3 aimPlacePosition;
[Tooltip("Time that takes for gun to get into aiming stance.")]
public float gunAimTime = 0.1f;
public bool reloading;
private Vector3 gunPosVelocity;
private float cameraZoomVelocity;
private float secondCameraZoomVelocity;
private Vector2 gunFollowTimeVelocity;
Update loop calling for methods that are descriped below where they are initiated.
void Update(){
LockCameraWhileMelee ();
Sprint(); //iff we have the gun you sprint from here, if we are gunless then its called from movement script
*Update loop calling for methods that are descriped below where they are initiated.
*Calculation of weapon position when aiming or not aiming.
void FixedUpdate(){
RotationGun ();
MeeleAnimationsStates ();
* Changing some values if we are aiming, like sensitity, zoom racion and position of the waepon.
//if aiming
if(Input.GetAxis("Fire2") != 0 && !reloading && !meeleAttack){
gunPrecision = gunPrecision_aiming;
recoilAmount_x = recoilAmount_x_;
recoilAmount_y = recoilAmount_y_;
recoilAmount_z = recoilAmount_z_;
currentGunPosition = Vector3.SmoothDamp(currentGunPosition, aimPlacePosition, ref gunPosVelocity, gunAimTime);
cameraComponent.fieldOfView = Mathf.SmoothDamp(cameraComponent.fieldOfView, cameraZoomRatio_aiming, ref cameraZoomVelocity, gunAimTime);
secondCamera.fieldOfView = Mathf.SmoothDamp(secondCamera.fieldOfView, secondCameraZoomRatio_aiming, ref secondCameraZoomVelocity, gunAimTime);
//if not aiming
gunPrecision = gunPrecision_notAiming;
recoilAmount_x = recoilAmount_x_non;
recoilAmount_y = recoilAmount_y_non;
recoilAmount_z = recoilAmount_z_non;
currentGunPosition = Vector3.SmoothDamp(currentGunPosition, restPlacePosition, ref gunPosVelocity, gunAimTime);
cameraComponent.fieldOfView = Mathf.SmoothDamp(cameraComponent.fieldOfView, cameraZoomRatio_notAiming, ref cameraZoomVelocity, gunAimTime);
secondCamera.fieldOfView = Mathf.SmoothDamp(secondCamera.fieldOfView, secondCameraZoomRatio_notAiming, ref secondCameraZoomVelocity, gunAimTime);
[Header("Sensitvity of the gun")]
[Tooltip("Sensitvity of this gun while not aiming.")]
public float mouseSensitvity_notAiming = 10;
[Tooltip("Sensitvity of this gun while aiming.")]
public float mouseSensitvity_aiming = 5;
[Tooltip("Sensitvity of this gun while running.")]
public float mouseSensitvity_running = 4;
* Used to give our main camera different sensivity options for each gun.
void GiveCameraScriptMySensitvity(){
mls.mouseSensitvity_notAiming = mouseSensitvity_notAiming;
mls.mouseSensitvity_aiming = mouseSensitvity_aiming;
* Used to expand position of the crosshair or make it dissapear when running
void CrossHairExpansionWhenWalking(){
if(player.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.magnitude > 1 && Input.GetAxis("Fire1") == 0){//ifnot shooting
expandValues_crosshair += new Vector2(20, 40) * Time.deltaTime;
if(player.GetComponent<PlayerMovementScript>().maxSpeed < runningSpeed){ //not running
expandValues_crosshair = new Vector2(Mathf.Clamp(expandValues_crosshair.x, 0, 10), Mathf.Clamp(expandValues_crosshair.y,0,20));
fadeout_value = Mathf.Lerp(fadeout_value, 1, Time.deltaTime * 2);
fadeout_value = Mathf.Lerp(fadeout_value, 0, Time.deltaTime * 10);
expandValues_crosshair = new Vector2(Mathf.Clamp(expandValues_crosshair.x, 0, 20), Mathf.Clamp(expandValues_crosshair.y,0,40));
else{//if shooting
expandValues_crosshair = Vector2.Lerp(expandValues_crosshair, Vector2.zero, Time.deltaTime * 5);
expandValues_crosshair = new Vector2(Mathf.Clamp(expandValues_crosshair.x, 0, 10), Mathf.Clamp(expandValues_crosshair.y,0,20));
fadeout_value = Mathf.Lerp(fadeout_value, 1, Time.deltaTime * 2);
* Changes the max speed that player is allowed to go.
