
27 KiB

1Skill NameMPMinimum LevelMinimum HPMinimum AttackMinimum DefenseMinimum AgilityMinimum IntelligenceNaturalCombineUpgradesDescription
2Ahhh1100600600MimeSlime, LipsySoft plushy and very pleasant.
3Antidote25000047Dracky, FloraMan, Pixy, WhaleMageCures one monster of poison.
4Aquacut31268720620LizardMan, Garudian, EvilArmor, CaptDead, DeadNobleInflicts severe damage on the water family.
5Aquawall5201000840202AquaHawk, RayGigas, RogueWaveBounce, TidalwaveCreates a barrier that blocks an attack.
6Bang54000047Metabble, Coatol, Gorago, ArcDemon, GoatHorn, Akubar, Titanis, BoneSlave, Balzak, Hargon, Baramos, Mirudraas, Orgodemir, DarckBoom, ExplodetSmall explosions strike enemies [all}
7Barrier3180000126KingSlime, MistyWing, AmberWeed, WeedBug, CloudKing, Aquarella, GenosidohReduces damage from breath attacks [all}
8Bazoocall20350000550WhipBird, DeadNoble, GoldGolem, Hargon, DeathMore1, KagebouSummons Bazoo to battle.
9Beastcut31262680620SlimeNite, Florajay, GiantWorm, MadKnight, CancerManInflicts severe damage on the beast family.
10Beat4160000137Metaly, Blizzardy, Devipine, Gophecada, Skulpent, Mudron, PomPomBom, Niterich, EvilPot, Mimic, DarkMateDefeatInstantly slays an enemy.
11Bedragon9230000162DrakSlime, Crestpent, DracoLordTransforms the user into a ferocious dragon.
12Berserker11498848400Gasgon, Spikerous, Orligon, Almiraj, Trumpeter, Titanis, AquadonA powerful attack that leaves the user vulnerable.
13Biattack319988801120Vampirus, Orochi, Grizzly, KingLeo, Rosevine, Skularach, Jamirus, BoneSlave, Skeletor, Roboster, Clawster, HoodSquid, Octogon, Pizzaro, EsturkQuadHitsA physical attack that strikes twice in succession.
14Bigbang3036196000612GoldSlime, Divinegon, GoldGolem, Zoma, PsychoPiz, DeathMore1, DeathMore, KagebouExplodet, WhiteFire, WhiteAirCreates an enormous explosion [all}
15Bigtrip31266630770Slabbit, Grizzly, MadCat, StagBug, SkulRider, GoopiSweeps the legs out from under all enemies.
16Birdblow31262680720MadGopher, Orc, Durran, WindMerge, SkeletorInflicts severe damage on the bird family.
17Bladed314988484840SlimeBorg, Swordgon, Rosevine, Bubblemon, Niterich, SeaHorseTwinSlash, StrongDProtects the user and enables retaliation.
18Blaze21000036BoxSlime, Metaly, ArrowDog, CatMage, FireWeed, Demonite, 1EyeClown, GateGuard, EvilWell, Jamirus, FoxFire, Servant, MadCandle, LavaMan, Mimic, MirudraasBlazeMore, BlazeMostAttacks an enemy with a fireball.
19Blazeair410700000BoxSlime, Metaly, ArrowDog, CatMage, FireWeed, Demonite, 1EyeClown, GateGuard, EvilWell, Jamirus, FoxFire, Servant, MadCandle, LavaMan, Mimic, MirudraasScorching, WhiteFireInflicts damage with a blast of fire [all}
20Blazemore4130000116BoxSlime, Metaly, ArrowDog, CatMage, FireWeed, Demonite, 1EyeClown, GateGuard, EvilWell, Jamirus, FoxFire, Servant, MadCandle, LavaMan, Mimic, MirudraasBlazeMostAttacks an enemy with a large fireball.
21Blazemost10280000263BoxSlime, Metaly, ArrowDog, CatMage, FireWeed, Demonite, 1EyeClown, GateGuard, EvilWell, Jamirus, FoxFire, Servant, MadCandle, LavaMan, Mimic, MirudraasA towering pillar of fire roasts an enemy.
