A collection of scripts that create API endpoints and a database for tracking Bitcoin Metrics
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0ceanSlim 85d1cb2f52 added python script for historical price logging in a database 2023-10-19 11:00:58 -04:00
.gitignore added python script for historical price logging in a database 2023-10-19 11:00:58 -04:00
README.md added python script for historical price logging in a database 2023-10-19 11:00:58 -04:00
logPrice.py python script logs BTC price in db with timestamp 2023-10-19 10:43:09 -04:00
price.php price api 2023-10-19 09:44:59 -04:00


Bitcoin Price Data Retrieval and Storage

This repository contains a pair of scripts to fetch and store Bitcoin price data. The Python script fetches data from a remote API and inserts it into an SQLite database, while the PHP script serves as the API to provide the current Bitcoin price.

Python Script


The Python script (logPrice.py) performs the following tasks:

  • Fetches the current Bitcoin price from a remote API (https://happytavern.co/bitcoin/api/price.php).
  • Creates an SQLite database (logPrice.db) and a table to store the price data along with timestamps.
  • Inserts the fetched price into the database with a timestamp.


  1. Install the required Python libraries if not already installed:
pip install requests sqlite3
  1. Run the Python script to start fetching and storing Bitcoin price data: (Realistically you would use cron in Linux or Task Sceduler in Windows to perform this automated interval)
python logPrice.py
  1. The script will update the price data in the SQLite database.

PHP Script


The PHP API script (price.php) serves as a simple endpoint for retrieving the current Bitcoin price.


Place the price.php script on your web server.

Access the API endpoint to fetch the current Bitcoin price:

curl https://your-server.com/path-to-api/price.php

The API will return a JSON response with the current Bitcoin price.

Example API Response

    "Price": "28,512.15"

This README provides an overview of the purpose and usage of the Python script for fetching and storing Bitcoin price data in an SQLite database, as well as the PHP API script for retrieving the current Bitcoin price. Users can follow the instructions to set up and use these scripts in their projects.