* Also max speed is connected to the animator which will trigger the run animation.
void Sprint(){// Running(); so i can find it with CTRL + F
if (Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") > 0 && Input.GetAxisRaw ("Fire2") == 0 && meeleAttack == false && Input.GetAxisRaw ("Fire1") == 0) {
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.LeftShift)) {
if (pmS.maxSpeed == walkingSpeed) {
pmS.maxSpeed = runningSpeed;//sets player movement peed to max
} else {
pmS.maxSpeed = walkingSpeed;
} else {
pmS.maxSpeed = walkingSpeed;
public bool meeleAttack;
public bool aiming;
* Checking if meeleAttack is already running.
* If we are not reloading we can trigger the MeeleAttack animation from the IENumerator.
void MeeleAnimationsStates(){
if (handsAnimator) {
meeleAttack = handsAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo (0).IsName (meeleAnimationName);
aiming = handsAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo (0).IsName (aimingAnimationName);
* User inputs meele attack with Q in keyboard start the coroutine for animation and damage attack.
void MeeleAttack(){
if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q) && !meeleAttack){
* Sets meele animation to play.
IEnumerator AnimationMeeleAttack(){
//yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
private float startLook, startAim, startRun;
* Setting the mouse sensitvity lower when meele attack and waits till it ends.
void LockCameraWhileMelee(){
if (meeleAttack) {
mouseSensitvity_notAiming = 2;
mouseSensitvity_aiming = 1.6f;
mouseSensitvity_running = 1;
} else {
mouseSensitvity_notAiming = startLook;
mouseSensitvity_aiming = startAim;
mouseSensitvity_running = startRun;
private Vector3 velV;
public Transform mainCamera;
private Camera secondCamera;
* Calculatin the weapon position accordingly to the player position and rotation.
* After calculation the recoil amount are decreased to 0.
void PositionGun(){
transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position,
mainCamera.transform.position -
(mainCamera.transform.right * (currentGunPosition.x + currentRecoilXPos)) +
(mainCamera.transform.up * (currentGunPosition.y+ currentRecoilYPos)) +
(mainCamera.transform.forward * (currentGunPosition.z + currentRecoilZPos)),ref velV, 0);
pmS.cameraPosition = new Vector3(currentRecoilXPos,currentRecoilYPos, 0);
currentRecoilZPos = Mathf.SmoothDamp(currentRecoilZPos, 0, ref velocity_z_recoil, recoilOverTime_z);
currentRecoilXPos = Mathf.SmoothDamp(currentRecoilXPos, 0, ref velocity_x_recoil, recoilOverTime_x);
currentRecoilYPos = Mathf.SmoothDamp(currentRecoilYPos, 0, ref velocity_y_recoil, recoilOverTime_y);
private Vector2 velocityGunRotate;
private float gunWeightX,gunWeightY;
[Tooltip("The time waepon will lag behind the camera view best set to '0'.")]
public float rotationLagTime = 0f;
private float rotationLastY;
private float rotationDeltaY;
private float angularVelocityY;
private float rotationLastX;
private float rotationDeltaX;
private float angularVelocityX;
[Tooltip("Value of forward rotation multiplier.")]
public Vector2 forwardRotationAmount = Vector2.one;
* Rotatin the weapon according to mouse look rotation.