22Blizzard12250000198Snaily, Metaly, WindBeast, Beavern, Yeti, BigEye, 1EyeClown, GoatHorn, Servant, IceMan, MerTigerA wicked blizzard howls through enemies [all}
23Bolt56000063MetalKing, FooHero, WhiteKing, Balzak, Angleron, Poseidon, LordDraco, Mirudraas, DarkdriumZap, ThordainLightning strikes enemies [all}
24Boltslash31177660076Coatol, LandOwl, ZapBird, HornBeet, ArcDemon, EvilArmor, RotRaven, BoneSlave, Roboster2, FishRider, CancerManLightning, ChargeUpA sword attack made stronger by lightning.
25Boom8140000123Metabble, Coatol, Gorago, ArcDemon, GoatHorn, Akubar, Titanis, BoneSlave, Balzak, Hargon, Baramos, Mirudraas, Orgodemir, DarckExplodetA succession of explosions strikes enemies [all}
26Bounce4200000141Tortragon, Gophecada, EyeBall, PutrePup, MadMirrorBounces back all enemy spells.
27Bugblow31268720620Picky, StubBird, WalrusManInflicts severe damage on the bug family.
28Callhelp41784006898SpotSlime, Snaily, FangSlime, MiniDrak, Vampirus, ArrowDog, Snapper, Gophecada, Butterfly, ArmyAnt, GoHopper, ArmyCrab, Mummy, CaptDead, Goopi, HoodSquid, PumpoiseYellHelpSummons friends who attack in droves.
29Chance20400000420GoldSlime, WonderEgg, Watabou, WhiteKing, KagebouThere is no telling what may happen.
30Chargeup0149808400PearlGel, FangSlime, Almiraj, Skullroo, Beavern, HammerMan, BullBird, Oniono, GoHopper, EvilWell, Gigantes, Golem, ProtoMech, DarckInflicts severe damage on the next turn.
31Cleancut31268720620SpotKing, Swordgon, EvilSeed, DarkEye, GateGuardInflicts severe damage on the material family.
32Cover2535030300IronTurt, BossTroll, Grendal, LavaMan, StoneMan, AxeSharkGuardianTakes all attacks meant for another monster.
33Curse31500082148KingCobra, DuckKite, KiteHawk, FaceTree, HerbMan, Butterfly, ReaperLays a curse on all enemies.
34Curseoff27000044AquaHawk, FloraMan, TreeBoy, DeadNite, WindMergeLifts a curse [all]
35Danceshut616100001200HerbManPrevents all enemies from dancing.
36Dechaos26000047FireWeed, DeadNite, EvilWand, CoilBirdClears confusion in all party monsters.
37Defeat7240000177Metaly, Blizzardy, Devipine, Gophecada, Skulpent, Mudron, PomPomBom, Niterich, EvilPot, Mimic, DarkMateInstantly slays enemies [all}
38Defense48000058TreeSlime, Drygon, LizardFly, Picky, MadPecker, MadPlant, MultiEyes, MedusaEye, Orc, PutrePup, Skeletor, Voodoll, Merman, AxeSharkLowers DEF of all enemy monsters.
39Demagic7200000252Warubou, Zoma, PsychoPiz, Mirudraas2, DeathMore3, Orgodemir2Surge, UltraDownLifts the effects of all spells on enemies [all}
40Devilcut312645806287Rayburn, Serpentia, HornBeet, Sickler, Reaper, SabreManInflicts severe damage on the devil family.
41Diagocall20250000250WhipBird, DeadNoble, GoldGolem, Hargon, DeathMore1, KagebouSamsiCall, BazooCallSummons Diago to battle.
42Dodge4181261081081080DragonKid, BigRoost, GiantSlug, Skulpent, Goopi, FishRider, Poseidon, PumpoiseDeflects any physical attack to another monster.
43Drakslash31262720620ManEater, Grendal, Durran, Clawster, OctoraidInflicts severe damage on the dragon family.
44Eagleeye010000062Skullroo, Mommonja, MadRaven, CragDevil, MimicDetermines the presence of items nearby.
45Eerielite21400084152Babble, Gorago, MistyWing, GhosTree, Hork, Reaper, DarkMateCurse, RadiantWeakens all enemies to magic spells.
46Errand210000062SnakeBat, Unicorn, WildApe, EmyuMakes the monster run an errand for 100G.
