2022-11-06 20:28:33 -05:00

107 lines
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion;
using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion.Parameters;
namespace NeoFPS.CharacterMotion.Conditions
[MotionGraphElement("Physics/Capsule Lookahead (Enhanced)")]
public class EnhancedCapsuleLookaheadCondition : MotionGraphCondition
[SerializeField, Tooltip("In which direction should the lookahead check")]
private LookaheadType m_Lookahead = LookaheadType.VelocityAllAxes;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("How far in the future to look ahead (does not take gravity/acceleration into account).")]
private float m_MultiplyValue = 1f;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The layers to check against.")]
private LayerMask m_LayerMask = (int)PhysicsFilter.Masks.CharacterBlockers;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Is the condition true if the cast hits something or if it doesn't.")]
private bool m_DoesHit = true;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The vector parameter to output the hit point to (optional).")]
private VectorParameter m_OutputPoint = null;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The vector parameter to output the hit normal to (optional).")]
private VectorParameter m_OutputNormal = null;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The transform parameter to output the hit transform to (optional).")]
private TransformParameter m_OutputTransform = null;
public override bool CheckCondition(MotionGraphConnectable connectable)
// Get the cast vector
Space space = Space.Self;
Vector3 castVector =;
switch (m_Lookahead)
case LookaheadType.VelocityAllAxes:
castVector = controller.characterController.velocity * m_MultiplyValue;
space = Space.World;
case LookaheadType.VelocityHorizontalPlane:
castVector = Quaternion.Inverse(controller.localTransform.rotation) * controller.characterController.velocity * m_MultiplyValue;
castVector.y = 0f;
case LookaheadType.VelocityVertical:
castVector = Quaternion.Inverse(controller.localTransform.rotation) * controller.characterController.velocity * m_MultiplyValue;
castVector.x = 0f;
castVector.z = 0f;
case LookaheadType.DirectionAllAxes:
castVector = controller.characterController.velocity.normalized * m_MultiplyValue;
space = Space.World;
case LookaheadType.DirectionHorizontalPlane:
castVector = Quaternion.Inverse(controller.localTransform.rotation) * controller.characterController.velocity;
castVector.y = 0f;
castVector = castVector.normalized * m_MultiplyValue;
case LookaheadType.DirectionVertical:
castVector = Quaternion.Inverse(controller.localTransform.rotation) * controller.characterController.velocity;
castVector.x = 0f;
castVector.z = 0f;
castVector = castVector.normalized * m_MultiplyValue;
case LookaheadType.InputDirection:
if (controller.inputMoveScale > 0.05f)
castVector = new Vector3(controller.inputMoveDirection.x, 0f, controller.inputMoveDirection.y);
castVector *= m_MultiplyValue;
// Quick check for valid cast vector
if (castVector.sqrMagnitude < 0.0001f)
if (m_OutputPoint != null)
m_OutputPoint.value =;
if (m_OutputNormal != null)
m_OutputNormal.value =;
if (m_OutputTransform != null)
m_OutputTransform.value = null;
return false;
// Perform the cast
RaycastHit hit;
bool didHit = controller.characterController.CapsuleCast(castVector, space, out hit, m_LayerMask);
// Output to paramters
if (m_OutputPoint != null)
m_OutputPoint.value = hit.point;
if (m_OutputNormal != null)
m_OutputNormal.value = hit.normal;
if (m_OutputTransform != null)
m_OutputTransform.value = hit.transform;
// return does hit
return didHit == m_DoesHit;
public override void CheckReferences(IMotionGraphMap map)
m_OutputPoint = map.Swap(m_OutputPoint);
m_OutputNormal = map.Swap(m_OutputNormal);
m_OutputTransform = map.Swap(m_OutputTransform);