293 lines
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293 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion.MotionData;
using NeoFPS.CharacterMotion.Parameters;
using NeoSaveGames.Serialization;
namespace NeoFPS.CharacterMotion.States
[MotionGraphElement("Dashes/Anim-Curve Dash", "Dash (Anim Curve)")]
public class AnimCurveDashState : MotionGraphState
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The target speed for the dash to reach. This will be layered on top of the control speed.")]
private FloatDataReference m_DashSpeed = new FloatDataReference(50f);
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The maximum speed the character can reach under motor control (driven by input). The dash velocity will be layered on top of this.")]
private FloatDataReference m_MaxControlSpeed = new FloatDataReference(5f);
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The multiplier applied to the max movement speed when strafing")]
private FloatDataReference m_StrafeMultiplier = new FloatDataReference(0.75f);
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The multiplier applied to the max movement speed when moving in reverse")]
private FloatDataReference m_ReverseMultiplier = new FloatDataReference(0.5f);
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The maximum acceleration")]
private FloatDataReference m_Acceleration = new FloatDataReference(50f);
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The direction to base the dash off. This can be **Yaw Relative** or **Move Relative**.")]
private DashDirection m_FrameOfReference = DashDirection.YawRelative;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The angle offset for the dash direction. For example, yaw relative and an angle of 90 will dash to the right. -90 will dash to the left.")]
private float m_DashAngle = 0f;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The amount of time it takes to reach the dash speed. At this point, the animation curve kicks in to ease out of the dash. A Dash In Time of 0 is instant.")]
private float m_DashInTime = 0.05f;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The amount of time it takes for the animation curve kicks to ease out of the dash.")]
private float m_DashOutTime = 0.5f;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The ease out curve for the dash velocity. This should start at 1. Dipping below zero will mean the dash is moving backwards.")]
private AnimationCurve m_DashOutCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe[]
new Keyframe(0f, 1f), new Keyframe(0.1f, 1f), new Keyframe(0.7f, -0.05f), new Keyframe(0.9f, 0.02f), new Keyframe(1f, 0f)
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Should the character fall with gravity during the dash")]
private bool m_ApplyGravity = true;
[SerializeField, Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("The amount of damping to apply to the controlled velocity when changing direction")]
private float m_ControlDamping = 0.25f;
private const float k_TinyValue = 0.001f;
public enum DashDirection
private Vector3 m_EntryVelocity = Vector3.zero;
private Vector3 m_DashHeading = Vector3.zero;
private Vector3 m_MoveAcceleration = Vector3.zero;
private Vector3 m_MoveVelocity = Vector3.zero;
private Vector3 m_DashVelocity = Vector3.zero;
private Vector3 m_CombinedVelocity = Vector3.zero;
private float m_LerpIn = 0f;
private float m_LerpOut = 0f;
private float m_PreviousMoveSpeed = 0f;
private bool m_Completed = false;
public override bool completed
get { return m_Completed; }
public override Vector3 moveVector
get { return m_CombinedVelocity * Time.deltaTime; }
public override bool applyGravity
get { return m_ApplyGravity; }
public override bool applyGroundingForce
get { return characterController.isGrounded; }
public override bool ignorePlatformMove
get { return false; }
public override void OnValidate()
var keys = m_DashOutCurve.keys;
if (keys.Length < 2)
var newKeys = new Keyframe[2];
if (keys.Length == 1)
newKeys[0] = keys[0];
newKeys[0] = new Keyframe(0f, 1f);
newKeys[1] = new Keyframe(1f, 0f);
m_DashOutCurve.keys = newKeys;
var k = keys[0];
k.time = 0f;
m_DashOutCurve.MoveKey(0, k);
k = keys[keys.Length - 1];
k.time = 1f;
m_DashOutCurve.MoveKey(keys.Length - 1, k);
m_DashInTime = Mathf.Clamp(m_DashInTime, 0f, 10f);
m_DashOutTime = Mathf.Clamp(m_DashOutTime, 0.05f, 10f);
public override void OnEnter()
m_LerpOut = 0f;
m_Completed = false;
m_DashVelocity = Vector3.zero;
m_EntryVelocity = characterController.velocity;
m_MoveAcceleration = Vector3.zero;
// Reset lerp in (skip if lerp takes less than 1 frame)
m_LerpIn = 0f;
// Get heading
m_DashHeading = Vector3.zero;
if (m_FrameOfReference == DashDirection.YawRelative)
m_DashHeading = characterController.forward;
m_DashHeading = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(characterController.velocity, characterController.up).normalized;
if (Mathf.Abs(m_DashAngle) > 0.1f)
m_DashHeading = Quaternion.AngleAxis(m_DashAngle, characterController.up) * m_DashHeading;
m_MoveVelocity = Vector3.Project(m_EntryVelocity, m_DashHeading);
m_PreviousMoveSpeed = m_MoveVelocity.magnitude; // Should this be entry velocity???