47Evilslash31510690000LizardMan, MadDragon, Coatol, BattleRex, HammerMan, Armorpion, Gigantes, Mummy, RogueNite, WalrusMan, OrgodemirA powerful but wildly aimed sword attack.
48Explodet15290000285Metabble, Coatol, Gorago, ArcDemon, GoatHorn, Akubar, Titanis, BoneSlave, Balzak, Hargon, Baramos, Mirudraas, Orgodemir, DarckHuge explosions blast enemies [all}
49FarewellALL320000317GranSlime, Gasgon, WingTree, Belzebub, Digster, BombCragSacrifice, ReviveRevives dead mates in exchange for own life [all}
50Fireair23210000DrakSlime, DragonKid, Dragon, LizardFly, Orochi, BattleRex, SkyDragon, GigaDraco, Phoenix, Shantak, StagBug, Demonite, MetalDrak, Gismo, LavaMan, Digong, DracoLord2, Sidoh, AsuraZoma, Pizzaro, Mirudraas2, Mudou, DeathMore2, Darkdrium, DimensaurBlazeAir, Scorching, WhiteFireInflicts damage with a breath of fire [all}
51Firebal43000042Slime, Metabble, Pteranod, LizardFly, Goategon, KingLeo, MadCondor, FloraMan, Eyeder, Belzebub, AgDevil, EvilBeast, 1EyeClown, Gremlin, FoxFire, JewelBag, RayGigas, Anemon, Gamanian, DracoLord, Hargon, DarckFirebane, FireBoltAttacks enemies with a blast of fire [all}
52Firebane610000094Slime, Metabble, Pteranod, LizardFly, Goategon, KingLeo, MadCondor, FloraMan, Eyeder, Belzebub, AgDevil, EvilBeast, 1EyeClown, Gremlin, FoxFire, JewelBag, RayGigas, Anemon, Gamanian, DracoLord, Hargon, DarckFireBoltAttacks enemies with a wall of fire [all}
53Firebolt10260000220Slime, Metabble, Pteranod, LizardFly, Goategon, KingLeo, MadCondor, FloraMan, Eyeder, Belzebub, AgDevil, EvilBeast, 1EyeClown, Gremlin, FoxFire, JewelBag, RayGigas, Anemon, Gamanian, DracoLord, Hargon, DarckA huge wall of fire incinerates enemies [all}
54Fireslash31177660098Dragon, Orochi, SkulRider, Grendal, Centasaur, EvilArmorBlazemore, ChargeUpA fiery sword attack.
55Focus0181260108108195GranSlime, HerbMan, Akubar, Servant, Poseidon, LordDraco, AsuraZoma, DeathMore3, OrgodemirChargeUp, SuckAir, MeditateEnables two moves in the next turn.
56Frigidair23210000GreatDrak, Divinegon, KingLeo, BigEye, Wyvern, Blizzardy, Demonite, EvilBeast, Akubar, Skullgon, Shadow, EvilWand, Gismo, IceMan, SeaHorse, Sidoh, Zoma, PsychoPiz, Mudou, DarkdriumIceAir, IceStorm, WhiteAir, IceStormInflicts damage with a breath of ice [all}
57Geyser2221401200120288Beavern, Aquarella, Octoreach, SeaHorse, WhaleMageRockThrow, HighJumpOpens a geyser to send an enemy flying.
58Gigaslash20332311980198608LizardMan, BeastNite, FooHero, WarMantis, MadKnight, Roboster2, Octoraid, AsuraZoma, EsterkFireSlash, VacuSlash, BoltSlash, IceSlashThe ultimate sword attack.
59Guardian41284072720IronTurt, BossTroll, Grendal, LavaMan, StoneMan, AxeSharkTakes all attacks meant for party monsters.
60Heal21000011SlimeNite, Healer, Unicorn, Wyvern, MadGoose, FooHero, Eyeder, Gremlin, LampGenie, DeadNite, RogueNite, OctokidHealMore, HealAllRestores HP by 30 - 40.
61Healall7160000144SlimeNite, Healer, Unicorn, Wyvern, MadGoose, FooHero, Eyeder, Gremlin, LampGenie, DeadNite, RogueNite, OctokidFully restores HP.