* Calculating the forawrd rotation like in Call Of Duty weapon weight
void RotationGun(){
rotationDeltaY = mls.currentYRotation - rotationLastY;
rotationDeltaX = mls.currentCameraXRotation - rotationLastX;
rotationLastY= mls.currentYRotation;
rotationLastX= mls.currentCameraXRotation;
angularVelocityY = Mathf.Lerp (angularVelocityY, rotationDeltaY, Time.deltaTime * 5);
angularVelocityX = Mathf.Lerp (angularVelocityX, rotationDeltaX, Time.deltaTime * 5);
gunWeightX = Mathf.SmoothDamp (gunWeightX, mls.currentCameraXRotation, ref velocityGunRotate.x, rotationLagTime);
gunWeightY = Mathf.SmoothDamp (gunWeightY, mls.currentYRotation, ref velocityGunRotate.y, rotationLagTime);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (gunWeightX + (angularVelocityX*forwardRotationAmount.x), gunWeightY + (angularVelocityY*forwardRotationAmount.y), 0);
private float currentRecoilZPos;
private float currentRecoilXPos;
private float currentRecoilYPos;
* Called from ShootMethod();, upon shooting the recoil amount will increase.
public void RecoilMath(){
currentRecoilZPos -= recoilAmount_z;
currentRecoilXPos -= (Random.value - 0.5f) * recoilAmount_x;
currentRecoilYPos -= (Random.value - 0.5f) * recoilAmount_y;
mls.wantedCameraXRotation -= Mathf.Abs(currentRecoilYPos * gunPrecision);
mls.wantedYRotation -= (currentRecoilXPos * gunPrecision);
expandValues_crosshair += new Vector2(6,12);
[Header("Shooting setup - MUSTDO")]
[HideInInspector] public GameObject bulletSpawnPlace;
[Tooltip("Bullet prefab that this waepon will shoot.")]
public GameObject bullet;
[Tooltip("Rounds per second if weapon is set to automatic rafal.")]
public float roundsPerSecond;
private float waitTillNextFire;
* Checking if the gun is automatic or nonautomatic and accordingly runs the ShootMethod();.
void Shooting(){
if (!meeleAttack) {
if (currentStyle == GunStyles.nonautomatic) {
if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1")) {
ShootMethod ();
if (currentStyle == GunStyles.automatic) {
if (Input.GetButton ("Fire1")) {
ShootMethod ();
waitTillNextFire -= roundsPerSecond * Time.deltaTime;
[HideInInspector] public float recoilAmount_z = 0.5f;
[HideInInspector] public float recoilAmount_x = 0.5f;
[HideInInspector] public float recoilAmount_y = 0.5f;
[Header("Recoil Not Aiming")]
[Tooltip("Recoil amount on that AXIS while NOT aiming")]
public float recoilAmount_z_non = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("Recoil amount on that AXIS while NOT aiming")]
public float recoilAmount_x_non = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("Recoil amount on that AXIS while NOT aiming")]
public float recoilAmount_y_non = 0.5f;
[Header("Recoil Aiming")]
[Tooltip("Recoil amount on that AXIS while aiming")]
public float recoilAmount_z_ = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("Recoil amount on that AXIS while aiming")]
public float recoilAmount_x_ = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("Recoil amount on that AXIS while aiming")]
public float recoilAmount_y_ = 0.5f;
[HideInInspector]public float velocity_z_recoil,velocity_x_recoil,velocity_y_recoil;
[Tooltip("The time that takes weapon to get back on its original axis after recoil.(The smaller number the faster it gets back to original position)")]
public float recoilOverTime_z = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("The time that takes weapon to get back on its original axis after recoil.(The smaller number the faster it gets back to original position)")]
public float recoilOverTime_x = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("The time that takes weapon to get back on its original axis after recoil.(The smaller number the faster it gets back to original position)")]
public float recoilOverTime_y = 0.5f;
[Header("Gun Precision")]
[Tooltip("Gun rate precision when player is not aiming. THis is calculated with recoil.")]