public override void OnExit()
m_Completed = false;
m_DashHeading = Vector3.zero;
m_DashVelocity = Vector3.zero;
m_MoveVelocity = Vector3.zero;
m_MoveAcceleration = Vector3.zero;
m_LerpOut = 0f;
public override void Initialise(IMotionController c)
m_DashOutCurve.preWrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
m_DashOutCurve.postWrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
float GetSlopeSpeed()
// Check if character is moving into a slope, and scale down speed if so
if (characterController.isGrounded && Vector3.Dot(characterController.groundNormal, m_DashHeading) < 0f)
return Vector3.Dot(characterController.groundNormal, characterController.up);
return 1f;
public override void Update()
//Sort dash velocity
if (m_LerpIn < 1f)
if (m_DashInTime < Time.fixedDeltaTime)
m_LerpIn = 1f;
m_LerpIn += Time.deltaTime / m_DashInTime;
if (m_LerpIn > 1f)
m_LerpIn = 1f;
m_DashVelocity = Vector3.Lerp(m_EntryVelocity, m_DashHeading * GetSlopeSpeed() * m_DashSpeed.value, EasingFunctions.EaseInQuadratic(m_LerpIn));
m_LerpOut += Time.deltaTime / m_DashOutTime;
if (m_LerpOut > 1f)
m_LerpOut = 1f;
m_Completed = true;
// Calculate speed based on move direction
float directionMultiplier = 1f;
if (controller.inputMoveDirection.y < 0f)
directionMultiplier *= Mathf.Lerp(1f, m_ReverseMultiplier.value, -controller.inputMoveDirection.y);
directionMultiplier *= Mathf.Lerp(1f, m_StrafeMultiplier.value, Mathf.Abs(controller.inputMoveDirection.x));
// Get the input based move direction
Vector3 direction = characterController.forward * controller.inputMoveDirection.y;
direction += characterController.right * controller.inputMoveDirection.x;
// Get the target speed based on the input & current speed in the desired direction
float inputSpeed = m_MaxControlSpeed.value * controller.inputMoveScale * directionMultiplier;
float alignedSpeed = Vector3.Dot(m_MoveVelocity, direction);
// Get the target vector
var targetVelocity = direction * Mathf.Max(inputSpeed, alignedSpeed);
// Change velocity
float hAcceleration = m_Acceleration.value;
if (hAcceleration < k_TinyValue)
// Don't use acceleration (instant)
m_MoveVelocity = targetVelocity;
// Get maximum acceleration
float maxAccel = hAcceleration * directionMultiplier;
// Accelerate the velocity
m_MoveVelocity = Vector3.SmoothDamp(m_MoveVelocity, targetVelocity, ref m_MoveAcceleration, Mathf.Lerp(0.05f, 0.25f, m_ControlDamping), maxAccel);
m_DashVelocity = Vector3.Lerp(m_DashHeading * GetSlopeSpeed() * m_DashSpeed.value, m_MoveVelocity, EasingFunctions.EaseInQuadratic(m_LerpOut));
// Get up velocity
var upVelocity = Vector3.Project(characterController.velocity, characterController.up);
// Scale based on dash speed change
var dashSpeed = m_DashVelocity.magnitude;
if (m_PreviousMoveSpeed > dashSpeed)
upVelocity *= dashSpeed / m_PreviousMoveSpeed;
m_PreviousMoveSpeed = dashSpeed;
// Combine vertical momentum with dash
m_CombinedVelocity = m_DashVelocity + upVelocity;
public override void CheckReferences(IMotionGraphMap map)
#region SAVE / LOAD
private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_HeadingKey = new NeoSerializationKey("heading");
private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_MoveAccelKey = new NeoSerializationKey("moveAccel");
private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_MoveVelKey = new NeoSerializationKey("moveVel");
private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_DashVelKey = new NeoSerializationKey("dashVel");
private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_LerpInKey = new NeoSerializationKey("lerpIn");
private static readonly NeoSerializationKey k_LerpOutKey = new NeoSerializationKey("lerpOut");
public override void WriteProperties(INeoSerializer writer)
writer.WriteValue(k_HeadingKey, m_DashHeading);
writer.WriteValue(k_MoveAccelKey, m_MoveAcceleration);
writer.WriteValue(k_MoveVelKey, m_MoveVelocity);
writer.WriteValue(k_DashVelKey, m_DashVelocity);
writer.WriteValue(k_LerpInKey, m_LerpIn);
writer.WriteValue(k_LerpOutKey, m_LerpOut);
public override void ReadProperties(INeoDeserializer reader)
reader.TryReadValue(k_HeadingKey, out m_DashHeading, m_DashHeading);
reader.TryReadValue(k_MoveAccelKey, out m_MoveAcceleration, m_MoveAcceleration);
reader.TryReadValue(k_MoveVelKey, out m_MoveVelocity, m_MoveVelocity);
reader.TryReadValue(k_DashVelKey, out m_DashVelocity, m_DashVelocity);
reader.TryReadValue(k_LerpInKey, out m_LerpIn, m_LerpIn);
reader.TryReadValue(k_LerpOutKey, out m_LerpOut, m_LerpOut);
} |