62Healmore510000087SlimeNite, Healer, Unicorn, Wyvern, MadGoose, FooHero, Eyeder, Gremlin, LampGenie, DeadNite, RogueNite, OctokidRestores HP by 75 - 90.
63Healus18200000216Healer, MadCondor, Shantak, Lionex, DeadNoble, LamiaHealUsAllRestores HP by 90 - 120 [all}
64Healusall36280000288Healer, MadCondor, Shantak, Lionex, DeadNoble, LamiaFully restores HP [all}
65Hellblast2534184000538MetalKing, ZapBird, Azurile, DarkMate, LordDraco, Sidoh, Baramos, Pizzaro, DeathMore1, DimensaurThordain, LightningStrikes all enemies with huge lightning.
66Highjump520757004880RockSlime, WingSnake, MadRaven, CactiBall, Gulpple, SpikyBoy, GrakosThe user leaps and attacks in the next turn.
67Hustle121811400130173SuperTen, Emyu, FunkyBird, TreeBoy, MudDoll, OctogonHealAll, SideStepA dance that restores HP by 70 - 80 [all}
68Iceair410700000GreatDrak, Divinegon, KingLeo, BigEye, Wyvern, Blizzardy, Demonite, EvilBeast, Akubar, Skullgon, Shadow, EvilWand, Gismo, IceMan, SeaHorse, Sidoh, Zoma, PsychoPiz, Mudou, DarkdriumIceStorm, WhiteAir, IceStormInflicts damage with a freezing breath [all}
69Icebolt35000054Snaily, Metaly, WindBeast, Beavern, Yeti, BigEye, 1EyeClown, GoatHorn, Servant, IceMan, MerTigerSnowStorm, BlizzardSmall chunks of ice hail down on enemies [all}
70Iceslash31177660076GreatDrak, Yeti, Blizzardy, TailEater, Bubblemon, SkullgonSnowStorm, ChargeUpA sword attack made stronger by the power of ice.
71Icestorm8201400000GreatDrak, Divinegon, KingLeo, BigEye, Wyvern, Blizzardy, Demonite, EvilBeast, Akubar, Skullgon, Shadow, EvilWand, Gismo, IceMan, SeaHorse, Sidoh, Zoma, PsychoPiz, Mudou, DarkdriumWhiteAir, IceStormInflicts damage by exhaling a blizzard [all}
72Imitate421147126126126227SpotSlime, SuperTen, Watabou, CopycatTransform, FocusImitates the enemy's moves.
73Increase36000044SlimeNite, BoxSlime, PearlGel, Healer, Saccer, Catapila, ArmorPede, ArmyCrab, CurseLamp, RushFish, Scallopa, StarfishRaises DEF of party monsters [all}
74Infermore4100000101Andreal, Vampirus, WindBeast, MadPecker, LandOwl, Garudian, CragDevil, Sickler, Lionex, GoatHorn, WindMerge, WhiteKing, Facer, CloudKingInfermostTwisters tear through enemies [all}
75Infermost8210000242Andreal, Vampirus, WindBeast, MadPecker, LandOwl, Garudian, CragDevil, Sickler, Lionex, GoatHorn, WindMerge, WhiteKing, Facer, CloudKingA huge tornado roars through enemies [all}
76Infernos22000038Andreal, Vampirus, WindBeast, MadPecker, LandOwl, Garudian, CragDevil, Sickler, Lionex, GoatHorn, WindMerge, WhiteKing, Facer, CloudKingInfermore, InfermostRazor sharp whirlwinds slash enemies [all}
77Informer010000062GranSlime, MadGopher, MistyWing, NiteWhipUse to obtain information on monsters.
78Ironize215000087MetalKing, WonderEgg, Tortragon, WhipBird, EvilBeast, DarkCrabChanges all party monsters into chunks of iron.
79K.O.Dance62014000120216KingCobra, SuperTen, DanceVegi, Shadow, LazamanusCurse, LureDanceA dance that induces death in all enemies.
80Kamikaze11812610810800Spikerous, HammerMan, ArmyAnt, RotRaven, RushFishChargeUp, RammingLeaves the user and target on the verge of death.
81Legsweep1632310480Slabbit, Grizzly, MadCat, StagBug, SkulRider, GoopiBigTripSweeps the leg out from under one enemy.