public float gunPrecision_notAiming = 200.0f;
[Tooltip("Gun rate precision when player is aiming. THis is calculated with recoil.")]
public float gunPrecision_aiming = 100.0f;
[Tooltip("FOV of first camera when NOT aiming(ONLY SECOND CAMERA RENDERS WEAPONS")]
public float cameraZoomRatio_notAiming = 60;
[Tooltip("FOV of first camera when aiming(ONLY SECOND CAMERA RENDERS WEAPONS")]
public float cameraZoomRatio_aiming = 40;
[Tooltip("FOV of second camera when NOT aiming(ONLY SECOND CAMERA RENDERS WEAPONS")]
public float secondCameraZoomRatio_notAiming = 60;
[Tooltip("FOV of second camera when aiming(ONLY SECOND CAMERA RENDERS WEAPONS")]
public float secondCameraZoomRatio_aiming = 40;
public float gunPrecision;
[Tooltip("Audios for shootingSound, and reloading.")]
public AudioSource shoot_sound_source, reloadSound_source;
[Tooltip("Sound that plays after successful attack bullet hit.")]
public static AudioSource hitMarker;
* Sounds that is called upon hitting the target.
public static void HitMarkerSound(){
[Tooltip("Array of muzzel flashes, randmly one will appear after each bullet.")]
public GameObject[] muzzelFlash;
[Tooltip("Place on the gun where muzzel flash will appear.")]
public GameObject muzzelSpawn;
private GameObject holdFlash;
private GameObject holdSmoke;
* Called from Shooting();
* Creates bullets and muzzle flashes and calls for Recoil.
private void ShootMethod(){
if(waitTillNextFire <= 0 && !reloading && pmS.maxSpeed < 5){
if(bulletsInTheGun > 0){
int randomNumberForMuzzelFlash = Random.Range(0,5);
if (bullet)
Instantiate (bullet, bulletSpawnPlace.transform.position, bulletSpawnPlace.transform.rotation);
print ("Missing the bullet prefab");
holdFlash = Instantiate(muzzelFlash[randomNumberForMuzzelFlash], muzzelSpawn.transform.position /*- muzzelPosition*/, muzzelSpawn.transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(0,0,90) ) as GameObject;
holdFlash.transform.parent = muzzelSpawn.transform;
if (shoot_sound_source)
shoot_sound_source.Play ();
print ("Missing 'Shoot Sound Source'.");
waitTillNextFire = 1;
bulletsInTheGun -= 1;
// emptyClip_sound_source.Play();
* Reloading, setting the reloading to animator,
* Waiting for 2 seconds and then seeting the reloaded clip.
[Header("reload time after anima")]
[Tooltip("Time that passes after reloading. Depends on your reload animation length, because reloading can be interrupted via meele attack or running. So any action before this finishes will interrupt reloading.")]
public float reloadChangeBulletsTime;
IEnumerator Reload_Animation(){
if(bulletsIHave > 0 && bulletsInTheGun < amountOfBulletsPerLoad && !reloading/* && !aiming*/){
if (reloadSound_source.isPlaying == false && reloadSound_source != null) {
if (reloadSound_source)
reloadSound_source.Play ();
print ("'Reload Sound Source' missing.");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
yield return new WaitForSeconds (reloadChangeBulletsTime - 0.5f);//minus ovo vrijeme cekanja na yield
if (meeleAttack == false && pmS.maxSpeed != runningSpeed) {
//print ("tu sam");
if (player.GetComponent<PlayerMovementScript> ()._freakingZombiesSound)
player.GetComponent<PlayerMovementScript> ()._freakingZombiesSound.Play ();
print ("Missing Freaking Zombies Sound");
if (bulletsIHave - amountOfBulletsPerLoad >= 0) {
bulletsIHave -= amountOfBulletsPerLoad - bulletsInTheGun;
bulletsInTheGun = amountOfBulletsPerLoad;
} else if (bulletsIHave - amountOfBulletsPerLoad < 0) {
float valueForBoth = amountOfBulletsPerLoad - bulletsInTheGun;
if (bulletsIHave - valueForBoth < 0) {
bulletsInTheGun += bulletsIHave;
bulletsIHave = 0;
} else {
bulletsIHave -= valueForBoth;
bulletsInTheGun += valueForBoth;
} else {
reloadSound_source.Stop ();
print ("Reload interrupted via meele attack");
* Setting the number of bullets to the hud UI gameobject if there is one.