82LifedanceALL3021000180446FunkyBird, Lazamanus, PomPomBomSacrifice, HustleA sacrificial dance to revive dead friends.
83Lifesong202719800145292HaloSlime, Florajay, Azurile, Facer, Orgodemir2Revive, WarCryRevives all dead friends in the next turn.
84Lightning31065900520SlimeBorg, Tortragon, ZapBird, Skularach, RotRaven, NiteWhipSummons a lightning storm [all}
85Loverain28241160078263MimeSlime, BigEye, BrusheadMeditate, LifeSongSummons rain that restores HP.
86Luredance2148400980MadDragon, Mommonja, MadGoose, DanceVegi, GhosTree, Eggplaton, Puppetor, Octokid, HoodSquidA dance that makes all enemies want to join in.
87Lushlicks275500670SpotSlime, TropicGel, FairyDrak, Poisongon, SnakeBat, Tonguella, Antbear, Slurperon, GiantSlug, Lipsy, Hork, GamanianSickLickLicks one enemy to stop it for one turn.
88Magicback4160000112Tortragon, Gophecada, EyeBall, PutrePup, MadMirrorBounceBounces back a spell once.
89Magicwall3190000134IronTurt, KiteHawk, AmberWeed, WeedBug, DarkCrab, ScallopaRaises protection against magic spells [all}
90Mapmagic210000062BeanMan, Eyeder, EvilWandChecks the surrounding area'S terrain.
91Massacre31284720720MadDragon, GigaDraco, GulpBeast, Gorago, Ogre, BossTroll, MadKnight, MetalDrak, EvilPot, WalrusMan, DracoLord2Inflicts severe damage on one friend or foe.
92Meditate82618201560281Divinegon, Azurile, Golem, DracoLordStrongD, GuardianMeditates to restore HP by 500.
93MegamagicALL380000794Slime, RainHawk, Orgodemir2, DimensaurBlazemost, Firebolt, Explodet, Infermost, BlizzardThe ultimate attack spell.
94Metalcut31268720620BattleRex, Antbear, Dumbira, ArmyCrab, Ogre, RogueNite, Roboster2, ClawsterInflicts damage on a high DEF enemy.
95Mouthshut61712010001400SpotKing, Mommonja, ArrowDog, Toadstool, Pyuro, Spooky, RayGigasPrevents all enemies from using breath attacks.
96Mpass201000011KingSlime, TropicGel, TreeBoy, Warubou, Eggplaton, Mudron, Octokid, Octogon, LamiaMPassmore, MPassmostGives 15MP to a party monster.
97Mpassmore4010000087KingSlime, TropicGel, TreeBoy, Warubou, Eggplaton, Mudron, Octokid, Octogon, LamiaMPassmostGives 30MP to a party monster.
98Mpassmost100160000144KingSlime, TropicGel, TreeBoy, Warubou, Eggplaton, Mudron, Octokid, Octogon, LamiaGives 80MP to a party monster.
99Multicut20281541680168572SkyDragon, MadCondor, Balzak, GenosidohVacuum, ZombieCutA crosscutting sword attack [all}
100Napattack2749420076SpotKing, Tonguella, Gulpple, Toadstool, ArmyAnt, GamanianA physical attack that may put the target to sleep.
101Numboff28000047Snaily, MadPlant, CoilBirdCures paralysis and sleep [all}
102Odddance01054006389CatFly, CactiBall, Slurperon, FaceTree, Eggplaton, GiantWorm, Copycat, Puppetor, Brushead, MudDoll, Octoreach, StarfishRobDanceA dance that reduces an enemy's MP.
103Outside210000062EyeBall, Spooky, FoxFire, MadMirror, EvilPotInstantly warps the party out from caves and towers.
104Palsyair416112000173Chamelgon, Saccer, FireWeed, MultiEyes, DarkEyeSleepAir, PoisonAirA breath that paralyzes all enemies.
105Panicall512000089MimeSlime, Chamelgon, DuckKite, CragDevil, JewelBag, Voodoll, PutreFishConfuses all enemies.
106Panidance413740078141Skullroo, FunkyBird, Exaucers, OctoreachA dance that confuses all enemies.
107Paralyze3963540098TreeSlime, Chamelgon, CactiBall, EvilSeed, GiantMoth, MadHornet, Mummy, SabreMan, AnemonPoisonHit, NapAttackA physical attack that may paralyze the target.
108Pheromone04000044Warubou, Lipsy, PuppetorAttracts enemy monsters of the opposite gender.
109Poisonair41498000152Poisongon, Andreal, WingSnake, Devipine, TailEater, Skularach, Hork, Inverzon, Moray, Anemon, RogueWave, Digong, MudouA breath that badly poisons all enemies.
110Poisongas396300098Poisongon, Andreal, WingSnake, Devipine, TailEater, Skularach, Hork, Inverzon, Moray, Anemon, RogueWave, Digong, MudouPoisonAirA breath that poisons all enemies.
111Poisonhit2535500090Babble, Poisongon, Rayburn, KingCobra, Crestpent, Catapila, MadHornet, Skulpent, StarfishA physical attack that may poison the target.
112Psycheup31274826800Saccer, DarkHorn, ManEater, Ogre, MadCandle, Golem, Moray, KingSquidInflicts severe damage at the end of the turn.
113Quadhits62412411201360Vampirus, Orochi, Grizzly, KingLeo, Rosevine, Skularach, Jamirus, BoneSlave, Skeletor, Roboster, Clawster, HoodSquid, Octogon, Pizzaro, EsturkA physical attack that strikes four times.
114Radiant21200072130PearlGel, Slime, EvilSeed, TailEater, GiantMoth, DarkEye, Spooky, MadSpirit, ScallopaA blast of light blinds all the enemies.
115Rainslash51592900960SlimeBorg, Swordgon, Serpentia, BeastNite, Dumbira, StubBird, Snapper, Armorpion, SkulRider, Centasaur, Roboster, FishRider, CancerMan, AxeShark, KingSquid, EsterkSquallHit, BiAttackA sword attack that hits all enemies.
116Ramming1127000700BoxSlime, RockSlime, Drygon, MiniDrak, PillowRat, GulpBeast, BullBird, Belzebub, BossTroll, ProtoMech, Petiteel, PutreFish, Digong, DeathMore2A fullbody tackle that also hurts the user.
117Revive20270000274KingSlime, Unicorn, Egdracil, Orc, Mudron, Merman, KingSquid, LamiaRevives a dead monster.
118Robdance012680085110CatFly, CactiBall, Slurperon, FaceTree, Eggplaton, GiantWorm, Copycat, Puppetor, Brushead, MudDoll, Octoreach, StarfishA dance that steals an enemy's MP.
119Robmagic07000051Dracky, Oniono, BeanMan, GhosTree, WeedBug, GoHopper, SabreMan, AquadonSteals MP from an enemy.
120Rockthrow516124102000SnakeBat, Spikerous, GigaDraco, HornBeet, BombCrag, BaramosHurls giant boulders at enemies [all}
121Sacrifice12800140078Metabble, WonderEgg, Gasgon, AgDevil, Facer, SpikyBoy, BombCragThe user explodes to inflict damage on all enemies.
122Samsicall20300000400WhipBird, DeadNoble, GoldGolem, Hargon, DeathMore1, KagebouBazooCallSummons Samsi to battle.
123Sandstorm2107000700MiniDrak, Trumpeter, BigRoost, MetalDrak, Brushead, RushFish, GrakosObscures the visibility of all enemies.
124Sap34000027TreeSlime, Drygon, LizardFly, Picky, MadPecker, MadPlant, MultiEyes, MedusaEye, Orc, PutrePup, Skeletor, Voodoll, Merman, AxeSharkDefenseLowers DEF of one enemy.
125Scorching8201400000DrakSlime, DragonKid, Dragon, LizardFly, Orochi, BattleRex, SkyDragon, GigaDraco, Phoenix, Shantak, StagBug, Demonite, MetalDrak, Gismo, LavaMan, Digong, DracoLord2, Sidoh, AsuraZoma, Pizzaro, Mirudraas2, Mudou, DeathMore2, Darkdrium, DimensaurWhiteFireInflicts damage with a huge blast of fire [all}
126Sealpray153587000794HaloSlime, PixyStopSpell, DanceShut, MouthShutSeals a skill used by the enemy.