* And drawing CrossHair from here.
[Tooltip("HUD bullets to display bullet count on screen. Will be find under name 'HUD_bullets' in scene.")]
public TextMesh HUD_bullets;
void OnGUI(){
HUD_bullets = GameObject.Find("HUD_bullets").GetComponent<TextMesh>();
catch(System.Exception ex){
print("Couldnt find the HUD_Bullets ->" + ex.StackTrace.ToString());
if(mls && HUD_bullets)
HUD_bullets.text = bulletsIHave.ToString() + " - " + bulletsInTheGun.ToString();
[Header("Crosshair properties")]
public Texture horizontal_crosshair, vertical_crosshair;
public Vector2 top_pos_crosshair, bottom_pos_crosshair, left_pos_crosshair, right_pos_crosshair;
public Vector2 size_crosshair_vertical = new Vector2(1,1), size_crosshair_horizontal = new Vector2(1,1);
public Vector2 expandValues_crosshair;
private float fadeout_value = 1;
* Drawing the crossHair.
void DrawCrosshair(){
GUI.color = new Color(GUI.color.r, GUI.color.g, GUI.color.b, fadeout_value);
if(Input.GetAxis("Fire2") == 0){//if not aiming draw
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(vec2(left_pos_crosshair).x + position_x(-expandValues_crosshair.x) + Screen.width/2,Screen.height/2 + vec2(left_pos_crosshair).y, vec2(size_crosshair_horizontal).x, vec2(size_crosshair_horizontal).y), vertical_crosshair);//left
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(vec2(right_pos_crosshair).x + position_x(expandValues_crosshair.x) + Screen.width/2,Screen.height/2 + vec2(right_pos_crosshair).y, vec2(size_crosshair_horizontal).x, vec2(size_crosshair_horizontal).y), vertical_crosshair);//right
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(vec2(top_pos_crosshair).x + Screen.width/2,Screen.height/2 + vec2(top_pos_crosshair).y + position_y(-expandValues_crosshair.y), vec2(size_crosshair_vertical).x, vec2(size_crosshair_vertical).y ), horizontal_crosshair);//top
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(vec2(bottom_pos_crosshair).x + Screen.width/2,Screen.height/2 +vec2(bottom_pos_crosshair).y + position_y(expandValues_crosshair.y), vec2(size_crosshair_vertical).x, vec2(size_crosshair_vertical).y), horizontal_crosshair);//bottom
//##### RETURN THE SIZE AND POSITION for GUI images ##################
private float position_x(float var){
return Screen.width * var / 100;
private float position_y(float var)
return Screen.height * var / 100;
private float size_x(float var)
return Screen.width * var / 100;
private float size_y(float var)
return Screen.height * var / 100;
private Vector2 vec2(Vector2 _vec2){
return new Vector2(Screen.width * _vec2.x / 100, Screen.height * _vec2.y / 100);
public Animator handsAnimator;
* Fetching if any current animation is running.
* Setting the reload animation upon pressing R.
void Animations(){
reloading = handsAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName(reloadAnimationName);
handsAnimator.SetBool("aiming", Input.GetButton("Fire2"));
handsAnimator.SetInteger("maxSpeed", pmS.maxSpeed);
if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R) && pmS.maxSpeed < 5 && !reloading && !meeleAttack/* && !aiming*/){
[Header("Animation names")]
public string reloadAnimationName = "Player_Reload";
public string aimingAnimationName = "Player_AImpose";
public string meeleAnimationName = "Character_Malee";