127Shears31268620720BullBird, Droll, WarMantis, MedusaEyeInflicts severe damage on the plant family.
128Sicklick4138100940SpotSlime, TropicGel, FairyDrak, Poisongon, SnakeBat, Tonguella, Antbear, Slurperon, GiantSlug, Lipsy, Hork, GamanianLicks one enemy to reduce its DEF.
129Sidestep196300540Slabbit, PillowRat, WildApe, LandOwl, DanceVegi, Inverzon, MudDollA quickfooted skill for dodging attacks.
130Sleep34000029HaloSlime, Almiraj, BeastNite, DarkHorn, Wyvern, DuckKite, Dracky, Slurperon, Stubsuck, StagBug, LampGenie, Moray, MerTigerSleepAllMakes a single enemy sleep.
131Sleepair31070000108TreeSlime, TropicGel, DragonKid, FairyDrak, Tonguella, NoctoKing, Goategon, Gulpple, Toadstool, Oniono, Devipine, ManEater, Egdracil, AgDevil, MadSpirit, Merman, AngleronA breath that induces sleep in all enemies.
132Sleepall511000083HaloSlime, Almiraj, BeastNite, DarkHorn, Wyvern, DuckKite, Dracky, Slurperon, Stubsuck, StagBug, LampGenie, Moray, MerTigerMakes all enemies sleep.
133Slimeblow31262680720Serpentia, FairyRat, Gigantes, SpikyBoy, ProtoMechInflicts severe damage on the slime family.
134Slow33000026CatFly, PillowRat, FairyRat, Goategon, MadPlant, Droll, PutrePupSlowAllLowers AGL of one enemy.
135Slowall47000051CatFly, PillowRat, FairyRat, Goategon, MadPlant, Droll, PutrePupLowers AGL of all enemy monsters.
136Snowstorm5120000108Snaily, Metaly, WindBeast, Beavern, Yeti, BigEye, 1EyeClown, GoatHorn, Servant, IceMan, MerTigerBlizzardEnemies are flash frozen [all}
137Speed21000015Florajay, Pyuro, CurseLamp, PetiteelSpeedUpRaises AGL of one monster.
138Speedup35000036Florajay, Pyuro, CurseLamp, PetiteelRaises AGL of party monsters [all}
139Squallhit21272680820WingSlime, WingSnake, Antbear, Grizzly, MadCat, AquaHawk, Phoenix, Sickler, ChopClown, CaptDead, Roboster, Aquarella, OctoraidSpeedUp, ChargeUpA physical attack that hits first.
140Stepguard210000062WingTree, Stubsuck, GiantWorm, Droll, DarkCrabProtects the party from injurious terrain.
141Stopspell39000069Crestpent, CatFly, DarkHorn, FaceTree, Snapper, Gremlin, Centasaur, JewelBagPrevents spell casting by all enemies.
142Stormwind101914001261400WingSlime, Pteranod, MadRaven, KiteHawk, Phoenix, MadHornet, Jamirus, LampGenieBounces back all breath attacks to all enemies.
143Strongd3149808400RockSlime, Orligon, IronTurt, RainHawk, Digster, IceMan, StoneManStrongly protects the user against all attacks.
144Suckair017119010200DrakSlime, SkyDragon, Gismo, Pumpoise, Mirudraas2Holds in a breath to inflict severe damage next turn
145Suckall2139107800Dragon, GreatDrak, Shantak, Egdracil, Digster, CoilBird, StoneManInhales all breath attacks meant for the party.
146Surge7230000306GoldSlime, RainHawk, GoldGolem, CloudKing, DracoLord2Antidote, DeChaos, NumbOff, CurseOffEliminates all status problems among friends.
147Surround310000074Babble, FairyDrak, Andreal, NoctoKing, FairyRat, CatMage, Picky, Butterfly, MedusaEye, Inverzon, Voodoll, AngleronSurrounds all enemies in a mirage.
148Tailwind61175084700WingSlime, Pteranod, MadRaven, KiteHawk, Phoenix, MadHornet, Jamirus, LampGenieStormWindBounces back a breath attack to an enemy.
149Takemagic213000094Lazamanus, ExaucersAbsorbs the MP of a spell cast against the user.
150Tatsucall20200000100WhipBird, DeadNoble, GoldGolem, Hargon, DeathMore1, KagebouDiagoCall, SamsiCall, BazooCallSummons Tatsu to battle.
151Thickfog8220000288NoctoKing, WhipBird, Catapila, GateGuard, Shadow, MadSpirit, PomPomBom, NiterichCreates a fog that prevents the use of all spells.
152Thordain15300000306MetalKing, FooHero, WhiteKing, Balzak, Angleron, Poseidon, LordDraco, Mirudraas, DarkdriumHuge shards of lightning rip enemies [all}
153Tidalwave151911211401320Bubblemon, PutreFish, RogueWave, WhaleMageSummons a towering wall of water [all}
154Transform5210000159CatMage, Copycat, MadMirrorTransforms the user into a chosen enemy.
155Twinhits6170000119Orligon, StubBird, AmberWeed, BeanMan, ArmorPede, MultiEyes, Pixy, ChopClown, CurseLamp, Petiteel, GrakosDoubles the ATK of one monster.
156Twinslash288080000WildApe, Dumbira, ArmorPede, SkullgonInflicts severe damage but also hurts the user.
157Ultradown7210000270Rosevine, Titanis, DeathMore2Defense, SlowAll, SurroundGreatly weakens an enemy.
158Upper22000022SlimeNite, BoxSlime, PearlGel, Healer, Saccer, Catapila, ArmorPede, ArmyCrab, CurseLamp, RushFish, Scallopa, StarfishIncreaseRaises DEF of one monster.
159Vacuslash31177660076Rayburn, WindBeast, MadCat, MadPecker, BigRoost, WarMantis, ArcDemon, Lionex, ChopClownWindBeast, ChargeUpA sword attack enhanced by whirlwinds.
160Vacuum61911211401320WingSlime, Pteranod, MadGoose, Emyu, Garudian, Pyuro, GiantMoth, Durran, NiteWhip, Exaucers, Aquadon, GenosidohCreates a tornado with vicious winds [all}
161Vivify1014000098KingSlime, Unicorn, Egdracil, Orc, Mudron, Merman, KingSquid, LamiaReviveMay revive a dead monster.
162Warcry3141200000FangSlime, Drygon, GulpBeast, Yeti, Trumpeter, EyeBall, EvilWell, MerTigerA terrifying cry that stops all enemies.
163Watershot51374600840Bubblemon, PutreFish, RogueWave, WhaleMageTidalwaveShoots a high volume of water at an enemy.
164Whistle04000044Slabbit, Watabou, GiantSlug, MadCandleAttracts enemy monsters.
165Whiteair16202100000GreatDrak, Divinegon, KingLeo, BigEye, Wyvern, Blizzardy, Demonite, EvilBeast, Akubar, Skullgon, Shadow, EvilWand, Gismo, IceMan, SeaHorse, Sidoh, Zoma, PsychoPiz, Mudou, DarkdriumLooses a white shining breath of ice [all}
166Whitefire16202100000BoxSlime, Metaly, ArrowDog, CatMage, FireWeed, Demonite, 1EyeClown, GateGuard, EvilWell, Jamirus, FoxFire, Servant, MadCandle, LavaMan, Mimic, MirudraasInflicts damage with incredible fire [all}
167Windbeast31374600840WingSlime, Pteranod, MadGoose, Emyu, Garudian, Pyuro, GiantMoth, Durran, NiteWhip, Exaucers, Aquadon, GenosidohVacuumSlashes a single monster with sharp whirlwinds.
168Yellhelp8231280082134SpotSlime, Snaily, FangSlime, MiniDrak, Vampirus, ArrowDog, Snapper, Gophecada, Butterfly, ArmyAnt, GoHopper, ArmyCrab, Mummy, CaptDead, Goopi, HoodSquid, PumpoiseSummons a mass of friends that attack in droves.
169Zap10150000130MetalKing, FooHero, WhiteKing, Balzak, Angleron, Poseidon, LordDraco, Mirudraas, DarkdriumThordainPowerful bolts of lightning lash enemies [all}
170Zombiecut312645806287MadGopher, WingTree, Stubsuck, ArmorpionInflicts severe damage on the zombie family.